Domestic bliss

chapter 13

She sighs, “Sir, anything, in particular, you want me to have?” Hmm, this is a first, but I’m quite pleased that she asked me that. “I’m pleased you asked, but in general, I’d trust you’d make sound nutritional decisions. But given the circumstances and your slight reluctance to eat more, I’m happy to choose for you. Have a banana, peanut butter, and another croissant.” She nods and prepares her snack as ordered; I myself grab a banana and sit with her until she’s finished. I gently rub her belly and kiss her temple, “Good girl, now back to work, and then I’ll come back when you need to start making lunch. Make sure you stay hydrated.” She smiles, “yes, sir.”

He leaves me to finish my tasks, and I hate to admit it, but the snack was just what I needed to get the kitchen thoroughly cleaned, and I’m just about done reorganizing everything. Tim lets me know when over the intercom that I need to start getting lunch together. I let him know that I wanted to throw the laundry in the washer first and asked if there was anything in particular he wanted. He doesn’t have any special requests, so I figured a nice big Italian chicken salad and the rest of the croissants should suffice. As I’m collecting our laundry from the bedroom, I stop and look in the mirror at my growing pregnant body. My belly is definitely round and sticking out (thanks to having a short torso), I’m starting to get some love handles thanks to Tim pushing extra portions my way (and my nonexistent willpower to indulge my cravings) I’ve lost most of the definition in my arms, and my breasts seem to have taken over. Overall I’m starting to feel pudgy, and oddly it both excites me and terrifies me even though secretly, I’ve been wanting to relax with my dieting and exercising for years. I finally have a man who not only encourages it but insists... but I’m still fighting myself to accept it. But now that he’s forcibly reduced my workout schedule to just three times a week, I know that the weight is just going to pile on whether I like it or not. Not to mention I know he won’t let me go with too much downtime before impregnating me again, and I’m just hoping he’ll give me enough time to at least lose some of the weight and get into a solid routine managing our household with two infants. *Sigh* A woman can only hope. I get the laundry into the washer and then head back to the kitchen to get our lunch together.

As I finish making our lunch salad, I set about prepping ahead for dinner. I’m throwing together a hearty beef stir fry and then baking a pound cake loaf that I’ll serve with fresh berries and homemade whip cream. I’ll be happy when Tim takes the baked items to the office again next week instead of using them for his twisted pleasure during sex by stuffing me full. Anyhow, I’ve got all of our vegetables prepped, the beef is marinating, and the whipped cream is made and chilled. This should make dinner preparations much easier since I know it’ll take me a bit to get through ironing all of the laundry. I set the table and made a nice big pitcher of lightly sweetened black peach tea. Pretty satisfied with everything, I let Tim know over the intercom that lunch is ready.

I finish up the final details of the contract I’m working on and send it over to Matt to make sure it’s legally sound. I head towards the kitchen and pull my bratty girl in for a big kiss, “Ya know, a man can never get tired of this.” She looks at me puzzlingly, “Sir, what do you mean?”. I kiss her little nose and take a seat at the table while she serves me, “Oh, you know, just being served by my little pregnant wife all day. I like having you nearby during the day. I know you’re safe.” She blushes as she sits down and begins to eat. Even though I must be strict with her, she’s still and will always be my adorable bride. We make small talk, and I ask her how she’s feeling, reminding her not to hide anything. She ponders a bit but tells me, “Well, sir, I feel slight stretching in my sides and hips. Kind of like I know my body is trying to accommodate the accumulating girth and growth of the babies. My breasts hurt the most; it’s just constant pressure, I know we have to wait until the last six weeks to start pumping, but it just seems they won’t stop growing. Pretty sure I’ll be a D Cup by the time our next appointment rolls around. I don’t feel any strong kicks yet, just fluttering. And overall, I just feel pudgy as the weight continues to pile on.” Mmm, my cock twitches as she’s describing what’s going on and it’s taking every bit of control not to have a quickie on this table. I grab her hand, “Well sweet pea this is why I wanted you at home resting yesterday. Your body is growing and adjusting every day. Hopefully, scheduled naps and extra nourishment will help over this month. Even though you have duties to stay on top around here, I still want you to be comfortable.” She smiles, “I know, sir.” We finish up our lunch, and I bring our dishes to the sink. I heat up the rest of the apple pie, and then I cut her a big slice and take the smaller slice for myself. I set it down in front of her, and I just know she’s about to protest, but I stop her, pat her belly and say, “No complaints, we had a healthy lunch, and you can use the extra calories. Eat up!” With a reluctant sigh she responds, “Yes sir.” I finish before her and watch as she delights in her treat. Once she’s finished, I help her bring the rest of the dishes to the sink. Before she gets started, I pull her into me and give her another big kiss and then tilt her chin up to me, “Once you’re done with the dishes, set a timer for your nap, and then come to my office so you can start on your lines.” She pouts a bit, “What? You thought you were getting out of doing them, not a chance sweetheart. Get these done so you can rest and I’ll see you in a bit. Alright?” She nods, “Yes sir,” give her another kiss on the cheek and light smack on her ass before leaving her be.

I try to get through the dishes as quickly as possible. I am feeling a bit fatigued and looking forward to lying down; I hate when he’s right. I finish up and then put the first load of laundry in the dryer and the next load in the washer. I’m cursing myself because I really should’ve taken care of this yesterday when I had more time. With that out the way, I set the timer and settled myself into bed. I drift off in no time.

About forty-five minutes go by, and I decide to go check to see how she’s doing, bringing a few work files with me. I stop in the doorway and just watch her sleep for a moment. She is rounding out nicely, and by the end of the month, she’ll plump up even more, mmm. I give her a light kiss on the cheek; she is out cold. I settle beside her and continue with my work. The timer goes off, and she’s slightly startled as she sees me next to her. I smile at her and kiss her forehead, “Did you have a good nap?”. She blushes, “Yes, Sir, but I’m still kind of tired; I hate it when you’re right!” I lightly laugh at her, “Well, I wouldn’t be a good dominant husband if I didn’t look after your well being. How about I give you another 30 minutes to nap, and I’ll adjust the rest of your day, sound good?” She smiles, “Yes sir but will you cuddle with me?” I kiss her again, “Of course sweetheart” I wrap my arms around her, gently caress her belly and she’s out in no time. Doesn’t take long for the alarm to go off, and this time she’s ready to get moving. I kiss her and tell her I’ll meet her in my office.

Uggghhh, I hate when he’s right when he said I needed the rest. I also do not in any way feel like writing lines, but I know if I don’t suck it up and just do as I’m told, then it will be a lot worse. Making my way back to the laundry room, I put the next load of laundry in and set the other load near the ironing board. I slowly get to his office and have a seat at my “work station,” and start on these wretched lines. I noticed that Tim got up right away once I started writing, but who knows what he could be up to? About ten minutes have passed, and I’ve gotten through twenty-five so far and already want to call it quits. Tim comes back and sets down a glass with thick-looking pink liquid in it and a plate with two mini bagels that have peanut butter and jelly on them. I look up at him, confused, considering we had lunch not too long ago. He shakes his head at me, “No arguments; it’s a protein shake with added prenatal vitamins and just a small snack so you can keep your nourishment up. Drink and eat up as you continue writing; once the hour is up, make sure you finish everything, and then you can take care of the laundry.” I take a deep breath and just agree, “yes, sir.”

I decided to test her obedience and submission by giving her a “snack” earlier than necessary. What she doesn’t know is that her shake is a bit of a gainer shake, and while it does have vitamins and protein, there’s also a good amount of fat and carbs from the added coconut oil and carb powder. Her “little” snack is about 800 calories, and if I make her have one every day on top of her meals and other snacks, she should be at 176 by Saturday, which will put her on track to gain 12 or more pounds this month. I just love the idea of seeing her get nicely plump, round, and soft every month. The extra weight adds well to her submission and obedience, reinforcing her role. I continue to bury myself in my work and glance over a few times to make sure she’s not slacking and to see how much of that shake is gone. In no time, her timer goes off, and I see that her “snack” is gone, and she’s handing me her work to look over. Satisfied that it’s nice and neat, “Good girl, alright, take your dishes to the kitchen and then start on your ironing. If you finish before I tell you to start on dinner, then come back here to see me. Understood?” She meekly nods, “Yes, sir.”
19 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 1 year
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Heyson1313 1 year
I didn’t think I’d ever see this gem updated again. Thank you for continuing!
Divastar88 3 years
I hope you continue this I really enjoy the story
Pregbelly7 1 year
Thank you, it's been a long time, but I'm getting back to it. Hope you'll enjoy the continuation.
Jack-Elray 4 years
This is still one of the best stories.
Pregbelly7 1 year
It's been a long time, but I'm back. Hope you continue to enjoy.
Pregbelly7 4 years
Thank you everyone for the feedback and support. A next part will come soon. I’ve been struggling a bit to get back into it due to unexpected life changes. X
Jack-Elray 4 years
No pressure but I hope you are still working on this. Really good stuff 👏🏼
Velvetpanther 4 years
When is the next part coming out?
Pregbelly7 1 year
I know it's been a long time, but the next part is starting. Thank you for reading.
Velvetpanther 4 years
Eagerly awaiting the next part!
Jack-Elray 4 years
Man very good work indeed.
Jack-Elray 4 years
This chapter was particularly good I must say,
Jack-Elray 4 years
Well worth the wait. ??
Jack-Elray 4 years
This is one of the better stories I’ve read in a while hope you keep going 😁
Beautybelly 4 years
love it! please continue soon!! smiley
Jack-Elray 4 years
Hmmm... very excited to see where this goes in the next few chapters
Jack-Elray 4 years
I can only assume it will be time to put his foot down 😀 loving it so far. Good pacing with the gain and the store in general. Hope you keep it going for several pregnancies
Zitroneneis 4 years
Oh i love that story! Please go on!
Pregbelly7 1 year
I hope you'll enjoy the new parts!
Jack-Elray 4 years
This is one of the better stories I’ve read on here so far. Realistic gain, and realistic human behaviour for the circumstances. Very nice, looking forward to many more.
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