Sugar, salt, fat

chapter 2 - human trial

James slipped out a large vial of R384 when he left that evening. He wanted to try it on Megan, but it was a few days before he had the opportunity. Megan was on another one of her diets and was watching what she ate. She had lost a few pounds, and was down to 153, not fat by any means, but not that small either for a woman that stood 5'4.

The opportunity presented itself the following Saturday, Megan's 27th birthday. John got up that morning to bake her a birthday cake, her favorite, German Chocolate. The good thing about using a cake for R384 was it was her birthday, so diet or not, she would have a slice, and as a Type 1 Diabetic, Megan would not expect John to have any.

As he made the cake, James deliberated, should he put it in the cake or the icing, in the end he decided on both. That evening, to celebrate her birthday he made them a nice dinner of pork loin, roasted sweet potatoes and asparagus. A reasonably healthy meal, that would be safe for him to eat as long as he watched his insulin levels and would leave room for Megan to have dessert.

They had dinner, Megan a glass of red wine with her dinner, and James cleared their dinner plates from the table. I pulled the cake out, lit some candles on it, and walked back into the dining room singing Happy Birthday.

Megan smiled when she saw the cake and said, "My favorite, but I am dieting, you shouldn't have."

"It's your birthday. It's ok to cheat a little on your birthday. Now make a wish.", James replied, setting the cake before her.

Megan paused for a second, thinking of a wish, and then blew the candles out.

"Just a small slice OK.", she said, as James pulled the candles out and prepared to cut her a slice.

"OK.", James said and cut her an inch-thick slice, placing it on a small dessert plate.

"Thank you, I wish you could try it too.", Megan said.

"It's OK, I enjoyed making it for you.", James replied.

Megan took a bite.

"It's really good James, maybe the best one you have made yet.", Megan said as she swallowed the first forkful.

That is a good sign, James thought to himself and watched her eat another bite, then another.

She finished the slice, but disappointingly for James, she didn't ask for another serving. Maybe I didn't use enough R384 he thought, or maybe it doesn't work on human subjects, he thought to himself. He had been hoping she would attack the cake like the lab mice attacked their food.

Feeling almost dejected, he cleared the table and started doing the dishes while Megan took a bath. He just kept asking himself what went wrong. Why didn't she crave it like their lab mice and lab rats did? It was quite the letdown for him.

A few minutes later Megan came back in the kitchen, a towel wrapped around her, and dripping with water.

"Where is the cake?", she asked.

"It's in the refrigerator.", he replied.

Megan pushed past him to the silverware drawer, grabbing herself a fork. She turned and pulled the cake out of the refrigerator and sat it down on the counter. Not even bothering to cut herself a slice, she just started eating the cake forkful by forkful.

Between mouthfuls of cake:

"What is in this?"

"It's so good. It's the best thing I have ever had."

"God this is so, so good..."

Megan did not even notice that her towel had dropped from her as she ate. She just stood there hyper focused on the cake she was eating, water dripping off her naked body onto the floor, the towel laying at her feet.

James watched in astonishment. The reaction was even stronger with her than it was with the lab animals.

She ate a little more than half of it before she finally could hold no more.

"I wish I could eat more, but I am so, so full."

She put the lid back on the cake plate and put it back in the refrigerator.

Then she turned to James, like a predator defending it's kill. "That is my cake. Don't touch it."

The next morning, she finished it off.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Nok 4 years
Fucking brilliant
FitLoveBBW 5 years
Actually, Weight Watchers was founded in 1963.
Jenemc 5 years
Weight watchers didn't exist back then lol
Karenjenk 5 years
this one too hits all my buttons... wow.
love how the gaining is out of her control.