Fa fantasy to reality

Chapter 7 - amy

There had been an epidemic of Narcissism since the creation of cell phones and social media. Narcissists (not to be confused with individuals with full blown narcissistic personality disorder) were and are everywhere. These selfish and self absorbed individuals feed off of the emotional energy of others. The emotional energy is from the praise or the sadness of others. A  text book example of a modern day narcissist was Amy. She was obsessive with her workout routine but for the reason of fitting the cultural norm set forth by media. Sugar and simple carbohydrates were like her kryptonite to her because she was absolutely terrified of getting fat. She often posted images of herself on instagram showing off her slim physique. Posing in some  cutesy type pose.

As her and her girl gang passed a slightly chubby girl eating her lunch at the food court.

"Somebody needs to lay off the snacks!" She said to her friends with a pig snort. Loud enough for the girl to hear.  Her friends laughed.

Fat shaming was an activity her and her friends did often. She just did not like fat people. She was the queen bee of her circle. If any of the girls gained weight or became unattractive she avoided them like flesh eating bacteria. Her boyfriends were often tall muscle bound meat heads or image obsessed narcissists like herself. Sadly, these relationships often fell through because she never got the praise or affection she truly desired. Narcissists only take care of themselves generally so a relationship of two narcissists tend to not workout. She had finally gotten fed up with these types of guys and figured she would find herself a project guy. To her misfortune, the project guy she chose was Frank.
Amy ran into Frank while he was on a run.

"Ow!-" she said running into him and falling down.

"I'm so sorry... are you okay?" Frank said to her coming down to her level while he wheezed and coughed.

"Ah, ow.. I'm okay, I think, I just bruised my bone." she said as she held her knee and winced in pain.

"Are you okay?" She asked him looking a little concerned as he was breathing heavily.

"Sorry, yeah, I'm fine. I have asthma. You should really put some ice on that knee and rest it." He said after taking a puff of his inhaler.

"Could you help me back to my place? I live really close from here." She asked innocently while making googly eyes at him.

"Yeah, it's the least I can do." He said to her as she leaned on him and hopped.

Frank was always really nice to Amy but Frank just wasn't into her. Lookswise Amy was gorgeous but Frank and her just were not compatible. Amy loved helping him with improving his fashion and giving him diet tips to maximize his muscle gains and fat burn. She was doing her best to turn him into her ideal guy because Frank was not what she usually went for. She tried really hard and Frank saw this. He actually let her know he "just wasn't looking for a relationship at the moment" . 
"Yeah, duh! we're just friends." She lied in response. Frank didn't want to chance the thing that happened before happening again but he did like the attention.

One day he met up with her and her friends at the mall to do some shopping. Her friends though airheads were super nice and flirty with Frank. While passing the food court Amy began her usual ritual of making fun of, in her oppinion, lesser attractive women. This time she kept making pig or donkey noises as women walked by. Of course her friends found this to be hilarious but Frank was horrified and embarrassed. Especially when Frances walked by and Amy oinked. Frank got a little Angry but tried to shrug it off.

"Oh, hey! Frank! How yuh doin?" Frances said as Amy caught herself mid donkey sound.

"Hey! Frances! What are you up to?" Frank asked in reply, clearly relieved to see her.

"Oh, just doing some shopping, like all the other barnyard animals here." She said in jest as she smiled at Amy.

Amy gave her a dirty look but Frank saw this out of the corner of his eye.

"I'm giving him a make over." Amy interrupted grabbing his hand and pulling herself close to him.

"Oh, Well, I... I have to get going. You guys have fun. I'll see you around, Frank." Frances said awkwardly as she began to walk away.

"I will see you later." He said feeling equally embarrassed and upset.

From then on he really didn't want to hang out with Amy. They looked around at one store and Frank said he had to go.

"You're still going to help me with that piece of furniture i ordered later, right?" Amy asked. She knew she had messed up and this was her last shot.
13 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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Karenjenk 3 years
I love this.
Thank you!
Kexickus 3 years
This is so good, please continue.
Faadventuretime 4 years
Eventually but I have a bad case of writers block for this story. I'm trying figure out where to go next with it.
Faadventuretime 4 years
I fixed it thanks!
Mark 5 years
Samantha is the ex on page 1 so who is Michelle on the phone page 2?