When lightning strikes

chapter 7

"Queen? Uh..."

"Marry me", he says, kissing me. "I can make you happy. I can elevate you above all other women. If you want me enough...if you can...tolerate...this body..."

"I can't tolerate it", I say, and his smile disappears, "If that's all you want, I can't. I'm crazy about your size. I want to enjoy your body. I don't tolerate you, I adore you."

He's on top of me in an instant, and my legs are eager to fall apart to accommodate him.

"Mmmm", I moan as he kisses my neck, his belly pressed between my legs.

"I want you to be mine", he sighs.

"I am", I answer.

"Then you can have no objection to making it official", he adds. Ugh. Marriage never made anyone I know happy.

His face is so different. It's rounder, his cheeks are fuller, which gives him a different look, but he's still so...sad. I would do anything to take that look away. Maybe we can't recover from everything.

"What I object to is the way you cover yourself up. Take this off", I insist. With long braids, a long beard, several shirts and sweatshirts, and sweatpants, he's the most covered up person in the world, even in the summer.

"I don't want anyone seeing...", he starts.

"I'm not anyone", I answer, undressing him.

He tries to suck in, but it's impossible, as I divest him of a cardigan and sweatshirt, sweatpants, socks, and a tshirt.

"Let me hold you, let you touch you", I say into his ear and he shivers.

"I want everyone to know you're mine", he whispers.

"Everyone who matters already does", I answer. "You have so much more power behind you now." I trace circles with my finger on the soft tender skin of the jiggly back fat on his side.

"Mmmm", he says, "That feels nice."

"Thor, God of Thunder", I say, taking his face in my hands. He smiles and pushes inside me. I gasp out loud.

Lightning shoots between us. "It's never been this way", he gasps, "With anyone. Never."

"Me either. But then again you're my first god", I laugh.

"I'm an..."

"Asgardian, I know", I finish.

"And your last god I hope", he teases, rocking his big jiggly hips with each thrust.

I feel an incredible sensation as he guides lightning through him and into me. I scream out in orgasm again and again.

Gripping his bottom and pushing him deeper, I whisper "You really are a god", and he cums himself, shuddering.

"You're so beautiful", he sighs, kissing me.

"Do you mind if I order room service?", I ask.

"Why would I mind?", he asks.

"Because it's not for me", I answer, and pick up the phone. He gives me a worried look.

Fifteen minutes later a large pizza has been delivered under a silver tray.

I tip room service, and carry the pizza to bed, slipping beneath the covers.

"Hungry?", I ask, quirking an eyebrow at him.

"What are you up to?", he drawls.

"Convincing you I don't want you to starve yourself thinner. That in fact I like you nice and thic." I kiss him and he blushes furiously.

"You already can't get your legs around me", he grouses.

"So let's make it worse", I say, touching him and he jumps.

"Ohhhh, kayyy, that's not fair", he argues, getting hard again. "I...you...can't turn me on and..."

"Feed you?", I tease. "Oh I can."

I put a piece of pizza to his lips and he takes a bite, then I gently rub the head of dick as he gets harder again.

"Ohhhhh gooooods. Surt has nothing on you. You're a demon", he growls in his low baritone, but continues to eat and get wet.

"You're more powerful than you ever were", I remind him, "You've survived the direct blast of a star. You wield two weapons now. You killed Thanos."

"Yes, a few times", he agrees, swallowing, his eyes rolled back in his head.

"You're addictive, you're bad..."

"I'm not bad", I laugh.

"How much more do I have to eat?" I just kiss him to distract him. When I've fed him the whole pizza, he's hard as a rock.

"Even gods need mercy sometimes", he begs, his eyes round and plaintive.

"It's my pleasure", I answer, straddling him and this time I am able to ride him just fine. He screams out as he cums almost instantaneously. I'm soaked watching him pat his big tummy.

"I can't get too....huge", he says, embarrassed.

"I know, you're a hero, but I think you need more belly higher", I say, winking at him. "You need to be just a bit rounder, a bit jigglier."

"You're a strange woman", he says.

"True", I answer.

"I'm not complaining", he clarifies. I jump out of my bed for the shower.

"I'm just...I can only imagine in my wildest nightmares what Loki is going to say", he moans.
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 4 years
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Junepearl 5 years
Thanks Feedress, I'm a big Marvel fan, but there's another reason to Endgame. smiley
TheFeedress 5 years
I'm not really into Marvel but apparently I am in love with fat Thor...
Fatrnfatr 5 years
Take all the time you need. Our prayers are with your Dad. And congrats on your weight loss.
Junepearl 5 years
thanks! It's not over, I'm just having some serious problems with my personal life right now, my dad is very sick, but I want to finish this
Fatrnfatr 5 years
Wow! Seeing a new story from you is such a treat!