A deal to remember

Chapter 14 - continued...

“Good girl! That takes care of the donuts and apple fritters.” Natalie documented the achievement on her clipboard. “Now, I’ve got some chocolate chip cookies here for you. Jenny told me how much you love cookies.”

Caroline’s eyes bulged outward. Her jaw moved to speedily finish off the last remnants of the large fritters. She had learned very quickly that Natalie didn’t like to wait on her to finish chewing. Natalie moved and set a large platter heaped with gooey cookies on the desk in front of Caroline before hopping up and making herself comfortable on the top of the desk. A pen and lamp clattered to the floor, but were ignored.

“She told me you LOVED cookies, said you ain’t so many one time you practically burst out of your panties. That true, Caroline?”

Caroline swallowed and nodded. She was enthralled. So used to these feeding sessions by now that all she could focus on was the food and the feeling of being filled. Both hands gently rubbed her overfed middle. She could feel her work pants biting into her belly and could see the buttons of her blouse puckering with strain of holding back her belly. That little, mindful voice in her head telling her to stop mere months ago was only a fraction of itself now, lost under the unending onslaught of sweets and sexual gratification. She could feel her hips and widening ass as they touched the arms of her office chair. She opened her mouth and waited.

Natalie didn’t waste time. She was above all efficient and shoved an entire cookie in Caroline’s waiting mouth. “God…you ARE a little hog, aren’t you? Jenny has sure done a number on you.” Another cookie. “You haven’t even slowed down. I didn’t really think I was going to be able to fit this amount of calories in someone, but seeing you in action has given me second thoughts.” Another cookie.

Eyes closed, mind devoted to the task before it. Caroline felt her pants bite into her domed belly. More cookies disappeared down her gullet. She felt her belly growing larger. Filling. Her Shirt rose higher as it fought a losing battle for space. And still Natalie kept the cookies coming. Not a second was wasted, not a single calorie denied. By the time the platter was half gone Caroline’s round gut was being nearly cut in two by her groaning waistband. Two distinct pale hemispheres could be seen rising above and below the quivering button of her slacks.

The office chair creaked as Natalie placed one high heel on the seat between Caroline’s legs. “Still not there, you gluttonous pig. I want this whole platter in you before the end of the hour. As per Jenny’s rules, I’m not allowed to touch you, so either undo the button or I’ll feed you until it undoes itself.”

Caroline burped. She tasted chocolate and the sugary glaze that had formed a ring around her mouth. Her tongue found a small dollop of chocolate on the corner of her lips and she took it in. She wanted it all in her. ALL of it. Her hands clumsily found the button. Fingers desperately clung to the fabric, but her gut was far too large and full. The pressure it was putting on the lone button was immense. There would be no getting it undone. She tried to suck in. That had always worked in the past. Now…it barely registered. The only result was the fabric screaming as she let her breath back out and her gut surged back out.

“Enough. I don’t have time for this. We have a schedule to keep.” Another cookie was forced into Caroline’s mouth. She whimpered, but greedily accepted.

Nearly fifteen cookies later, Caroline’s slacks gave up the ghost. She had just finished one of the largest snacks and was eyeing the last four when she felt her belly expand outward. It was only a fraction of an inch, but the avalanche had started. There was a crack and ripping sound followed by Caroline letting out a quick yelp as her engorged girth surged forward and came to rest in her lap. Natalie smiled as she heard Caroline’s zipper being forced down by the weight of her stuffed pot.

“There we go! Good. Now you have plenty of room to grow…” Caroline’s only response was a deep sigh and groaning belch. Now free of it’s confines Caroline’s belly took on an almost pregnant look. Engorged and bloated with sweets it rested defiantly on her thighs as it expanded outward towards her knees. An angry red streak marked the outermost swell of her belly, just above her shallow belly button.

“Now, now all the cookies are just about done, but I hope you have a little more room in there. I have a nice big surprise for you…”

Eyes glazed, Caroline licked her lips and nodded. She spread her legs and allowed her swollen gut to drop between them. It let out an angry groan as it’s contents shifted. That was better. She opened her mouth and waited.

All the room in the world now...


I appreciate all feedback. Please let me know if you enjoy this. Leave me a like or a comment. Appreciate you all taking the time to read my work.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Sharkshark 4 years
This is so perfect
Casey88 4 years
Wow what a story! Can’t wait for the next chapter!
Beeboz 4 years

I really appreciate everyone's comments and kind words. They help spur me on.
Beeboz 4 years

You're not missing anything! I purposely started the story a bit later. I find it more interesting being dropped in the middle and learning as you go along. I mostly write for myself...and it just allows me to be a bit more creative. Hope
Karenjenk 4 years
Wow! This is well written and I loved reading it. In regards to whether its a M or F writing a love scene... It's fiction. Just enjoy. I think it's better to encourage than to discourage.
I hope you continue.
Um what was the bet or deal between th
Weyferling 4 years
Is it meant to start on month 4 of the deal? I can't tell if I'm missing stuff
Zurea 4 years
Very lovely start, I would love to read more and finally know what this bet was.
Juicy 4 years
There’s always something that gives away when a man is writing lesbian content. I’m not a believer in that ‘write what you know’ stuff, except for newbies. But still, I guess I’ve come to think men shouldn’t write lesbian content. Sorry if it seems harsh—
Jazzman 4 years
Best story I have seen in ages.Hopefully updates will be frequent
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