The big switch

chapter:2 lexi

Lexi had had the same start in life as Alice, being brought up in care, but a sports scholarship had lead to a private education in a renowned school surrounded by future celebrities and business people. She had always been a misfit but her good looks and athletasism had resulted in her being quite popular with her peers, her rebellious nature and roughness made her attractive to most men.

After school she desided that she could use her good looks and persona, allong with her extensive group of powerful friends, to get a job modeling. She had got several jobs and had done an extensive campaign with an independent designer but drugs and alcohol had slowed career progression. Deep down she wanted something else, but modeling was all she could do, the drugs and alcohol masked the feeling of emptiness in her life... Moving out of the city into a neighbourhood small town had been a recommendation from her agent to give her a break but all that it caused was for her to spiral out of control due to the lack of distractions in the small town.

After 6 weeks she had run out of money and drugs was facing being thrown out of her apartment unless she could produce some rent money. Out of despair she had gone from street to street looking for work finally coming to Big John's, a restaurant she would never be seen dead in a year ago. The sign on the window read
"full or part-time jobs come in to apply"

With a sigh she pushed on the door and entered.

She was met by the sweat smell of grease and hit by the heat from the ovens a woman leaning over the counter with her face in her hands looked up.

The two made eye contact and something strange became quickly apparent. It was Lexi that reacted first.. Stepping forward towards Alice, who was standing bolt upright. Alice's hand was outstretched and she kept whispering.. What? Lexi shook her head as if she coudnt believe that the person behind the counter was a Heavier set version of herself. "you look exactly like me" she whispered.
Alice stood, moth open until she finaly said.. Are we twins?
22 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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Kexickus 3 years
Adore it!
Big Easy 4 years
PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! Come back and continue this story! I'm in love with it smiley
Champ 4 years
Excellent update! Keep going! Love this story!
Blackbean 4 years
The big gain more like, Lexi, Lexi, Lexi, where are the competitive Alice becoming fit parts ?
Pitything 4 years
Maybe in the future Lexi will be owned by some of her former suitors. Alice would sell her body to anyone who was not good enough for the former slim Lexi. Or they found out about lexi and visit her workplace to fat shame her. Or Chris hire Lexi as a lowl
Mahi 4 years
Favorite story out right now
Pitything 4 years
Looking forward to Alice humiliating Lexi and even make her the fat assistant as she becomes famous model. Of course Lexi will be masturbating to it. and both shall live happily ever after
Champ 5 years
Love it!
Pitything 5 years
Very good. Very erotic mind. You get it. Trust me I have very good taste I like how this is going. I tried to write a doppelganger/twin story before.

The fattening of one and the conventional beautiful other. One get humiliation but secretly enjoys it
Pitything 5 years
Nice premise. I would also suggest the fat sister became the model and the model sister became her assistant.

Things slowly take a turn and the new model sister start humiliating the assistant sister but the both enjoy it. The assistant sister find it