A deal to remember

Chapter 15 - continued...

The overstuffed Caroline sighed in relief. She was absolutely stuffed to the gills, just monstrously full beyond belief. Natalie’s relentless feeding left her feeling like a beached whale, too big and bloated to even breathe. She stared down at the discarded remains of empty boxes and packages, genuine fear in her eyes. Doughnuts, cookies, brownies, heavy cream milkshakes, cupcakes, pizza, hamburgers, and the list went on and on.

Natalie hadn’t stopped. She was all about efficiency and she was determined to see the job through. She paused only to notate each item on her clipboard before she forced it down Caroline’s gullet. Occasionally, while Caroline chewed or drank, she would slowly walk around her chair. Her high heels clicking on the tile with each step. She seemed to be measuring Caroline in her mind, each step meant more numbers tallied. Calories, weight, girth, fullness. All statistics that needed to plotted on the graph in Natalie’s head. She didn’t want to overdo it, but she wanted Caroline as close to that line as she could possibly get. Full without an ounce of give. No less would do. She would constantly check Caroline’s belly by forcefully prodding her, index finger pressing above her dangerously shallow belly button. How much give was there? How much more could the sow possibly take?

Cold sweat dripped down Caroline’s forehead and slid down her flushed cheeks. She couldn’t imagine eating a single bite more. Stuffed beyond belief. Her belly so tight and swollen in front of her that she could barely breathe. The hem of her blouse slid up to reveal most of her engorged middle. It was all so good. Finally able to just let go and FEED. It was liberating. A low belch forced it’s way out of her and she sighed. Hands rubbing the sides of her prodigious belly. She felt the all familiar poke above her belly button and another belch rolled out of her in response.

“Good! The less air in you means I have all the more room for food. Two burps out, one cupcake in.” Natalie picked up a nearby chocolate cupcake and, with one finger, pushed it into Caroline’s mouth. Frosting oozed out and around her lips as she chewed. Natalie watched Caroline as she slowly, ever so slowly, managed to chew and swallow the cupcake. Her mouth hung open slightly. Eyes glazed, but still alert. “Such a piggy. I can’t believe I actually managed to get it all in you. I thought for sure there was no way…but you proved me wrong, didn’t you? And just look at you.” Natalie caressed the outer curve of Caroline’s belly. Her manicured nails gently raking the pale flesh. “You’ve grown so big. I get my bonus too…I’ve stuffed you so full that belly of yours is just over 60 inches. I’m WAY over my quota. Jenny wanted you at 58, but once I saw you in action I KNEW I could get more in you. I KNEW I could stuff you like a fucking turkey.” Natalie slapped Caroline’s belly, a low thump echoing in the office followed by another long belch. “I’m even betting I can get you to 61. You are as tight as a drum, but I know there is still some air in there. That was a nice one and now more room for a few leftover cookies.”

Natalie met her goal. By the end of the workday, Caroline’s glutted gut measured a whopping 61 inches. A monument to her gluttony, her sow belly nearly filled her lap coming just short of her knees. Angry stretch marks were already beginning to form. Her fattened tits rested on the top of it as her blouse struggled in vain to cover anything. Not that she cared. All Caroline could do was moan as her hands struggled to soothe the pressure inside her.

“I’ll have her to you in an hour. I’ll need help.” Natalie hung up the phone and smiled. This was going to be very lucrative indeed.


Big Finale coming up! Please let me know how you like it everyone. Comment and like. I really appreciate everyone reading my work.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Beeboz 4 years

Thank you! Really glad you enjoy it. More chapters on the way.
Beautybelly 4 years
i love the story!! please more chapters!! smiley
Beeboz 4 years
Can I say, I’m honored my story is your favorite? Don’t worry, Casey! I haven’t forgotten about it. I’ve been working on the next installment and mulling the ending and how dark I want to take it. Next installment soon.
Casey88 4 years
This is my favorite story. Please keep it going 🙏🏻
Beeboz 4 years

I’m always open to ideas. I’m honored you liked my work enough to give it some thought. Lay your ideas on me.
Lalalove18 4 years
Do you need any ideas for the next chapter
Td0057 4 years
Very well written and erotic. And you've got so many ways you can take the story from here. Looking forward to the next chapters.
Supergirl 4 years
Wonderfully written story, and it is great that you started it right in the middle of the action. The turn taken at Chapter 10 has me intruiged... Great work!
DoctorHarleenQ 4 years
I love this story so much!!
Beeboz 4 years

I haven't forgotten about it! Life has just been kicking my ass right now. I appreciate the kind words. They really help. I've got a few more chapters in mind, some partially written.
Xandercroft 4 years
Theswordsman 4 years
I doubt Jenny's going to stop feeding her after six months
Beeboz 4 years

Patience. All in due time. You wouldn't begrudge a poor writer if he kept a few mysteries up his sleeve, would you?
Beeboz 4 years
@ HockeyFan16

Thank you. I really appreciate it!

@ Raul177

Thank you!
Theswordsman 4 years
What was Jenny's end of the deal?
Raul177 4 years
Suena muy bien todo
Espero más capítulos
Beeboz 4 years

Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying it. Please continue to let me know what you think.
Bradypig 4 years
This story is incredible! I can't wait for more.
Wisconfa 4 years
Loved the story! Curious about the beginning. You could have given more details about the "deal".
Please continue
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
You’ve been here 10 years and this is your 1st story!!?

Amazing writing! I’ve also written lesbian weight gain stories. In fact, my most popular story on here is that genre. This is fantasy. Fiction.

And it’s exquisite.
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