Fa fantasy to reality

Chapter 3 - the talk.

"I don't really understand it.... I fantasize about it...but..." Frank said to her while whispering.

"But... You're too shallow of an asshole to admit you like fat girls?" Frances asked in reply.

"I..." frank shrugged sheepishly.

"Wow, that's fucked up..." Francis replied slightly flabbergasted.

"I've never actually been with a fat girl... My friends and family are kind of sizeist. "

"They need to accept you for you. If you're into fucking a pumpkin they need to accept you and your pumpkin patch family." Frances said with a laugh.

Frances sipped her markers mark. A few hours after she had slammed the door, Frank was at her door knocking with two glasses and the rest of the bottle of makers mark.

"I've thought about it but i know if my family found out they would be mean to her and me. I don't want to put anybody through that." Frank said with a sip of his Makers mark.

"To be a woman is hard, period. To be a fat woman is harder. To be a woman of color on top of that is the hardest. I use to be fat." Frances said to Frank with a sad look on her face.

"I know it's hard" frank said unconvincingly.

"You don't know shit Frank. When you're not desired by the opposite sex you feel like shit but when you're desired for only you're body it feels even worse. Always expected to be someones fantasy never just yourself. I need to go to bed." She said bitterly.

"I... I don't know what to do..." said frank stuttering.

"Simple. Fuck a fat girl and see what you want. You're an attractive enough of a guy." She said throwing a cover over herself.

Frank pulled out the fold out couch and went to bed. It thundered for the rest of the night. Frances got in bed with him. Frank couldn't sleep. Suddenly, he heard a loud squeeking noise.

"Great!" he whisper yelled while putting a pillow over his head. Frances giggled. The loud squeeking noise continued.

"At least their having fun... Are you just attracted to fat girls or could you make an exception? " Frances asked.
Frank then kissed her. He imagined her body slowly growing with each kiss. He imagined her breasts bigger. Her ass too big for him to fit in his hands. Her weight slightly crushing him. The soft curves of her body. Her belly laying on top of his chest as she rid him as her massive tits bounced up and down. Him licking her massive nipples. After a while she screamed in pleasure but he could not get off. They fell asleep in each others arms.
13 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Karenjenk 3 years
I love this.
Thank you!
Kexickus 3 years
This is so good, please continue.
Faadventuretime 4 years
Eventually but I have a bad case of writers block for this story. I'm trying figure out where to go next with it.
Faadventuretime 4 years
I fixed it thanks!
Mark 4 years
Samantha is the ex on page 1 so who is Michelle on the phone page 2?