
Chapter 6 - the stairs

"Elevator is broken!" sighed Amy as they arrived back from their weekly supermarket run. She rolled her eyes thinking of all the bags that needed to be taken upstairs to their apartment and her muscles ached at the thought.

"I'll get the bags," Matt offered kindly. "You head on up" he smiled, not letting Amy carry a single bag.

Not needing any further encouragement, Amy started up the six flights of stairs. Matt was running up and then down with the food bags, completing his second journey as Amy finally made the last steps. She was breathing hard. It wasn't easy taking so many steps, especially with this extra weight. How long had it been since she had climbed these stairs?

"Damn that was so hot looking up at your fat ass as you went up!" Matt marvelled, dumping the bags on the floor and pulling Amy into an embrace as he backed himself up against the wall in the shared hallway. "I love hearing my fat girl huffing and puffing from just a little exercise!" he called out.

Amy frowned at the comment. Matt liking her growing butt was one thing, but enjoying seeing her get out of shape was another thing entirely. She was about to say something when she was pulled into a kiss. Standing outside of their apartment door, Amy felt her ass being freed from her sweatpants, massaged by a horny Matt as he kissed her. "What are you doing?!" she asked, startled and giggling. "Someone could see us!"

"Lucky them!" Matt laughed, still rubbing Amy's naked butt out in the hallway. "They'd all love to get their hands on this butt just as much as me, I'm sure!" he grunted, giving Amy's ass a playful slap and turning himself on even more.

Matt quickly unbuckled himself and pulled down Amy's sweatpants even further. With precision, he skilfully entered Amy, beginning to jirate both of their hips, right there outside of the door to their apartment.

Amy only allowed herself to get carried away by the pleasure of Matt's kinkiness for a short while. As fun as risky sex was, she couldn't let anyone see them like this! "Come on..."she coaxed, pulling away and pushing open the door before Matt made a fool out of both of them. The man seemed to be getting kinkier by the day!

As soon as they were inside, Matt lay her down on the couch and took her with all the lust he had coursing through his pumped body. "Oh, you're getting so fat!" Matt breathed as he came to a climax, grabbing the fat on her hips. "My big, big, fat girl!" he grunted.

Amy came with ease. But as sexy as it was to have Matt dominate her, she thought back to how turned on Matt had been watching her climb the stairs. Amy had gained a lot of weight over the last few months and was well over 120lbs fatter than she was back in her college days.

Somehow she had anticipated that Matt would find another kink to fixate on with enough time; but Matt's ambition to see Amy's body grow seemed to be unrelenting.

The guy really needed a reality check!
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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Arch329 4 years
Interesting story, but I think it would be interesting if there were two twists. The third bottle would restore his desire for her to be fatter, but also for him to be fatter. Her lesson would be her desiring to not get fatter, while her horny husband was
CeReallyFat 4 years
Very well written and sexy.
Karenjenk 4 years
love love love the twist
Feeder862 4 years
This story is now complete. Please check out my other stories if you have enjoyed it.
Fbuucgk 4 years
Is this the end? What about a Nineteen-Years-Later-Chapter like in Harry Potter (but one year would probably enough)? Is there any hope for an epilogue?
Jack-Elray 4 years
This is the best ending to a story you’ve written absolutely perfect well done.
Feeder862 4 years
2 more chapters to go.
Feedher3000 4 years
Well that’s a sad ending.. I hope it’s not the end.. it was getting good
BlissfullyAware 5 years
lkvcslkdsaisg FUCk yes

we need more fatty monkeypaw stories
Superchill88 5 years
More chapters, please!
Jack-Elray 5 years
I see where this is going and I like it!
Ocram666 5 years
I can't wait for more, awesome!!