Fat for paolo

Chapter 38 - author

Hello everyone x
I'm taking this little space just to thank you all for reading my story and to give you a few updates on where I'd like to go from here.

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These two years of writing Fat for Paolo were quite bumpy, but definitely great. Who knew that loving guys with big asses would lead me to write a kinky af coming-of-age novella? Lmao gotta love how random life can be!

I'll leave this story up on the website for a while, but I'll probably try to publish it as an ebook too - once I find someone who's interested in proofreading and editing it :) if you wanna help an Italian fella writing in his second language, my DMs are always open x

As I anticipated in a comment down here, I'm 99% going to write a second novella on Trevor and Paolo at their respective universities, Vassar and Cortland. There are a few things to unpack still, like Paolo's parents decision to move to the US and Trevor's non-present father.
I'll probably change their colleges' names for having more creative freedom and avoid getting sued (lol)
In any case, I'll keep you posted x

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I'm a wannabe writer, I've always been. I'll never know if I'm good at it, but I know that creative writing is the thing I can do better than anything else I tried to do in the past.
Lately I've been feeling super doubtful about my future and ngl I think that this experience on FantasyFeeder might be the closest thing to feeling like a bestselling author (180.000 views? I'M SHOOK): I'm super duper grateful for your feedback, private messages and kind words. I never get comments or likes on Wattpad and stuff like that, so getting this many views, questions and compliments (TW: cliché) pretty much meant the world to me.

So yeah, thank you all so much for the support and encouragement (AH! See what I did there?), I hope you had fun reading my lil story and hopefully you'll check out my next ones too x

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38 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 1 month
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Vernon 4 years
Bhfjbjhdwhb - I'm so happy you like where this is going, it was so good to finally make them experience a cute fluff moment. It took something like 20+ chapters but yay, we made it ahah x
Blackfish 4 years
I waited so much for this chapter, I'm so happy they're finally connecting
Bhfjbjhdwhb 4 years
this last chapter is magnificent: we feel distress and sadness at the beginning and at the end we are happy that they are reconciled again. I await the continuation
Vernon 4 years
Blackfish - Paolo is such a poor little thing in this part of the story, I feel sorry for him too ahah x
Blackfish 4 years
God in this last chapter I could really feel a bit like poor Paolo, he's really so relatable
Vernon 4 years
Blackfish - poor gabby :'( but yeah, I see your point, I just felt like Trevor would have never gone at Jonah's on his own though ahaha
Blackfish 4 years
I'll be honest, Gabby feels really out of place sometimes, but overall I'm liking this and where it's going
SImbalato 4 years
You are a great writer but damn this chapter made me not like Trevor at the moment. Can't wait to see what comes next.
Vernon 4 years
@Bhfjbjhdwhb - heyyy, good to know dude! I'm so happy you like the story, thanks for the nice words x
Bhfjbjhdwhb 4 years
My god, this story is so good. I always wait the next part 😻😻 you have a french fan
Blackfish 4 years
I'l legit crying right now lol
Man this is getting good
Vernon 4 years
softcake - I appreciate your words a lot. I felt like this plot was gonna result as too slow-paced for a weight gain fetish site. It's good to hear you think it fits with the other stories on Fantasy Feeder x
Softcake 4 years
Really great story so far. Keep up the good work. Daily updates are awsome.
Also do not thank us,the feedback is your earned work. It is you to thank, because this is a perfect addition to the stories.
Blackfish 4 years
Thanks for uploading more!
I love this story, it feals like I'm reading about two real people interacting with eachother
Can't wait to read more
BulkBrit 4 years
This is such a great story. It is realistic, humorous and shows real compassion for the characters.

Please keep writing.
Vernon 4 years
omg guys just noticed your comments you're so nice!!
Thank you so much, I'm having a lot of fun writing this teen drama mixed with gaining and feeding, so it's even more enjoyable seeing other people reading and liking it!
Sorry that I kept you waiting
Ygglw 4 years
Love this story, hope so much it continues 🙂
Fattentheemo 4 years
Cant wait to see the next part.
VET 4 years
I like it
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