
Chapter 2 - decision time

"I'm home!" Amy called as she made it through the door. She heard a grunt of acknowledgement from Matt, sat on the couch playing on his games console.

Slipping into the room, Matt didn't look up at her; too consumed with the game.

"Have you had a good day?" Amy tried and getting only a few one word replies to her small talk. How she longed for those days when Matt would push her up against the wall and start undressing her the moment she got home. Matt might not have been as interested in sex these days, but Amy's libido had never faltered.

Amy sat down next to her husband, giving him a little peck on the cheek and putting her hand on her man's strong thigh. "Maybe we could do something romantic this evening?" she asked. "We could head upstairs and I can show you how much I've been thinking about you today..." she hinted, sliding her fingers from Matt's thigh, further north towards his groin.

"I'm a little tired this evening," Matt replied, picking up Amy's hand and putting it to the side, without even pausing his game. "Damn it!" he shouted loudly, accidentally crashing his car in the game.

Amy huffed slightly. She had questioned the morality of slipping Matt the mixture Heather had given her, all the way home. If it did work, would it be fair to Matt, messing with his head like that? "Can I get you a coffee?" she asked simply.

"Sure," Matt nodded, restarting the level and giving Amy a cold look that clearly blamed her for his previous car crash.

Amy held the mixture from Heather above the coffee cup for a few seconds. Should she do this? she wondered. But as she thought back to their former days and how the sex used to be with Matt, she knew that she had to at least try. She slipped in the mixture and made the coffee extra strong, just in case it had a strange taste to it. She then wandered back into the lounge, her heart racing as she handed it over to her husband. "There you go," she smiled, trying to act casual.

"Thanks," Matt whispered, turning for the briefest second to look at Amy. "I didn't ask for any ice cream though," he frowned, looking at the huge tub in Amy's hand.

"That's for me," Amy replied, sitting herself down on the sofa and digging her spoon in. She felt so nervous that she had to eat something! "You're welcome to some though?"

"Do you really think eating ice cream is wise?" Matt asked, staring at the screen and in an obvious mood. "Didn't you say you were going to try and lose a pound a week before my sister's wedding in September? You said that you wanted to look good for the photos? Get back into that little black dress you used to look so great in?"

"I've had a stressful day, alright?" Amy lied.

Matt sighed irritated, obviously holding back from what he wanted to say. "That ice cream's not going to help you though, is it?" he stated, almost kindly but for the way that he gritted his teeth at the end.

Amy threw the spoon back in the tub. Trust Matt to ruin it for her, making her feel guilty. However, Amy's attention was suddenly brought back into focus as she watched Matt lift the coffee to his lips. He took a sip, much like any other. There were no sparks of magic, no sudden proclamations of love, no ripping off of Amy's clothes. There was nothing; nothing at all.

Crestfallen, Amy picked up the tub of ice cream. When Matt opened his mouth to protest, she simply shushed him. She'd just spent half of her monthly income on a bottle of coloured water! What a gullible idiot she had been! She needed ice cream, no matter what Matt had to say about it!

A few minutes later, as Amy scooped up the last of the ice cream from the tub, she looked up to see that Matt was staring at her. His car on the screen had rumbled to a halt in a ditch. "What?" Amy asked. Had she dripped ice cream on her blouse or something?

Matt shook his head. "You're just so beautiful!" he marvelled, standing up and walking over to her, not even caring that his ordinarily precious games console controller had fallen to the wooden floor with a loud and solid crack. Amy looked up at her husband's crotch and saw a thick, long mass stretching the fabric from inside. The man was in-lust!

Amy wished that she hadn't eaten all of the ice cream. She hadn't intended to have so much of it and her stomach now felt bloated. She also felt stunned to see Heather's mixture working so well. "I'm beautiful?" she asked Matt, bemused.

Matt held out his hand and pulled Amy off the couch. "So, so beautiful!" he emphasised. "I've just been staring at you for the last minute and I can't get over it!" He slipped his hands around Amy's waist until they found her rear with delight. Amy could hardly remember the last time Matt had touched her with such enthusiasm, as his hands stroked her butt cheeks excitedly. "Your ass feels incredible!" he whispered, leaning in to kiss Amy passionately and slowly. After that, he began removing Amy's blouse, one button a time. "You're so damn sexy!" he marvelled as her flesh was revealed, his crotch twitching back and forth, as if ready to explode at any moment.

Amy grinned; even in her college days, before she had packed on 40lbs, she'd never been this appreciated by Matt before. She allowed her pants to fall around her ankles as Matt slipped down onto his knees and took her into his mouth. Her knees almost buckled at the instant pleasure, whilst Matt's strong hands still continued to massage her oversized ass cheeks. She pulled Matt up, hoping that they could make it upstairs before Matt lost all control over himself.
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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Arch329 4 years
Interesting story, but I think it would be interesting if there were two twists. The third bottle would restore his desire for her to be fatter, but also for him to be fatter. Her lesson would be her desiring to not get fatter, while her horny husband was
CeReallyFat 4 years
Very well written and sexy.
Karenjenk 4 years
love love love the twist
Feeder862 4 years
This story is now complete. Please check out my other stories if you have enjoyed it.
Fbuucgk 4 years
Is this the end? What about a Nineteen-Years-Later-Chapter like in Harry Potter (but one year would probably enough)? Is there any hope for an epilogue?
Jack-Elray 4 years
This is the best ending to a story you’ve written absolutely perfect well done.
Feeder862 4 years
2 more chapters to go.
Feedher3000 4 years
Well that’s a sad ending.. I hope it’s not the end.. it was getting good
BlissfullyAware 4 years
lkvcslkdsaisg FUCk yes

we need more fatty monkeypaw stories
Superchill88 4 years
More chapters, please!
Jack-Elray 4 years
I see where this is going and I like it!
Ocram666 4 years
I can't wait for more, awesome!!