Aaron’s little chubby girl

Chapter 2 - expanding

Katie didn't seem to notice her weight gain. She continued to snack on whatever she pleased, happy and content with her new domestic life. She continued to wear the same tight and revealing clothing she always had worn.. she loved to flaunt her perfect body and get male attention. She loved aaron, of course, but getting stares everywhere she went always gave her an ego boost.

But as the weeks went on, the perfectness of her body was quickly declining. For their weekly date night, Katie always busted out her best outfits. On this occasion, She slipped into one of her favorite dresses- an extremely clingy olive colored number that had always highlighted her assets. She fixed her hair up and walked downstairs to show herself off to Aaron. She wanted him to stare in awe..

... and he did. Katie hadn't worn that dress in a year, and a lot had changed. Her expanding breasts strained the top of the dress, spilling out as cleavage. Aaron admired her breasts, they looked amazing this swollen. They heaved with every breath she took with mesmerizing rhythm. Beneath them, however, the little roll of pudge had become even more pronounced. The tight fabric encased the roll of fat, giving the appearance of a stuffed sausage.

Her abs had completely vanished now, and it their place she had stuffed several pounds of pure fat. Her belly was always present now, showing itself in even her looser T-shirts. In the tight dress it stuck out a good couple inches, round and thick. Behind it, Katie's fat ass bounced and quivered with her steps. Her chunky thighs touched a little bit now and wobbled loosely as she walked.

Aaron hadn't seen her body on display like that in a while. He usually saw her body in the dark. She seemed to not notice the difference in the dress's fit- she strutted over to Aaron confidently.

Aaron was astonished that she didn't seem to notice. He was unsure if he wanted to leave the house with her dressed that way. Most people wouldn't call her "fat" yet, he justified. He estimated she had probably put on a good 20 pounds, but that only would bring her up to 138 if he remembered correctly.

5'3 and 138 was still "normal" according to a quick check of a BMI chart on his phone. She wasn't FAT yet. He felt better. As they left he ran his hands over her newly chubby body. It felt so soft and pudgy in his hands. He couldn't help but get turned on when he felt the tiny lovehandles created by her too tight underwear. Ashamed again, he gave her a jacket to cover up with. He got aroused again watching her struggle to get her arms into the denim sleeves.. he didn't understand why this was hot, but he couldn't deny it either.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Td0057 4 years
Great so far. Perhaps we could have a chapter or two written from her perspective.
Jazzman 4 years
Nice realistic start and good characters.Hoping you have a transition from denial to sexy acceptance and mutual gaining in mind.At least that would be pretty hot anyway
Jack-Elray 4 years
This is great. Please continue.