A deal to remember

Chapter 16 - continued...

Jenny had expected results. Natalie always met her goals, but this…this was something else entirely. Caroline, stuffed almost beyond capacity, could only moan as she collapsed on their red leather couch. Her taunt, heavy belly nearly filled her lap coming up just short of her knees. Caroline kept her legs together, her gorged gut resting atop them, as she moaned and occasionally burped or hiccuped. The crease that foreshadowed the beginning of a double belly was long gone. She was so full her gut took on the beautiful roundness of a pregnant woman. Angry, red stretch marks could be seen forming just above her love handles and shallow belly button. She looked like a tick about to pop. A sow stuffed so full she was barely able to move.

“Natalie…you definitely met your quota…” Jenny couldn’t look away.

“I removed her slacks and business jacket.” She handed Jenny a small grocery bag. “Most of the buttons are gone, not that it matters, I don’t think she’ll be fitting back into them. I left her undershirt and panties on for decency, but neither one seems to be covering much. Best I could do…”

“No. No…that’s fine. How did you get…How did you get her so…full? I’ve never gotten her to this level…”

Natalie smiled and walked to the couch. She placed an open palm on top of Caroline’s belly and began to gently rub. “Oh it took me just a bit to figure out her tastes, but once I did it was just a matter of alternation. You see, Caroline has a BIG sweet tooth. This piggy loves her sugar. You just gotta make sure you break up those cookies and brownies with an occasional salty dish to clear her taste buds and by the time she gets done she’ll practical beg you for more sweetness. Mix that with some motivation and urgency and you can fill her to the absolute brim.” Natalie’s hand stopped rubbing and she pressed down hard on the outer curve of Caroline’s belly. There wasn’t much give and only a slight burp worked it’s way up and out of the engorged blond. “Oh, another burp. Piggy’s been digesting…I bet I could get a bit more cream in you now.” Caroline groaned.

The entire display was almost too much for Jenny who was practically drooling at the sight of her stuffed girlfriend. “Thank you…for your help Natalie.”

Natalie stood and smiled, all perfect white teeth. “Of course. You know where to send the funds?”

“Good! Glad I could assist you. Please let me know if I can help again, Jennifer.”

Natalie casually stood, crossed the room, and shut the door behind her. Her perfume hung in the air for only brief moment before dissipating entirely.

Jenny smoothed Caroline’s bangs back and out of her eyes. “Look at you…”

Caroline whimpered as her belly grumbled. “Full…”

“Oh, I’d say you’re WAY past full. I expected her to fill you up, but I expected you to control yourself. You’ve been all about that for the past few months, but then you come home like this… what happened to my BIG piggy?”

“No more control. Wanted it all. I was hungry and she just didn’t stop.” Caroline shifted in her seat, her fattened hips and ass made the leather couch creak.

Jenny laughed and began to run her hands over and under Caroline’s stuffed gut. “Aw…has our little bet finally broken your self-control? I knew over the last few weeks when you started practically stuffing yourself with treats I left, you were on the ropes.” Caroline hiccuped and her burgeoning belly gave a slight jump. “Now look at you…fuck me…you are so big.” Jenny slapped the top curve of Caroline’s belly before standing in front of her. Gently, she forced Caroline’s legs apart, spreading them slowly with one knee. “You could of said no. You know that right? I told Natalie specifically that if you adamantly refused that she wasn’t to proceed any further.” Her knee stopped moving and Jenny, smiling, leaned in towards Caroline’s face. Her hands resting and then pressing in on the smooth, taunt belly flesh causing Caroline to groan loudly. “But you weren’t going to do that, were you? Not after all those years of dieting and starving yourself…no…MY piggy loves her sweets too much, don’t you?” Caroline’s legs slowly spread wide and her globular gut fell between them to rest on the couch. The faint, brief popping of seams emanated from her panties. Jenny was all teeth. “Hear that, sow? Those little panties are about to give out. Not surprising considering I remember you buying them months ago.”

“Jenny, I can (groan) still diet…”

Another hard slap echoed through the living room as Jenny used both hands to lift Caroline’s gut and let it drop. “No. I don’t think you could if you wanted. If I had another three months your fattened ass wouldn’t fit through the front door.” Caroline moaned, her breaths came quicker and quicker. “No, the only exercise you want is to be stuffed and fucked like the sow you are. Admit it! Oink for me, piggy.”


“Say it. You aren’t going to sit here like a beached whale and pretend like you still have some semblance of self control. Say it, you fucking piglet.”

Caroline burped as Jenny rubbed her overfed middle. She tried to sit up, but only succeeded in causing a few more seams in her panties to give way. She sat back and sighed as Jenny’s hands moved up and wrapped themselves around her heavy tits. She felt Jenny’s tongue. Her hot breath caressing her breasts and moving slowly up her neck. Kissing. Licking. Lingering by her ear. “Admit it. Give into it. You already have…stop denying it to yourself. Stop fighting it. MINE. My piggy and I want you to let me keep fattening you right up.”

Caroline whimpered. This was it. Jenny was right. There would be no diets or gym. That side of her was all but gone. These last months she was finally able to be what she wanted to be. Do what she wanted to do…no resistance was left.

She felt Jenny’s breath on her lips.

Let go.

A slight whisper. “Your piggy…”


Thanks everyone for reading.
I originally had a MUCH darker ending in mind, and even had a lot written, but I ultimately decided on a sweeter ending for these two.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Gothicckitten 3 months
That was a fantasic read! As are all of your storys
Beeboz 3 months
Thank you Gothic! I appreciate you taking the time to read it smiley
Beeboz 3 years
Thank you! I'm glad everyone is still enjoying this story.
Kexickus 3 years
Verb8m 3 years
this story totally hits the ground running. love it!!
Fatraveler 3 years
How exciting! Best of luck to you!
Karenjenk 3 years
Holy cow!!!
PLEASE, give us the darker ending
this is great
Biddygal 4 years
Oumff!! This was delightful. I wish you would post the darker OG ending. Just for kicks and kinks smiley
Lalalove18 4 years
You finally finished I'm proud u didn't give up it was awesome
Justenjoy 4 years
I was really hoping for a sex scene. Aside from my opinion on that, this was a fantastic read. Thank you.
Wonker 4 years
One of the BEST stories on the site - PERIOD.
Djfex 4 years
great, looking forward to further endeavors
Lalalove18 4 years
Woww can't wait 4 the next chapter
Theswordsman 4 years
I get the feeling Natalie may be an actual feeder with how much she enjoys this
Doughyboy99 4 years
I haven't read a lot of stories in a while but I'm definitely glad I read this one
Beeboz 4 years
@HockeyFan16 - No, this isn't the final chapter. I had to split the stuffing scene in two halves. We have about two maybe three more parts. I appreciate you reading my work!
Verb8m 4 years
love this story!! plays to all my biggest fantasies: rich doms given all the freedom in the world to just the hell to town. love the concept, love the execution, sooo sexy.
Theswordsman 4 years
I can't help but wonder if caroline is going to end up working from home with how fast she's growing
Beeboz 4 years

Not done! I've just been dealing with stuff. I'm glad you enjoyed it enough to leave a comment and ask though! smiley Have a good one!
DnpteCreative 4 years
Hope this isn't done @beeboz
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