A deal to remember

Chapter 11 - continued...

With little under one month remaining, Jenny seemed to become only more determined to get Caroline’s weight up. Her entire focus shifted to meet this goal. The result? Food everywhere. Caroline was tempted from the moment she opened her eyes in the morning to the second she laid down at night. Cookies, cakes, candy, and more was strategically positioned around the house where she was guaranteed to stumble across it. Fattening drinks filled their fridge and eating out was always encouraged.

Since the cake batter incident a couple of weeks ago, Jenny seemed to have changed up her strategy. Caroline had expected her to ramp up on the forced stuffings, to double down on the funnel play, and feeder domination. But the exact opposite had occurred. Jenny was playing it cool, teasing out her big events between quieter periods of Caroline stuffing herself via her own accord. She was showing the pig the trough, but not forcing it’s face in it. And the worst part? It was working.

Caroline was clearly used to a certain amount of calories having come so many months with a nonstop deluge of food and pampering. Now, left to her own devices with a grumbling tummy and sweet satisfaction within easy grasp it wasn’t hard to see where things would end up. She wasn’t stuffed like a thanksgiving turkey at the end of the day, but Jenny’s little piggy was NEVER far from that trough. Hungry? Package of Little Debbie's right here. Peckish? Look at these chocolate chip cookies I just baked, still warm, I’ll leave the plate here. Craving? I found these new potato chips for you to try. It was constant. A game of food. A game Caroline knew she would lose. She simply wasn’t able to resist now. Marshmallows, Reese cups, dough nuts. Yes please. And before she knew it, the box or bag would be empty and her belly would be just a bit bigger.

With Jenny’s carefully laid traps and further pampering, Caroline saw herself plump up even further. Her billowing belly increasing in size until it finally popped the button on her largest pair of jeans one evening over dinner. A sound that had only made Jenny devilishly smile before spooning another bite of chocolate cake into Caroline’s waiting mouth. She wasn’t even fazed, no hesitation, only a quick swallow followed by an open mouth asking for more like a baby bird. Caroline made not single complaint even as her belly swelled further, fattened and packed tight enough to force the zipper to part tooth by tooth until her gorged gut spilled into her lap. Finished, she had only sat there, a satiated smile adorning her cute face as her eyes slowly drooped from the ensuing food coma.

Things continued like this for a time. A pleasant parade of gluttony. A piggy with no self-control going back to the trough time and time again. Fattened despite its best interests. New clothes were bought, old ones replaced. Caroline had just about settled into the rhythm completely when Jenny sprang her next trap.
Caroline had just finished getting dressed for work. She was smoothing out her business suit in the mirror when Jenny wrapped one arm around her middle and nipped at Caroline’s ear.

“I’ve got a surprise for you today.” Jenny lowered her mouth to the base of Caroline’s neck and nipped there as well.

“Oh? I’m running late. Can I get it later?”

“I’ll have it waiting for you when you get to work. Just make sure you follow the instructions. All of them.” Jenny smiled and smacked Catherine on the ass.

“What is it?” Caroline knew that look. She knew it FAR to well.

“Oh, you’ll see. You’ll enjoy our game today.”

Let me know what you think, throw me a like or comment if you'd like me to continue, and feel free to check out my other stories.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Beeboz 4 years

Thank you! Really glad you enjoy it. More chapters on the way.
Beautybelly 4 years
i love the story!! please more chapters!! smiley
Beeboz 4 years
Can I say, I’m honored my story is your favorite? Don’t worry, Casey! I haven’t forgotten about it. I’ve been working on the next installment and mulling the ending and how dark I want to take it. Next installment soon.
Casey88 4 years
This is my favorite story. Please keep it going 🙏🏻
Beeboz 4 years

I’m always open to ideas. I’m honored you liked my work enough to give it some thought. Lay your ideas on me.
Lalalove18 4 years
Do you need any ideas for the next chapter
Td0057 4 years
Very well written and erotic. And you've got so many ways you can take the story from here. Looking forward to the next chapters.
Supergirl 4 years
Wonderfully written story, and it is great that you started it right in the middle of the action. The turn taken at Chapter 10 has me intruiged... Great work!
DoctorHarleenQ 4 years
I love this story so much!!
Beeboz 4 years

I haven't forgotten about it! Life has just been kicking my ass right now. I appreciate the kind words. They really help. I've got a few more chapters in mind, some partially written.
Xandercroft 4 years
Theswordsman 4 years
I doubt Jenny's going to stop feeding her after six months
Beeboz 4 years

Patience. All in due time. You wouldn't begrudge a poor writer if he kept a few mysteries up his sleeve, would you?
Beeboz 4 years
@ HockeyFan16

Thank you. I really appreciate it!

@ Raul177

Thank you!
Theswordsman 4 years
What was Jenny's end of the deal?
Raul177 4 years
Suena muy bien todo
Espero más capítulos
Beeboz 4 years

Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying it. Please continue to let me know what you think.
Bradypig 4 years
This story is incredible! I can't wait for more.
Wisconfa 4 years
Loved the story! Curious about the beginning. You could have given more details about the "deal".
Please continue
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
You’ve been here 10 years and this is your 1st story!!?

Amazing writing! I’ve also written lesbian weight gain stories. In fact, my most popular story on here is that genre. This is fantasy. Fiction.

And it’s exquisite.
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