Broke the rules

chapter 3

Ingrid had surpassed 200 pounds before her next weigh in landing at a solid 215. Her stomach naturally covered half her thighs and she had thunder thighs. If she was standing she would have some rolls. Her ass was very large as well as her breasts. Her face was round and she lost the definition in her jaw, she had a full double chin. And with all this she was still stunning she hasn't stood up in 2 whole months, and has barely been sitting. Mostly laying down unless father or the maid tells her to sit for progress pictures. If they come to give her belly rubs she's usually laying down. All she does is eat all day so she's ballooning up very fast.
Today was the day she won't be sedated. He didn't do it for dinner last night so she would be completely conscious and aware of who she's becoming. She woke up and she thought it was the next day to when she last had her own mind. She was starving. She reached to hold her stomach and was so shocked at the softness she screamed. What happened? She quickly stood up and then fell right back on her ass. She wasn't used to the fat and her standing up along with that hunger made her really dizzy. She looked down and saw her belly rolls, her giant thighs, her breasts. She could feel a double chin just by looking down but she reached to feel it anyways, she felt her chubby cheeks and then went down to her belly.
That's when father came in, this time alone with that large tray of breakfast. Her eyes widened at the amount of calorific food. Almost none of it true breakfast food.
"How's my little muffin doing today? Looks like you're growing out of your pjs again darling," father said putting the tray down. She gave him a horrified look as he gave her a hug as he now usually did, with his hand on her belly that was thinly guarded by a stretched out silk nightie.
"What do you mean? What happened to me?" She teared up. She could feel every inch of her, heavy and soft.
"I found out you were breaking my biggest rule darling. I knew you wouldn't learn your lesson so I had no other choice. I'm shocked you haven't caught on, fatty, it's been over two months," he gave her belly a quick squeeze that made her tears fall.
"I would have broken up with him daddy! Please make it stop," Ingrid cried. Father chuckled.
"I don't think that's enough. You're never leaving this house again. Now, eat your breakfast like a good girl," he stood up to leave. She would have protested but she was so hungry. He still put a tablet in but not the drug. She took her first bite and couldn't stop. And she ate until after her nightie reached the top of her belly. She kept trying to stop but she couldn't. She ate all those cookies. All those donuts. All those breakfast sandwiches. All that pie. All that heavy cream. She was sobbing as she ate and drank. Onto her third container of heavy cream. She couldn't stop even though she so desperately wanted to. Her stomach was in charge. Now she has a jumbo container of cool whip with every meal so she ate that. After she ate the entire tray clean she was still starving. Her mind was telling her no but her body was begging for more. She looked to the side and saw her snacks that were left out for her and ate those up. She then drank an entire two liter bottle of cream soda she found on the side of her bed. She was finally full but she felt so terrible. Her nightie has popped off and she was completely naked. The maid came in just in time with a pajama top and bottom. She put it on the sobbing girl with ease and it was just barely baggy on her. She also came in with another mass amount of snacks to put on her night stand. Her pajamas were purposefully cropped so her giant bloated belly hung out. It now covered half her thighs. She couldn't talk. She just cried. The maid laid her down and rubbed her belly until the swelling had gone down a little bit, she left and Ingrid fell asleep.

A few hours went by. She ate those snacks. Time for lunch. There used to be lunch and brunch but now it's just one giant meal. She was starving again. But she felt so guilty. The maid came in with father, she put the tray down and left. Father stayed.
"Sit," he commanded and she pushed herself up, struggling greatly and heavily breathing. Tears stained her face. He took the pictures of her that he needed to. Her loose new pjs were now fitting perfectly because of the snacks.
"Please don't make me eat anymore," she pleaded.
"I'm not making you do anything, Ingrid. You fed yourself this morning and that was the most you've eaten. Face it, you were meant for this, and you know you want your lunch," he gestured to the three large pizza boxed, platter of burgers, chicken nuggets, a multitude of those giant cream sodas, six chocolate bars, a jumbo cool whip, a box of twinkies and a giant container of heavy cream.
She couldn't resist anymore. She was so hungry. Father decided to stay around and watch her eat this time, still crying. She ate all of it and fast. Everything in sections. Her belly grew quick which made her feel horrible. Food was smeared on her face and some soda and heavy cream dripped onto her chest. She was still so hungry after she had eaten even that much. Her pjs were now far too small and looked like underwear on her. Her legs were spread apart so she could make room for her heavy stomach that needed to sag. Her chubby, saggy arms squeezed themselves on the rest of her body, her cheeks chubbier than before. Her chin got more prominent. Father couldn't wait to get back to sedating her, he was sick of her whining.

Dinner came not quickly enough and Ingrid was longing so gluttonously for her meal. She hated herself. She really did. But she was so hungry. Dinner was huge. But tonight it was only immense desserts. Five large cakes. Three pies. Too many donuts for her now weakened mind to count. Three jumbo cool whip containers. Four cream sodas. Six heavy creams.

She ate it all. Her pjs just popped off a quarter of the way through. She didn't even cry. She was emotionless. She was still hungry though she had been snacking all day. Her belly was so big she couldn't fit her hands around it. All she could do was let the maid rub it until she fell asleep, completely naked.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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CaliGainingGirl 4 years
I loved this!
Frostxwatcher 4 years
Pacing ins way too fast it messes up the story a lot, needs to be a tad slower
Bellybeep1000 4 years
Wtf no good. Father even if his daughter was daging would do something like that!