Sugar, salt, fat

chapter 6 - caught

6 months later.

"A lot of R384 is missing from inventory.", Dan whispered to James when he arrived in the lab that morning.

Caught off guard with this, James replied, "I am sure it's just a clerical error or something."

Dan pulled James into a side room.

"I know it's not a clerical error. James, I saw Megan yesterday evening, she must have gained at least 70 pounds. You are giving it to her, aren't you?", Dan said, accusingly.

"Dan, she is just gaining..."

Dan cut him off, "Don't lie to me. We are friends James, so don't lie to me."

James took a breath before responding. "OK, yes, I have."

"James, we don't even know if it's safe.", Dan replied to this.

"I pulled some labs on her. It's relatively safe. All it's done is lower her metabolic rate. Mostly she just craves it. It's like an addiction for her. Megan will stuff herself with any food it's in.", James, trying to reassure him.

"Do you know how much she has gained?", Dan asked.

"77 pounds as of 3 days ago.", James replied.

"77 pounds in just 6 months. That exceeds all of our estimates.", Dan was amazed at this.

"Undoubtedly.", James replied.

"Jennifer, the receptionist. You know the cute, but chubby girl that is constantly on a diet. I want to try it on her.", Dan said.

"Wait, wait, do you think that is wise? I mean she works here. What if she says something?", James said.

"We have had people that work here try different food products before. She won't think anything of it. Besides, let me show you something."

Dan pulled some lab data out of folder and handed it to James. James stood flipping through it.

"You modified R384?", he asked.

"Yes, I think I have isolated what makes it so addictive and increased the concentration. I have also been able to increase it's endocrine disruptive effects, thus lowering basal metabolic rate even further.", Dan replied.

An hour later Dan called Jennifer and asked her to come back to the test kitchen. A few minutes later there was a knock and she came in.

"Hi Dan, what is up.", Jennifer asked.

"I want you to try something. We developed an ice cream additive that should make it taste richer and creamier. Can I get you to try just a bite of it to let me know what you think?", Dan asked.

"OK, but just a bite. I am doing Weight Watchers right now.", Jennifer replied.

Dan pulled the half gallon of rocky road ice cream out of the freezer that he had blended his new R384 into. He put a small scoop in a dish and handed it to Jennifer with a spoon.

"Let me know what you think.", Dan said.

Jennifer took a small bite.

"It's very good, but...", she paused mid-sentence.

She took another bite and then another, soon finishing the small portion he gave her.

"Would you like some more?", Dan asked.

"Yes.", Jennifer replied.

"Do you want another dish of ice cream, or do you want me to just give you the whole half gallon?", Dan asked.

Jennifer snatched the half gallon from him and said, "I want this", and started eating it.

By the time she finished, her stomach was visibly bulging under her dress.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Nok 4 years
Fucking brilliant
FitLoveBBW 5 years
Actually, Weight Watchers was founded in 1963.
Jenemc 5 years
Weight watchers didn't exist back then lol
Karenjenk 5 years
this one too hits all my buttons... wow.
love how the gaining is out of her control.