Sugar, salt, fat

chapter 5 - what is in this?

"What is in the food you bring me?", Megan asked, raising her voice.

"It's just food.", James replied.

"You are lying. I can't stop eating what you bring me. I crave it. I even fucking dream about it, but food I get for myself doesn't do that to me.", Megan said accusingly.

"It is just food.", James argued.

"James. I have gained 15 pounds in a month. It's not just food. There is something in it. You work at a food additives lab. What is in it?", Megan argued.

"There is nothing in it, it is just food.", James argued, lying of course.

"Fine. If you won't tell me what is in it, I will take it and have it tested by your boss then.", Megan said.

This caught James off guard, and he took a moment to respond.

Finally, he replied, "You know if you do that, I won't ever be able to bring you more food again. You know that don't you."

Megan started to respond, then stopped just before she got the words out.

James looked at her, looking right in her eyes as he said, "I know you want me to continue to bring you desserts and savory treats, don't you? You love it don't you? Maybe you are upset because you want more. You want me to bring you even more than I have been, don't you?"

Megan replied almost in a whisper, "yes".

"You are going to be a good girl and eat all I bring you, aren't you?"

Megan again almost in a whisper, "yes".

"That is good because I brought you a whole big box of brownies to eat and I know you will like them.", James said.

Megan's mouth began to water just at the thought of it. "I want them.", she responded.

"OK, they are all yours. You are going to eat every one of them aren't you?"

"Yes, all of them.", Megan replied.

"That is good.", James said, and pulled a large box of brownies out of his bag. They were heavy with sugar and fat, and of course, a big dose of r384.

He sat the box of brownies on the counter in front of Megan and she instantly began to greedily eat them.

James watched her intently, imagining how big she would get if she continued to eat like this.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Nok 4 years
Fucking brilliant
FitLoveBBW 5 years
Actually, Weight Watchers was founded in 1963.
Jenemc 5 years
Weight watchers didn't exist back then lol
Karenjenk 5 years
this one too hits all my buttons... wow.
love how the gaining is out of her control.