Fat for paolo

Chapter 5 - trevor 3

Chapter V
Roger Nitts Senior High School Theatre, January 7th, 8.45 pm

After throwing the bum of my cigarette from the window of the school’s bathroom, I rush immediately into the backstage of the theater to get ready. We start in like twenty minutes, but I had to take a break. I am a bit scared, not gonna lie. I mean, I performed well last year. But that’s the point, it was last year. Mr. Feathers is going to kill me if I fuck up my lines. I just needed a chocolate bar and a cigarette.
I’ve been the leader of the drama club since my second year at this high school, and I want it to stay like that until I graduate. I mean, being the leader in some sort of after school activity is a must for universities’ scholarships and stuff. And my grades are great, but I don’t have any massive misfortune like a handicap, dead parents or a challenging background. Of course I’m pretty shit at sports. Drama and scriptwriting are two of the few things that could land me a place in a good university.
I need to leave Nitts. And fuck New York, too. I would have to stay with my dads and travel with trains and shit. I just wanna stay in a cute college room with neon lights and little cactus.
While I put my wolf costume on, I obsess over the fact I don’t even know what I want to become in my life. I’m graduating in June and I have no idea where the fuck I am going to end up after that.
I force the brown gilet to go over my back, it still fits perfectly. I fix my bow tie and I smile at the mirror.
Not even one member of the play seem happy to be here and I get it: Mr. Feathers forced us, he said it is a useful trick to get attention from the freshmen. To be fair, the plot of the play is something I came up with. I adapted a videogame I liked in a script, and since I am the leader of the club, I get the chance to supervise the lessons when Mr. Feathers is absent or is having a shitty day and he’s about to cry about his second divorce.
So, I mean, I couldn’t miss this revival of ‘The wolf among us’. By being the main character, though, I realize as soon as I get on stage in the second scene that something is wrong. And no, it is not the lines or the outfit. It’s the audience. There are literally five people.
“Where the fuck is everyone?” I whisper to Gabby interrupting another girl in the middle of her line.
“Exams, maybe? I have no idea” says her, shrugging with uninterest.
I notice Kyle, sitting in the front row. I don’t care about him anymore, he didn’t even check on me after the party. Let’s be honest, he has been trying to fuck Gabby since we were freshers. I wouldn’t be surprised if I discovered that the only reason he forces himself to like me is to get in my friend’s pants.
Behind him there’s Paolo. On his own. What the hell is he doing here?
Not a lot of people would come to a revival of a play they have already watched last year. But, I mean, it’s a Thursday night. What’s better than a pizza and then theater?
I exit from my scene and I rush to put blood on my face and chest. I unbutton my shirt and I hold my breath while Gabby puts that fake red liquid all over me.
She gently squeezes my right boob and laughs. I act surprised because it was strangely hot. And Gabby is not something hot or at least it has never been for me. Even back on stage, I cannot stop thinking about the idea of Gabby touching my chest and making it jiggle like jelly. So, yeah, I’m horny on stage. And of course my ex-boyfriend Jonah enters in the theater and joins the audience when I have a huge bulk in my pants, my tits out covered in blood straight after my character is lying on the floor.
What am I doing with my life?
38 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 months
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Vernon 4 years
Bhfjbjhdwhb - I'm so happy you like where this is going, it was so good to finally make them experience a cute fluff moment. It took something like 20+ chapters but yay, we made it ahah x
Blackfish 4 years
I waited so much for this chapter, I'm so happy they're finally connecting
Bhfjbjhdwhb 4 years
this last chapter is magnificent: we feel distress and sadness at the beginning and at the end we are happy that they are reconciled again. I await the continuation
Vernon 4 years
Blackfish - Paolo is such a poor little thing in this part of the story, I feel sorry for him too ahah x
Blackfish 4 years
God in this last chapter I could really feel a bit like poor Paolo, he's really so relatable
Vernon 4 years
Blackfish - poor gabby :'( but yeah, I see your point, I just felt like Trevor would have never gone at Jonah's on his own though ahaha
Blackfish 4 years
I'll be honest, Gabby feels really out of place sometimes, but overall I'm liking this and where it's going
SImbalato 4 years
You are a great writer but damn this chapter made me not like Trevor at the moment. Can't wait to see what comes next.
Vernon 4 years
@Bhfjbjhdwhb - heyyy, good to know dude! I'm so happy you like the story, thanks for the nice words x
Bhfjbjhdwhb 4 years
My god, this story is so good. I always wait the next part 😻😻 you have a french fan
Blackfish 4 years
I'l legit crying right now lol
Man this is getting good
Vernon 4 years
softcake - I appreciate your words a lot. I felt like this plot was gonna result as too slow-paced for a weight gain fetish site. It's good to hear you think it fits with the other stories on Fantasy Feeder x
Softcake 4 years
Really great story so far. Keep up the good work. Daily updates are awsome.
Also do not thank us,the feedback is your earned work. It is you to thank, because this is a perfect addition to the stories.
Blackfish 4 years
Thanks for uploading more!
I love this story, it feals like I'm reading about two real people interacting with eachother
Can't wait to read more
BulkBrit 4 years
This is such a great story. It is realistic, humorous and shows real compassion for the characters.

Please keep writing.
Vernon 4 years
omg guys just noticed your comments you're so nice!!
Thank you so much, I'm having a lot of fun writing this teen drama mixed with gaining and feeding, so it's even more enjoyable seeing other people reading and liking it!
Sorry that I kept you waiting
Ygglw 4 years
Love this story, hope so much it continues 🙂
Fattentheemo 4 years
Cant wait to see the next part.
VET 4 years
I like it
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