The big switch

chapter 14

Lexi made to to work on time wearing a pair of her sisters size 12 pants.. Shockingly they were not too loose. Her large bottom and thighs that had started getting big fit the pants with a little excess room.

Over the next couple of days Lexi stuffed relentlessly until the weekend arived. Heather decided that that weekend should be the special, first official weigh in so Lexi had been pushing herself more than ever, getting in over 8000 calories each day, thanks to the help of big John's. By the weekend she felt that she had gained some serious weight and was exited to show Heather.

Lexi was woken up early on Sunday morning by her phone ringing. She saw that it was her old agent and she answered it, "Hi lex hope the rest it treating you right, one of the models for the AGT catalogue just had to cancel she is about your size, it's in two weeks do you think you could make it" Lexi pulled the covers of her exposing her gut, the past couple of weeks had been generous to it and it formed two large muffintops when she wore anything less than a size 12 now. She giggled over the phone and told him that she would see how she felt but get back to him. The thought of her entering his office this big made her excited, she wanted to see his jaw hit the floor as she bounced into the room.

Lexi could hear Alice in the kitchen making her healthy breakfast. Lexi pulled herself out of bed and pulled a robe on that used to hang a couple of inches above her knee but was now becoming dangerously close of being shirt length, her bum was barely cover now due to her body's new width. Alice was reading over the lines that she had been sent for her rehersal and she looked up. What she saw was almost a mirror image of herself 4 months ago. Lexi had really put on some weight and it was starting to become apparent to the people around her. Alice loved the idea of her sister fatter than her, she in fact had been buying extra fattening food and leaving in the cupboards just for Lexi to find. It was driven by jealous and seing her sister now, with stains on her bath robe and her fat thighs visible, made her very happy. Alice was now definitely lighter than her sister for the first time in her life.. And she liked the fact that she still had more progress to make ti she was satisfied.
22 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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Kexickus 3 years
Adore it!
Big Easy 4 years
PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! Come back and continue this story! I'm in love with it smiley
Champ 4 years
Excellent update! Keep going! Love this story!
Blackbean 4 years
The big gain more like, Lexi, Lexi, Lexi, where are the competitive Alice becoming fit parts ?
Pitything 5 years
Maybe in the future Lexi will be owned by some of her former suitors. Alice would sell her body to anyone who was not good enough for the former slim Lexi. Or they found out about lexi and visit her workplace to fat shame her. Or Chris hire Lexi as a lowl
Mahi 5 years
Favorite story out right now
Pitything 5 years
Looking forward to Alice humiliating Lexi and even make her the fat assistant as she becomes famous model. Of course Lexi will be masturbating to it. and both shall live happily ever after
Champ 5 years
Love it!
Pitything 5 years
Very good. Very erotic mind. You get it. Trust me I have very good taste I like how this is going. I tried to write a doppelganger/twin story before.

The fattening of one and the conventional beautiful other. One get humiliation but secretly enjoys it
Pitything 5 years
Nice premise. I would also suggest the fat sister became the model and the model sister became her assistant.

Things slowly take a turn and the new model sister start humiliating the assistant sister but the both enjoy it. The assistant sister find it