Fa fantasy to reality

Chapter 9 - proof is in the pudding

Frank sat in his living room staring at the turned off tv. He just sat there all alone, wide eyed looking at nothing. He was in disbelief as to what was happening. This isn't what happens in real life this is what happens in softcore fetish porn.

He would get intimate with a thin woman and then she would gain weight. First, cynthia a booty call he met on a dating app, gained weight and her whole history was seemingly rewritten and then Amy, a fitness freak who was using him as project, only had oral sex with him and she got fat. And the crazy thing is... he enjoyed it.

After Cynthia, he knew there was a possibilty that it was his fantasies that were turning these girls fat and now after Amy it was confirmed. He just needed to make sure no one found out.

Frank recalled how his mother was always weird and strict about their image. She dressed her kids when they were young but actually kept doing it up untilthey moved out. Now it was a little harder to dress them as they got older but she definitely tried. Laying out their clothes for them to wear. She always made sure that each of her kids never ate too much. if they did gain any weight she would continually make comments and hound them.
He also recalled how his mother was merciless to one of his brother's girlfriends who was a little chubby." It was horrible, it was like my whole family was at war. Some of us defending him and her, some siding with mom, some running just staying out of it. That's what I did I just stayed out of it." He thought to himself.

He didn't want to hear his mother's nagging nor eventually submit any lady to that. Frank wanted more than just sex but he had to keep this a secret. Sure, he moved away from his mom but he knew if he wasn't careful this would get back to her and then he would never hear the end of it.

He began pacing around the living room while deep in thought.

Right then, Dave and Dahlia came in with shopping bags. They both looked like they had been tanning.

"We're never going camping again. How's it goin man?" Dave asked after plopping down on the couch.

"Huh? Really strangely... " Frank replied still pacing.

Dahlia came and sat down by Dave. Frank stopped pacing and looked at both of them.

"Do you guys believe in magic?" He said with a serious look on his face.

"Yes" Dahlia and Dave replied at the same moment and smiled at each other lovingly.

"Oh, I... mean... not like stage magic but like Dr. Strange or harry potter type of magic." Frank said thinking they were making fun of him.

"What are you on, Frankie?" Dahlia asked while examining his eyes. Frank went to the liqour cabinet to pore himself a drink.

"I'm going to tell you guys something and it'll sound like im crazy but..." he said followed by him taking a healthy drink of bourbon. Dave and Dahlia waited patiently and seemingly amused.

"I don't know how to explain this... when i get... women have been throwing themselves at me but when i get intimate with these ladies something happens. They get really fat." He said somewhat in shock that he said that aloud. Then he took another drink.

"Look man we dont care what you're into but if you're doing hallucinogens you need to share that shit." Dave said now no longer amused.

"Besides this bourbon i just started drinking i have no other substances in me. Look, remember that fitness chick i was hanging out with, Amy? She's massive now because she gave me a blowjob. " he said going back to fill his glass with bourbon.

"I don't know what kind of joke this is man but-" Dave started before being interrupted by Frank.

"I'll prove it. Let's go out tonight. I'll pick up a girl whose thin, you meet her, get her name and stuff. If she doesn't get fat after we have sex, i buy you a new vaporizer."
Frank, partially drunk now, replied before Dave could object.

"Deal" dave said getting up to shake hands on it.
13 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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Karenjenk 3 years
I love this.
Thank you!
Kexickus 3 years
This is so good, please continue.
Faadventuretime 4 years
Eventually but I have a bad case of writers block for this story. I'm trying figure out where to go next with it.
Faadventuretime 4 years
I fixed it thanks!
Mark 5 years
Samantha is the ex on page 1 so who is Michelle on the phone page 2?