Buffet bellies (complete)

Chapter 6 - catching up

If Lilah wanted to win, she'd have to eat at least ten more plates of food. Her friends had all given up as she plowed her way through the two plates in front of her.
"Wow...you're pretty impressive." Eric was watching Lilah and feeling a warmth in his cheeks that made him start to sweat. He couldn't tell if he was hot from all of the food packed into his gut, or the gorgeous woman in front of him, stuffed to bursting and still surrounded by food. Lilah scraped her fork against her the empty plate, ignoring his comment. She stacked her seventh empty plate on top of the sixth and pulled herself up from the table.
When she did, it felt like everything she ate was weighing down into her like a stone, bu she had to keep going. She was filled with a vengeance and a lust and another feeling that was absolutely indescribable.
At the buffet line, Eric came up beside her with a plate of cakes.
"Oh shit, I thought you KO'd!" Lilah looked up at Eric in horror.
"Actually," Eric was blushing and spoke behind a hidden smile, "I thought maybe I could help you...catch up?" Lilah felt embarrassed, but also excited.
"Oh...yeah. Sure! Grab another plate." Eric piled fried chicken onto another plate and helped Lilah carry more food to the table, where Alison and Brian had fallen asleep on each other's shoulders, their hands on their bellies.
"Why are you trying so hard to beat me?" Eric asked sitting down next to Lilah this time, rather than aross from her, and really wanted to know.
"I dunno, I'm broke and it's kind of fun." Lilah picked up a drumstick and messily sucked the meat off of the bone.
"You can say that again." Lilah licked her lips and looked into Eric's eyes.
Her tank top had ridden up above her belly button and noticing it, Eric reached across and pulled it down, his hand grazing against her warm belly. Involuntarily, a moan slipped away from Lilah's lips and then, a belch.
Eric laughed and picked up a piece of cake.
"Open." He demanded.
Lilah opened her mouth and then began a feeding session that they never should have gotten away with in public.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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