Sugar, salt, fat

chapter 4 - salty and savory is good too

Megan practically demanded a cake a day. Well, it was actually the R384 that she really wanted, the cake was just the vehicle for it. So far, James had varied the kind of cake he made for her, always laced with plenty of R384, but had never made anything else for her.

He wanted to see if it has the same effect with more savory foods. Thus, today before he left the lab, he made her 2 cheeseburgers with R384 in the meat, and a very, very large helping of tater tots with r384 in the potatoes. He filled a brown sack with the tater tots and brought it all the Megan that evening when he got out of work.

"Where is the cake I wanted?", she asked accusingly.

"I brought you something different this time.", James replied.

"You didn't bring me the cake!", she frantically replied.

"Just try it.", he said, and sat the two cheeseburgers and tater tots in front of her. Megan took a bite of the burger, then another, and another. Soon she was eating the tater tots by the handfuls as well.

Just to gauge her reaction, James asked, "Can I have one?"

She looked up at him like she was a lion defending her fallen prey. "No, it's mine."

While she finished the burgers and tater tots, James went into the kitchen, pulled out the blender and proceeded to make her a large milkshake. As he blended it, he put a generous dose of R384 in it.

He returned to the dining room with the shake just as Megan was finishing the last bite of her cheeseburger, having already finished off the tater tots.

She saw him carrying the milkshake and said, "I can't James, I am really full. I don't know why I keep eating so much."

"It's OK, just try a sip.", James said, and held the shake out for her.

"OK, just a little sip though.", Megan said, and leaned over to take a small sip from the straw.

As soon as she tasted it, she tried to grab the shake from him. James held it tight, not letting her take it from him.

"You said it's for me.", Megan said, pulling at it.

"What will you do for it?", James asked.

"Give it to me!", Megan said.

"Take your clothes off and I will give it to you.", James said.

Megan stared at him a moment and then did as he asked, dropping her clothes to the floor.

James handed her the shake and watched her as she drank it. Seeing her naked, it was obvious she was starting to gain weight. She was a bit softer all over.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Nok 4 years
Fucking brilliant
FitLoveBBW 5 years
Actually, Weight Watchers was founded in 1963.
Jenemc 5 years
Weight watchers didn't exist back then lol
Karenjenk 5 years
this one too hits all my buttons... wow.
love how the gaining is out of her control.