Fa fantasy to reality

Chapter 5 - lyft

Frank's monday began like every other Monday. He got up made himself breakfast, got dressed and went to work. He went to meetings, talked on the phone to clients, did paper work, flirted with the secretary on the third floor but today things seemed a little different. When he got on the lite rail, every attractive woman in the car either checked him out or subtley got more near him. The secretary who he usually just bantered around with was way more physical with her flirting. She had to run off to get her boss lunch but before that she gave Frank her number.

" Oh, whoops- Call me. Maybe we can meet up later. " She said after "accidentally" running into him and brushing her body up against his.

"I must be doing something right" he thought to himself as he walked back to his desk. His ride home was the same as his morning ride he was checked out by all the women on the train including a mom whose husband and kids were right there with her.

He got so much attention from the opposite sex today that he had to take a minute to himself and just watch some TV. Right in the middle of a shoot out where agent May was fighting Coulson's evil doppleganger, Frank's phone went off. It said he "got a match". A while back before he started seeing Sam he was on one of those swipe left or right dating apps. He rarely got any matches on there so he just deleted the app but today at lunch he reinstalled it.

"That's strange" he said aloud to himself because he didn't get to even use it to swipe anybody today. What happened is that when he activated his account again one of the women he liked previously went back through all her swipe lefts and decided to swipe right on him.

Frank shrugged while looking at this girl's profile. She was what any normal man would consider hot. 5'6, Cute face, thin, nice body, nice big rack. He remembered swiping right on this girl's profile previously knowing she more than likely would not swipe the same for him. She was wa-a-ay out of his league.

"Hey there. How do you feel about red wine?" Her message read.

"Out of all the wine, red wine is the only wine I drink.:)" Frank messaged back.

Frank was notoriously bad at online dating. He had no game. When he did try online dating he was one of the thousand guys who would try to start a conversation by messaging, "hi". To which he would never get a response. He had tried online dating twice but both times he either only got responses from women he wasn't attracted to or if he did get a response from a girl he was slightly attracted to he bungled it up while chatting with her. After a while he just gave up.

This time around Frank was a bit nervous but now that he actually got a hot girl talking to him. He and Cynthia chatted for a while and she seemed really cool, didn't seem like a bot but most of all she seemed "DTF" which means down to fornicate (or whatever F starting synonym you want to use). She sent him her address which to Frank was a holy grail type of moment.

He freshened up, got himself a few condoms just in case and called a lyft. When he got to her apartment, he typed in her number to the intercom and pressed call.

"Come on up" Cynthia said through the intercom with a very sexy sounding voice. The door buzzed and he heard a click.

When he got to her apartment door, he was a bit nervous. He knocked.

"Hi!" she said excitedly after opening the door. She was wearing a large tshirt with a plunging neckline and some super short shorts. She looked at Frank like she was hungry and wanting to eat him alive.

"Hi" Frank replied looking surprised because she actually looked the same as in her pictures. She walked back into her apartment. He followed her in.

"You can put your shoes by the door.I'm watching a movie. Do you want me to pour you a glass of wine?" She said casually.

"Wow, you have a nice place." he said looking around and taking his shoes off. It was actually very similar to Frank's apartment but Frank was just trying to make small talk. He looked at pictures of her with her friends and other guys. The movie
"The beach" was on in the background. She handed him a glass of wine and sat down on the couch. He sat down next to her. They chatted for a while about movies as they sipped on wine.

She went to get more wine and he followed while talking about his friend who is in the movie business. She cozied up right next to him.

Before the movie could finish they began making out. She pulled his shirt off and took her shirt off too. She was wearing a black lacy bra. Her boobs had to be size C's. She got up and pulled him by his jeans to the bedroom. She took her shorts off and began to kiss his chest. The first thing he thought when he saw her in her underwear was "I wonder what she would look like with 200 more pounds on her." He picturd her arms large and doey, her butt sticking out. He detached her bra. Even though they weren't huge she had great tits Frank thought. He sucked on her tits for a while and felt her flat belly. He imagined what it would be like if it was a large and sticked out. He felt her tight ass wishing it was larger.
13 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Karenjenk 3 years
I love this.
Thank you!
Kexickus 3 years
This is so good, please continue.
Faadventuretime 4 years
Eventually but I have a bad case of writers block for this story. I'm trying figure out where to go next with it.
Faadventuretime 4 years
I fixed it thanks!
Mark 4 years
Samantha is the ex on page 1 so who is Michelle on the phone page 2?