The big switch

chapter 17: stunt double

Lexi waited for Alice to leave and then started breakfast. Like her body, her breakfast was rapidly growing in size. It now comprised of several fried eggs, half a pack of bacon, half a load of fried bread, sausages between 3 and 5 (depending on how hungry she was feeling) and then a couple of extra bits and peices, almost always fried.

The whole ordeal took about 30 minutes to cook and about the same amount of time to eat. Lexi had started taking a shower after breakfast because she found that she had started sweating while she ate. Between every bite she imagined hitting her goals and seing the shock on peoples faces as her own became round and chubby.

After breakfast, she showered and then began the struggle to find fitting clothes. In the last couple of weeks she had started stealing bigger pants from work. She was still wearing the 14s but the 16s were on her horizon. What was causing the rapid size change was her ever increasing ass. Her hips had grown out of proportion to the rest of her and it was starting to arouse more attention out and about. She loved the fact that she now had a wobble in her step, not quite yet a waddle but getting there. Her belly was also growing quite fast and she was now starting to deal with the problem of what to do with it. It usually went down the front of her pants but would mean she needed high waisted or baggy pants, if not she would have rested her belly over the band on the pants and wore a baggy tshirt to hide her new fat roll. The uniform pants made her belly stick over the top and the only way she could hide it was to un-tuck her shirt and have it hanging over. She had started however tucking it into the pants to really emphasise her gut. When she worked, mopping the floor it swung from side to side, causing ripples through the rest of her body and ass. After work she picked up her regular XL double pereroni with garlic bread and two sides of wedges with sour cream garlic sause and walked slowly, so as not to get out of breath walk home. Lexi arived in the flat to the sound of crying. Alice was sat at the dining room table head in hand quietly sobbing. Lexi sat down by her and asked what was wrong. "I totally blanked in the rehearsal, I have been working really hard and I think i put too much pressure on myself". Lexi comforted her. With all the work she had been putting in it was a suprise to her that her sister could have messed up the audition. Alice kept sobbing"i needed that break just to get my career off the ground so I can actually start enjoying life again" Lexi thought about it for a moment then said "How would you like to do some modeling, I have a job that you would be perfect for... But you would have to pretend to be me... "
22 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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Kexickus 3 years
Adore it!
Big Easy 4 years
PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! Come back and continue this story! I'm in love with it smiley
Champ 4 years
Excellent update! Keep going! Love this story!
Blackbean 5 years
The big gain more like, Lexi, Lexi, Lexi, where are the competitive Alice becoming fit parts ?
Pitything 5 years
Maybe in the future Lexi will be owned by some of her former suitors. Alice would sell her body to anyone who was not good enough for the former slim Lexi. Or they found out about lexi and visit her workplace to fat shame her. Or Chris hire Lexi as a lowl
Mahi 5 years
Favorite story out right now
Pitything 5 years
Looking forward to Alice humiliating Lexi and even make her the fat assistant as she becomes famous model. Of course Lexi will be masturbating to it. and both shall live happily ever after
Champ 5 years
Love it!
Pitything 5 years
Very good. Very erotic mind. You get it. Trust me I have very good taste I like how this is going. I tried to write a doppelganger/twin story before.

The fattening of one and the conventional beautiful other. One get humiliation but secretly enjoys it
Pitything 5 years
Nice premise. I would also suggest the fat sister became the model and the model sister became her assistant.

Things slowly take a turn and the new model sister start humiliating the assistant sister but the both enjoy it. The assistant sister find it