Broke the rules

chapter 4

Ingrid woke up sedated again. Father was shocked she ate so much conscious but he decided to let her arms rest today and just tube feed her all day and night today. This way she should get fatter faster. She had easily gained ten permanent pounds from her glutton fest yesterday but today she'll gain more. The tube was down her throat and she was sat up so her expansion would be more evident. If she was awake she would be playing with her belly and moaning. Like a good little sedated piggy. She slept most of the day. The maid had decided to attach her to a high powered vibrator to keep her from burning any calories touching herself. That caused Ingrid to be moaning left and right, screaming in pleasure that was muffled by the tube. And the thing only got faster and harder. There was no relief. She was constantly tight and growing and orgasming. Father didn't come in. He couldn't see his little girl in a sexual way. Any movements she had were her mindlessly bucking herself into the vibrator. Her belly jiggled though it was tight and bloated all day.

The next day she woke up not connected to anything. She ate her morning snacks. She ate an even bigger breakfast than she had, along with lunch and dinner, not to mention her snacks. She's been quickly ballooning up to her next goal. At this rate she should reach 300 in three weeks. Father couldn't wait. Next week she was 240. Bigger. Father nearly doubled her food intake and she was still begging for more in her loopy state. This was going to be faster than he thought.

300 was reached and his next goal was 500. There was no point in 400 as it would be too quick. She hasn't been taken off the drugs again. She won't until she's 600. She ended every meal needing more. Her snacks turned into meals and was just a constant her being brought mass amounts of food and her eating them. There was no point in clothing her since she was growing so fast. When she hits 600 she'll be clothed just so she can watch them rip off. He wanted her to wait until she was truly obese. She already has a third chin. Her belly spread her legs while she sit. Her thighs were huge but lately her belly's been taking the lead. She was so big.

She hit 500 about a month later. 200 pounds in one month. She was so big and meaty. Her sedated little piggy self had barely any energy to rub her own belly anymore. 550 came a week later. She was such a big girl.
Her cheeks were so chubby she couldn't talk. By now she was too dumb to anyways. She was getting closer to 600 by the day. Father couldn't be more proud.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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CaliGainingGirl 4 years
I loved this!
Frostxwatcher 4 years
Pacing ins way too fast it messes up the story a lot, needs to be a tad slower
Bellybeep1000 4 years
Wtf no good. Father even if his daughter was daging would do something like that!