Fa fantasy to reality

Chapter 10 - the strip club

Dahlia wore a silver bopper looking dress and Dave wore slim jeans and a buttoned down shirt. They both sat in the apartment quietly staring into nothing. A while went by and Dahlia finally broke the silence.

"That was crazy, right?" Dahlia said. Halfway way through her sentence Dave looked at her and agreed.

"Yeah. That actually happened " Dave said still in shock.

"Doesn't this seem kind of wrong?" Asked Dahlia.
Right, then Frank busted in with a thin looking tattoo covered blonde. They were making out heavily. She was taking off his clothes.

Earlier that evening...

"I didn't realize we were going to a strip club." Dave said after they pulled up in front of a dark club which had pink neon letters that read "fantasy factory inc."

"I figured this would make it easier. " Frank said with a hiccup, clearly still overly inebriated.

 Dave and Dahlia watched as a purple and white bikini clad stripper pulled frank into the VIP lounge. Just a few minutes earlier she introduced herself to Frank but neither Dahlia nor Dave heard anything they said over the noise in the room. Frank motioned to them to look at her and then wrote something on Dave's hand with a sharpy,"Crystal, 5'2, 98 lbs". Dave and Dahlia glanced over to get a good look at her, she was caramel skinned, very toned, had a tongue ring that she showed off non stop and very distinctive eyes which on closer examination were blue contacts. They chatted for a little while and she was flirting with him till they made their way over to the VIP room. On the way over there, he ran into Peterson from sales.
"Hey Frankie! How yuh doin??" He said grabbing Frank's hand and shaking it.

"Peterson, Oh, I'm good. Just going to get a private dance. My friends are over there, we can chat afterward. " Frank said as the stripper pulled him into the VIP lounge.

The usual exchange of money happened while in the VIP lounge and she turned on the song "work it" by Missy Elliott. With an "Aaah, yeeah!"  She began shaking her butt in his face and with a slap she brought it down in his crotch and sat on him, then turned around to get on top of him. She began to grind on him, thoughts she usually pushed to the back of her mind drifted to front and center and her self control began slowly wearing away. She was incredibly aroused by Frank and she couldn't explain it, she didn't usually like white guys nor any of her clientele. For the first part of the song, she continually grinded on Frank just trying not to look at him but she had been grinding on him for a bit too long. She then began rubbing her tits in his face. The song was almost over and she was on the verge of losing control. A minute before the song ended and she lost the battle, she then began making out with him and rubbing his bulge. The bouncer looked in and yelled, then began to walk over but Crystal put her hand up and he shook his head and went back to his spot. She unzipped his pants and pulled his manhood out and immediately sat on it. "Ooh", they both moaned right after that, the song ended. She got a few girations in but realizing they were both too loud she got off of him and he zipped his pants up. It was a good thing too because right then the bouncer barged in.

"I kissed him, Steve, he didn't do anything!" she replied to the angry look on Steve's face.

"You're on soon. You need to get ready." Steve the muscle bound bouncer said.

For Frank something so dramatic like that had never happened to him in his life. Now the question he asked himself is... "Was she going to expand?" He would, in fact, get his answer soon enough... On the stripper pole.

Frank leaned into Dave and Dahlia after getting back from his encounter. This is going to be a show that's worth it.

Peterson came over and sat down by Frank.

"I didn't know you liked fat chicks!" He yelled in his ear with an obnoxious laugh.

"What are you talking about?!" He yelled back into Frank's ear.

"Are you ready for some pb and j?! Because she's ready for you!" The strip club dj anounced with his distorted car salesman like voice.

The song "fat bottom girls" by queen began to play as a the now more pleasantly plump stripper strutted onto the stage.

Frank grabbed Dave's hand and looked at what he wrote earlier.

He couldn't believe what he saw.

"Pb and j, 5'2, 250 lbs"

"Hey, isn't that the fat stripper that took you into the VIP, room?" Dave got near Frank and asked.

"She was skinny not long ago. Don't you remember?" Frank asked in reply.

Frank shook his head with a sort of confused look on his face.

The stripper Crystal, now who went by pb and j, must of expanded in her dressing room just like his one night stand a few weeks prior. PB and J, had a bigger belly which she ran her hands over while the music played. It looked like most of her new weight was pretty evenly distributed all over her body, except for her extra in her belly.

Frank knew he would be the talk of work after Peterson saw him go into the VIP lounge with a bbw stripper. All of his coworkers were narrow minded a-holes who just wanted to find someone to make the butt of a joke. Frank would have to deal with that bridge when he came to it but right now he was just trying to figure a way to convince his friends he hadn't gone crazy. How would he do that if every time it happened reality rewrote itself?  Pb and j had finished her number with her clapping her butt cheeks, which Frank did his best to pretend he didn't like it.

"Discount dances and VIP lounge dances for the next 30 minutes! Gentlemen it's not just the deals that are hot here, check out these girls!"

The announcer called out while the price is right music played in the background. More strippers came out and strutted around looking to catch any guys eye. A tall white brunette came over to Frank and sat down. She shook his hand and Frank decided he was going to try this again at the risk of being labeled a chubby chaser at work and hounded endlessly.

Towards the end of high school and all the way up through the first two years of her nursing school, when Candy was introduced to somebody, they would eventually in some form or another ask if she's a stripper simply because of her name and appearance. Physically she was attractive but she had a certain something that nobody could put their finger that made her seem like a stripper. When Candy first got to nursing school the annoyance of people making the same comments turned into a motivation but unfortunately for her she had no financial support. She had to work two part time jobs and go to school full time. By the end of her fourth semester she was burnt out.

"Gah, I wish I studied harder in high school!" She said as she cried into her arms at her kitchen table. The mounting pressure of everything had finally gotten to her. She became determined to figure out a plan to make things easier. Then it came to her.
"Maybe I should just go with it! I'll just become a stripper for a semester then I get caught up on my finances and concentrate on school."  She said standing up in an "aha" moment.

When the manager of Fantasy Factory inc. asked what dancer name she would be using, even though her actual name sounded like a stripper name she went with a more generic stripper name "Chastity". She had been stripping for 2 months now and had already wiped out a lot of her school debt which would have taken her a lot longer to pay off otherwise.  She hated stripping and looked forward to having a job where it made an actual difference towards humanity. She had no idea her perspective and life were about to change. Today, like most days she talked to johns, gave lap dances, tried to convince guys to go to the VIP lounge and now started her routine up, sliding down the pole and shaking her but in mid air. Strangely enough she had no memory of what happened not long ago in the VIP lounge. When one the businessmen in the front stood at the steps towards the front of the cat walk,  she began shaking her butt in the man's face, she noticed It became harder and harder for her to shake her butt.

Dave and Dahlia gaped in shock as they saw Chastity's butt beginning to expand.

  She could feel her fishnet stockings constricting her legs and then she heard it...

Small r-r-rri-ip sounds as her fat legs oozed out of her fishnets. Her g-string rode further and further up her butt crack, till the back of it was was not visible.  Her g-string fell off when her flat stomach suddenly grew into a ponch.

 It wasn't long after Frank got back from the VIP room when "Chastity" had started her routine. When in the VIP room Frank paid for two dances which it all ended in her pleasuring him without him finishing. Frank looked at the expression on Dave and Dahlia's face and knew they figured it out. Frank began to excitedly walk toward the stage with a wad of dollar bills in hand. Candy continued dancing seemingly not knowing what was going on. When Frank approached the stage, the memory of what happened earlier came to her and she was immediately turned on again. She did her best to ignore Frank but she was drawn to him. By the time Candy's butt and legs stopped expanding they would slosh every time she moved. She pointed her butt at Frank and began clapping her ass like she had done so many other times but it took a lot of effort for her to do it. Candy knew she had to keep it together even though her butt had just blew up. Frank pulled out a wad of money from his pocket and began to make it rain on her butt. Frank then saw Peterson pulling out his phone to take a picture but the security Guard stopped him before he could take a picture. Dave and Dahlia called it a night early but Frank stayed a little bit longer to Dave and Dahlia's dismay. Before the end of the night, Frank ended up leaving with one of the blonde strippers who he actually knew from college but they were just going to get drinks nothing more.
13 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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Karenjenk 3 years
I love this.
Thank you!
Kexickus 3 years
This is so good, please continue.
Faadventuretime 4 years
Eventually but I have a bad case of writers block for this story. I'm trying figure out where to go next with it.
Faadventuretime 4 years
I fixed it thanks!
Mark 5 years
Samantha is the ex on page 1 so who is Michelle on the phone page 2?