The big switch

chapter 4: a new begining

The next morning:

Alice stood in front of the bathroom mirror, she had just got out of the shower and coudnt get the images of her sisters body out of her head. Her in comparison was a million miles apart. She grabbed her bulbous belly and picked it up, this was the first time in weeks that she had looked at herself in the mirror, she usually tried to avoid looking at herself as to not remind herself what she looked like now. She let go of her belly and it bounced and came to a rest.. She then gave her mufintops a squeeze for the fist time, the image of Levi's V-shaped body flashed before her own eyes. Looking up at her breast she cupped them and gave them a squeeze.. All the extra weight that she had gained in the last couple of years had done nothing for them. She turned to face the door to find her sister standing in the door way. The two acted like they weren't just doing what they were doing and Lexi passed Alice to get into the shower. On her walk back to her room Lexi caught sight of the glossy photos on the table.. One of Lexi kneeling in the sea, wind swept with the sun defining her almost perfect abs. She took the photo and brought it back to her room and placing it in a draw. Her jealous had reached a critical level and she had decided to do something about it...

Lexi on the other hand was trying to get the image of her sisters doughy body out of her mind... For some reason her fascination with her sisters phisique had started manifesting itself into a general fascination of fat people. She had always thought that people got "trapped" into obesity eating to make themselves feel better but getting depressed from eating. At Big John's she had got to know the regulars she loved it when one of the usuals, Heather, came in.. She came in everyday on her short walk from work to her house. The pizza was usually waiting for her. Heather was extremely bottom heavy her rear was like a shelf, she had to walk through the shop door sideways to avoid her hips touching the door frame. Lexi loved watching Heather's huge rear wobble out and it had become part of her daily routine.
22 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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Kexickus 3 years
Adore it!
Big Easy 4 years
PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! Come back and continue this story! I'm in love with it smiley
Champ 4 years
Excellent update! Keep going! Love this story!
Blackbean 4 years
The big gain more like, Lexi, Lexi, Lexi, where are the competitive Alice becoming fit parts ?
Pitything 4 years
Maybe in the future Lexi will be owned by some of her former suitors. Alice would sell her body to anyone who was not good enough for the former slim Lexi. Or they found out about lexi and visit her workplace to fat shame her. Or Chris hire Lexi as a lowl
Mahi 4 years
Favorite story out right now
Pitything 4 years
Looking forward to Alice humiliating Lexi and even make her the fat assistant as she becomes famous model. Of course Lexi will be masturbating to it. and both shall live happily ever after
Champ 5 years
Love it!
Pitything 5 years
Very good. Very erotic mind. You get it. Trust me I have very good taste I like how this is going. I tried to write a doppelganger/twin story before.

The fattening of one and the conventional beautiful other. One get humiliation but secretly enjoys it
Pitything 5 years
Nice premise. I would also suggest the fat sister became the model and the model sister became her assistant.

Things slowly take a turn and the new model sister start humiliating the assistant sister but the both enjoy it. The assistant sister find it