Fa fantasy to reality

Chapter 4 - a very convenient store

Frank woke up feeling slightly dizzy, his stomach in knots and his head pounding. He needed a cup of coffee, some gatorade, something greasy and an aspirin.

"O-o-oh, snap! - you dog..."
Dave said as he walked into the room, catching himself talking to loud and then talking in a whisper.

"Ssh, man! I have a super bad headache...." Frank replied closing his eyes heavily and laying his chest in his lap.

"Last night was fun!� You sure do look like shit! Hahahhaha. Are there any breakfast places around here?" Dave asked while looking around in the pantry and laughing. Frank looked at his watch.

"It's past lunch but there isn't anything for thirty minutes." Frank replied while attempting to get up.

The cabin which his parents built was beside a huge lake. His grandfather bought it at auction for a very fair deal. The cabin was on the outskirts of tarpin county which was far outside city limits. There was nothing but trees and wild life for miles. Or so Frank thought...

Frank, Dave, Dahlia and Frances drove for about ten minutes until they saw something.

"Hey, there's a store!" Dahlia exclaimed as they passed by it.

Over An aerostream trailer with solar panels covering the roof, a framed sign read,
"Nell's Mystic Coffee and Convenience".

"For the love of god turn around..." grumbled Frank while holding his head.

With a screech of the tires Dave turned the car around.

From the service window of the aerostream trailer, an older lady in a flower dress stood reading an old book.

" I need a double shot latte, an aspirin and a gatorade if you have it.
Said Frank after walking up to the window.

"Oh, sounds like you have a hangover. I have an all natural hang over cure that will knock it out in an hour or your money back. Only 15 bucks."
Said the old lady after putting down her book.

"I'll try anything... this is the worst hangover ever. Give me a hang over cure and a large latte" He said while handing her 30 dollars.

"Here is your change. And would you like the hangover cure first or the latte?" She asked with a smile on her face while handing him his 12 dollars in change.

"Hangover cure" he answered curtly.

She opened up a cabinet with drawers all labeled different things like "journey", "desire", "luck", "love" and then the drawer she pulled a bottle out of was aptly labeled "hangover".

Frank quickly downed the bottle as Nell went to work on the latte.

Dave went up to the counter and asked for a box of apple fritters. Dave had been looking over the menu for some moments. It wasn't immediate but as soon as the latte was done he already was feeling a lot better.

"Large latte!" She chimed right after laying the latte on the counter. Dave paid her and she handed him a box of warm apple fritters.

"Thank you for that cure. It's amazing! What are some of the other potions of yours do?" Frank asked. Dave and the girls dug into the fritters pretty hard.

"Desire makes your deepest desires come true, journey puts you on the path to answer all your unanswered questions and the rest are self explanatory." Said Nell to Frank.

"That's an interesting sales gimmick. So, if i take love I'll find my true love?" Frank asked skeptically.

"Your more likely to find a true love that's near you. Is what it is but that's only for people who are ready to settle down. Is there anything else I can get you, hun?" Replied Nell while cleaning the espresso machine.

"Yeah, let these two ladies have whatever they want. It's on me. Here's my card,just give it to the brunette when their done, and here's a tip. Thanks!" said Frank while putting a 20 in her tip jar.

On the ride back to the cabin, Frances sat in the front with Frank and they had a nice conversation about the harry potter movies versus the harry potter books. Frances was pro movie where Frank preferred the books.

"Stop! Look a bald eagle purched on the top of that tree" she interrupted in mid sentence. Frank stopped the car and was looking around. They all looked out side.

"I don't see anything." Frank said craning his head out the window.

"I think, i see it! But its just a hawk."

"I don't see anything but lets get back." Frank said pulling his head back in the car.
They got back to the cabin and spent the rest of the day hanging out and drinking. The next day they headed back to the city. Frank felt rested and a lot better.
13 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Karenjenk 3 years
I love this.
Thank you!
Kexickus 3 years
This is so good, please continue.
Faadventuretime 4 years
Eventually but I have a bad case of writers block for this story. I'm trying figure out where to go next with it.
Faadventuretime 4 years
I fixed it thanks!
Mark 4 years
Samantha is the ex on page 1 so who is Michelle on the phone page 2?