
chapter 5

My Perspective

So today it was announced that we would be getting a new math teacher. Good. Nobody like the old one, Mrs. Griffith. She was always going on about how important the subject was and gave us loads of homework. I used to be great in math, but ever since I've had her my motivation just sunk to the minimum.

Naturally, everyone was excited to see who the new one would be, but as they were mostly afraid to have another bad one, I was secretly excited about the possibility of getting a cute guy. You see, I was into older guys, something I haven't told anyone about. (Except for here and "my friends dad" where I'm the main character of course) But I knew it was dumb to hope for some kind of hot bear daddy to walk through the doors and start educating us.

That did not stop me from looking at the door every few seconds in case someone came in. The door finally opened, and I was just about to check out the new teacher, but it was just Tom, late as always.

He came up to me and sat down next to me. "Hey, where's the new teacher?"

"I don't know, maybe he- they got lost"

"well, you know what that means"

We both looked at each other

"15 minutes and we're legally allowed to leave"

But our dreams were smashed when two minutes later, the door opened again and this time it was actually an adult. I was relieved that it was indeed a guy, and he wasn't to bad looking either. I was a bit disappointed that he was not fat at all, but I guess you can't have everything.

He looked a bit nervous and introduced himself as Mr. Richards. Sounded a bit generic but oh well. The rest of the lesson went by rather well, and he was definitely pleasant to look at. At least for me. And one thing that's positive about thin guys; is that in my fantasies, they have no weight to lose.

The next time I had Mr. Richards was right after lunch, two days later. He looked much more confident, having had us before, which only made him more manly I guess. But then my eyes wandered to his belly, and I had to suppress a gasp of lust. I knew that our cafeteria offered pretty big menus, and that's probably a reason why so many of the teachers here were a bit, well... fat. (Not that I cared, most of the teachers were either female or too young for me) Nevertheless, I had just assumed that he would eat something he brought from home. In the contrary, it seemed like he had gone all out, and he had the bulge to show it. And I was sure he was bigger; I had spent most of the previous lesson looking at that area and imagining it expand. So to see it in real life was breathtaking. But it was not only his belly that was different, he had all the other indicators of a full man, he was breathing a bit heavier, walking a bit slower and seemed to cover up a belch at one point by trying to make it seem like a cough.

Sadly, the next morning, he was back to normal, which made me finally learn the power of a bloated gut. That was my last math lesson that week, which meant I wouldn't be seeing him until next Monday morning.

Thankfully I was mistaken. He was still at the same school as me and the next time I saw him was on Friday, right in front of me in the food line. Let me tell you one thing, the amount of food the teachers got was pretty insane. It was probably just my brain imagining things, but the portions for teachers were like three times our portions. And they even got dessert for free. Watching Mr. Richards receive a plate with two massive hamburgers and a load of fries, and then walk over to the dessert table and choose a stack of chocolate rice Krispy treats left me in awe, and Tom had to nudge me from behind to remind me that I was next.

Over the next few weeks I kept a relatively close watch on Mr. Richards, trying to notice any sign of weight gain. My prayers were finally answered when one Monday morning, I realized that his shirt was a bit tighter, even though he hadn't had lunch yet. That could only mean one thing: all those big lunches our cafeteria offers had finally made their way to his waist.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 4 years
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Bhfjbjhdwhb 2 years
More ?
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
Your best yet!

Love your characters.
Sir Doge 4 years
Gainergayboy124 I would love to, but unfortunately, that student is the main character in another story of mine where he is in fact in a romantic relationship.
Luckily, if you are into that, you can read that story, which is also longer than this one.
Gainergayboy124 4 years
please give rise to a romance between kyle and the student who likes fat people
Garfield 4 years
while he gets fat, someone should slim down...
Sir Doge 5 years
Sorry dangraper, I have no interest in the students
Dangraper 5 years
Please continue! And make students fat, not only teacher.. smiley
Axel 5 years
More please!