The big switch

chapter 15: weigh in

After an awkward chat with her sister Lexi got dressed, in some loose fitting size 14 jeans and baggy top, she packed a bag of some of her old clothes including some she got from modeling jobs and made her way to Heather's house. It felt to her like the short walk to Heathers house got longer and longer each time she did. It was not that far into the walk when Lexi realised that her thighs were rubbing... The new weight had mostly settled around her waist and in her legs. She could feel it when she walked normally that at the top of her thighs towards her pussy that the new layers of fat were coming together with every step. To negate it she started walking with her legs wider apart, she walked like that for a little while until she caught herself in a shop window. She stopped to look at her side profile. She was shocked by how much her ass stuck out.. No wonder she was struggling to find trousers. From the front you coudnt tell that she had a belly now especially in baggy clothes, but from the size it was obvious that there was a bumb under her shirt.

She made it to Heathers house, almost unable to stand with arousment. She let herself in to find Heather sat in her chair with her feet up, gut resting on her legs, two bags of chips resting on where her thigh gap should be.

"Hiya, *crunch* hon" she said, with a mouthful of chips, let's get this part started.

After some setting up Lexi stepped on Heather's industrial scales, the display was attached by wire so that you could read the weight more easily. Heather hid the display from Heather and only showed the camera. Looking at her phone in one hand and the disay on the other she asked ""how tall are you Honey" Lexi paused for a second to try and remember"5'9 inches, I think"
Heather put her phone back in her pocket and set the display down. Lexi was still standing on the scales wondering why Heather hadn't said anything, Heather came up behind Lexi and gave her muffin tops a squeeze "26" she said "26 what"lexi responded. "Your BMI Lovie" Heather gave Lexis ass a slap, "you are now officially overweight" Lexi stepped of the scales in shock and picked up the monitor, her chubby chin dropped "171 pounds"
22 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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Kexickus 3 years
Adore it!
Big Easy 4 years
PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! Come back and continue this story! I'm in love with it smiley
Champ 4 years
Excellent update! Keep going! Love this story!
Blackbean 4 years
The big gain more like, Lexi, Lexi, Lexi, where are the competitive Alice becoming fit parts ?
Pitything 5 years
Maybe in the future Lexi will be owned by some of her former suitors. Alice would sell her body to anyone who was not good enough for the former slim Lexi. Or they found out about lexi and visit her workplace to fat shame her. Or Chris hire Lexi as a lowl
Mahi 5 years
Favorite story out right now
Pitything 5 years
Looking forward to Alice humiliating Lexi and even make her the fat assistant as she becomes famous model. Of course Lexi will be masturbating to it. and both shall live happily ever after
Champ 5 years
Love it!
Pitything 5 years
Very good. Very erotic mind. You get it. Trust me I have very good taste I like how this is going. I tried to write a doppelganger/twin story before.

The fattening of one and the conventional beautiful other. One get humiliation but secretly enjoys it
Pitything 5 years
Nice premise. I would also suggest the fat sister became the model and the model sister became her assistant.

Things slowly take a turn and the new model sister start humiliating the assistant sister but the both enjoy it. The assistant sister find it