Fa fantasy to reality

chapter 12 - amy's redemption

"They've really improved the quality of food at senior quacks. This new sauce is to die for." Amy said with a mouth full of chicken.

Amy sat next to the very same girl she made fun of at the mall, her name was Rosie. Amy was now at least 500 pounds which was 200 pounds more than Rose.

Amy's old friends walked passed and oinked then broke out in laughter.

A few months prior....

"Here take my seat" the man said on the subway.

"Thanks" Amy said sitting down. She had been use to this treatment for over the past two weeks.

"How far along are you?" The gentleman asked. At first, when Amy started getting asked this she would get embarassed, flustered and then not know what to say. After a while she thought easier just to go with it then explain something she didn't understand.

"8 months and I'll be having a baby girl" she responded knowing what his follow up question would be.

When she got home from her new job as a temp, she collapsed down on the couch. She was exhausted. She had walked 6000 steps today but she knew what was going to happen soon. Her stomach began to growl loudly. Ever since she gave Frank head she would have insatiable cravings at inopportune moments. The cravings would be so bad that she would get head aches and feel light headed until she downed a high caloric meal.

With one hand feeling her belly and the other holding a protein bar, she examined herself in the mirror. Worst of all she was having wet dreams but they weren't normal wet dreams they were wet dreams where she was getting stuffed like a pig by the very man who got her into this situation. The thought of gaining weight turned her on but that reaction mortified and scared her. She wouldn't allow herself to give in but day after day she got weaker and hornier. She went to the gym like a fanatic but the number on the scale would never change. A few months of torture had went by and she decided to try getting the fat frozen off her body. She went to the clinic and to her surprise, the procedure worked. So she scheduled weekly sessions.  A few weeks had passed of her doing the freeze away fat two days a week (mostly because that was the limit). She let out a sigh of relief because the number on the scale had finally went down. She was beginning to look her self again.

 That night she dreamed of stuffing her face mercilessly. In the dream, She was so turned on by it she began playing with herself. The dream felt so good she didn't want it to end and then she moaned and woke up while actually playing with herself. She groggily walked to the kitchen to maybe concede a little and get a snack, but there was nothing in her kitchen that slightly appealed to her it was all health food. She needed a real snack badly. On her way to work, she stopped by a mcdonalds and ordered a parfait to which she finished really fast. At work, there was a whole thing of donuts across from her desk and she couldn't resist but sneak a few throughout the day. She was going back for her forth when she noticed the breakroom was full of food. Her work was catering lunch. Her eyes softened as she smelled the pizza from Don Georgios. She piled her plate high and did her best to scarf them down before anybody noticed she ate so many slices.  Her belly was distended and her crotch was soaked. After going to the bathroom and playing with herself, she felt ashamed.
"You need to get it together Amy. You can't be this person. I hate you." she whispered to her bathroom mirror reflection.  That night she went to find Frank to possibly get a better understanding of what was going on with her.

Frank was sitting on his couch thinking long and hard about who he wanted to sleep with to test whether his curse had been lifted when he heard a knock at the door.

When Frank opened the door in front of him stood Amy wearing what looked like was a black maternity dress.

"Hi" said Amy.

Oh Hey, what's up?" said Frank.

"I have so many questions... Can we go somewhere quiet to talk?" Asked Amy shifting her weight to her other foot which made her belly move to the side.

"Yeah sure, we can go to my room." Frank answered opening the door and motioning her in the direction of her room. As Amy walked Frank noticed her belly sloshing back and forth like when it happened before

"You have to know why this happened to me." Amy spat out after Frank shut the door on them.

"Yeah, I tried to stay away from you but I was lonely and you insisted. Next thing yuh know, you pull down my pants and give me bj and then it'stoo late." Frank said when Amy sat on the bed which made the bed shift.

"That doesn't help me. Is there any way you can reverse this?" Amy asked as she shook her large gut.

"I really don't know. This is all new to me. I'm still trying to understand all the rules. I know that blow jobs make girls girls particular parts of their bodies fat but they keep their memories." Said Frank as he got up to go to his mini bar.

Amy began to cry.

Frank began pouring Evan Williams fire into a rocks glass.

"I can't be everything I hate." Amy said as she cried. Frank handed her the healthy glass of Whiskey to which she took and gulped it down. Frank didn't really know what to say so he just listened as she went on.

"I almost killed myself a few times. I can't be everything I've always hated." She said as she weeped into lap.

"Well, you don't have to hate yourself. Every girl I've slept with so far has seemed to love herself even more once they have gotten fat." Frank responded trying to give her comfort by patting her on the back.

Frank found it strange that she was so accepting of his answer but this situation was really strange.

"But they ended up massively fat, right? But... they were happy with themselves?" She asked as she stopped crying.

"Yeah, and they're whole history was rewritten. Have you been able to lose the weight?" Frank asked as she took a sip of her whiskey.

"What does it look like?" She asked crying as she pulled her dress up exposing her massive belly and shook it with both hands. Frank didn't really know how to respond so he gave her a hug.

"No, I weighed myself before I came over here and I gained 5 pounds on top of what I was before. I'm 265 pounds of blubber now." She said as she began to cry again. Frank got up to pour her another glass.

"I'm really sorry this happened to you. I still think your gorgeous even though you're a completely self centered person." Frank said as he took a swig of the fire whiskey and brought it back over to fill her glass.
He scooted near her and touched her leg.

"I should be mad at you." She said as she looked at him longingly. She grabbed his leg also.

She downed her glass of fire whiskey and then began to kiss him.

They were all over each other. She pulled his pants off and he pulled her dress over her head. He admired her largw belly out of one eye. He tried to not touch it because it might upset her but grazed it every now and then as they made out. Again she began sucking and stroking his cock. Frank was in ecstasy, she was going to blow up. Frank watched in anticipation waiting for her to grow. It didn't take long for her to start. Frank watched from the corner of his eye in the mirror, as her butt and legs rose like bread in the oven. As she began to stroke him, she noticed her hands and lower arms started to feel different and her bra became incredibly uncomfortable. She stopped, and pushed him down so she could get on top of him.

When she was on top of him the usual changes started to happen but to the rest of her body. Her butt became massive and dimpled.  Her ankles turned into thick cankles but her hair began to get longer.

"Oh yeah! Oh yeah!" She screamed but her voice started to sound different. It was quieter and had a lisp. Frank looked up and saw Amy's belly had grown a bit more but now most of the weight she had gained had been distributed all over her body. He noticed more changes too, she looked completely different now. She was now an extemely wide lady, her tits were size J and connected to her back fat. Her face was wide and had a large double chin. Her hair color went from brown to black, she had a tooth gap in the middle of her teeth and she wore glasses. Her tears had dried up and she riding Frank hard until she screamed bloody murder. When this happened Amy's butt blew up even bigger. Frank came super hard and fell silent. She rolled off of him.

"That was life changing" she said with a large smile and her over prominent lisp. Amy did not even realize her whole history had been rewritten. She was no longer a narcissist but a humanitarian. She loved people and people loved her. Frank didn't know if she dis not realize what had happened and it was a completely ironic statement or she did realize what happened and it was her last thought as the old her left.

A week later Frank went to the mall to meet up with her just to hangout. When he got there he found her old friends who were now never her friends, making animal noses at her. He stopped and smiled at them a devilish smile and they smiled back not knowing what was coming their way.
13 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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Karenjenk 3 years
I love this.
Thank you!
Kexickus 3 years
This is so good, please continue.
Faadventuretime 4 years
Eventually but I have a bad case of writers block for this story. I'm trying figure out where to go next with it.
Faadventuretime 4 years
I fixed it thanks!
Mark 5 years
Samantha is the ex on page 1 so who is Michelle on the phone page 2?