Sugar, salt, fat

chapter 7 - we could make money with this

When James walked past Jennifer's desk the next morning, she was eating from a can of cake frosting, spoonful after spoonful.

Jennifer gained weight even faster than Megan did, and within a few weeks had obviously gained 30 pounds or more and was quickly becoming a greedy pig.

Megan was up to 247 pounds. Her breasts were big, soft and fat. Her ass was big and dimpled. Her thighs fat and thick, and her hips and belly were so fat that they formed a spare tire that started at her hips, and formed a belly hang that hung over the front of her panties.

James could not have been more pleased with the results. When he would get in from the lab, he would walk up to her, kiss her in a greeting, and grab a handful of her belly fat as he handed her a bag of whatever treats he brought her. One of his favorite things to do was to lotion her body when she got out of the shower, running his hands all over her soft parts.

A few more months went by, Jennifer rapidly gaining weight and Megan steadily gaining, when one morning James was called into the CEO's office. James had never even spoken to the CEO, having only seen him when he spoke at all company meetings. He could not imagine what the CEO wanted with him. He took the elevator up to the executive level and was shown back by the CEO's assistant. When he walked into the CEO's office, Dan was already there sitting across his desk from him. At the site of this, James was white with fear, worried that they were caught.

"Please James, sit down.", the CEO said.

"Yes sir.", James replied and nervously sat down in a chair beside Dan.

"Look James, I am going to get right to the point with you and Dan. I know what you developed with this R384 and I know that you have tried it on your girlfriend and Jennifer.", the CEO said.

James was certain security would come in at any moment and he would be arrested. He tried to think of something to say. A few seconds later the CEO continued.

"While we certainly don't condone our employees experimenting on their girlfriend and coworkers like you to have, you have obviously developed an additive that could be very, very lucrative to us and to companies making and selling food products."

"Yes sir.", James replied.

"Obviously, you would need to weaken its effects before we started using it commercially.", the CEO continued.

"Yes, of course.", Dan quickly replied.
"However, we have been trying to find a way to make processed foods more addictive, and it looks like you have. I could see this being used in fast food, snack cakes...", he paused thinking for a moment. "Perhaps even foods that outwardly appear healthy like a low-fat line of foods. The possibilities are near endless."

"Yes sir.", James replied again.

The CEO continued, "The point is what we want is mindless eating."

Dan replied, "You do understand that this could result in a significant increase in the obesity rate over time."

The CEO replied, "Of course, but that's not our problem."

The End.
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Nok 4 years
Fucking brilliant
FitLoveBBW 5 years
Actually, Weight Watchers was founded in 1963.
Jenemc 5 years
Weight watchers didn't exist back then lol
Karenjenk 5 years
this one too hits all my buttons... wow.
love how the gaining is out of her control.