A deal to remember

Chapter 17 - darker ending possibilities/patreon/teaser

I've had several people request the darker end to this story. I had originally written a longer chapter, but in the end scrapped it. These two grew on me and in the end I couldn't see it quite fitting with the characters.

I've also been asked to continue with these two. I've considered that and have written a bit more, so you'll be seeing more of them soon.

I've had many of you write me complimenting me on this story as well as my other ones and I really appreciate that. I decided to try opening a Patreon page. If you like my work and want to toss me a buck or two for motivation please head on over. I'll be posting exclusive stories there every month as well as continuing to update the ones I have ongoing here. Thank you all, I appreciate the support.


And any new Patreon needs a fresh starting story. So have a teaser! Much more to come.

< br>Jen let out a long breath when she heard Trish’s door close. She sat down on the couch and picked up her book, thumbing the pages gently before setting it back down again. What a waste. They had come this far and to think Trish was falling off the wagon now. All that work. The constant care. The grocery lists to keep the kitchen stocked with healthy foods. The exercise regime. All of it! And for what? A dumb promise. She never should of made it. She knew better.

It wasn’t like Trish’s gluttonous behavior was anything new. She briefly recalled that high school senior birthday party where Trish has eaten so much cake she made herself sick. Jen smiled at the memory despite herself. The girl could eat and clearly loved too. But that was the problem, wasn’t it? When you have well-off parents like Trish’s there are expectations to meet and keeping a good body was one of them. They knew Trish’s biggest enemy was herself. Her appetite and lack of will power were a driving force in her personality and if her habits didn’t improve, she’d have trouble fitting her fat ass through doors much less attracting a good man. This couldn’t be allowed, but neither could they follow her to college and keep tabs.

And that’s where Jen came in. She remembered when they had brought her in to their foyer and offered her some tea. The delicate white porcelain cup it had come in had been immaculate. The clink of the platter as it was sat on the mahogany coffee table before her. For the briefest of moments, she thought she might be in a movie or maybe one of the novels she liked to read. The scene was too perfect. They sat on the couch across from her. All smiles and wrinkle-free clothes. They’d asked her for help. How her and Trish had always been close. How she could help not only them, but Trish as well. They’d offered her money, of course, paid directly or to the school. It didn’t matter. They’d see to it they both were put in the same dorm. All of that would be taken care of and perhaps a little extra spending cash on the side? Certainly. They just asked one small thing in return. Keep Trish from giving in to her base instincts. That’s how they put it, but Jen knew exactly what they meant. It wasn’t hard.

Keep our daughter thin.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Gothicckitten 4 months
That was a fantasic read! As are all of your storys
Beeboz 4 months
Thank you Gothic! I appreciate you taking the time to read it smiley
Beeboz 3 years
Thank you! I'm glad everyone is still enjoying this story.
Kexickus 3 years
Verb8m 3 years
this story totally hits the ground running. love it!!
Fatraveler 3 years
How exciting! Best of luck to you!
Karenjenk 3 years
Holy cow!!!
PLEASE, give us the darker ending
this is great
Biddygal 4 years
Oumff!! This was delightful. I wish you would post the darker OG ending. Just for kicks and kinks smiley
Lalalove18 4 years
You finally finished I'm proud u didn't give up it was awesome
Justenjoy 4 years
I was really hoping for a sex scene. Aside from my opinion on that, this was a fantastic read. Thank you.
Wonker 4 years
One of the BEST stories on the site - PERIOD.
Djfex 4 years
great, looking forward to further endeavors
Lalalove18 4 years
Woww can't wait 4 the next chapter
Theswordsman 4 years
I get the feeling Natalie may be an actual feeder with how much she enjoys this
Doughyboy99 4 years
I haven't read a lot of stories in a while but I'm definitely glad I read this one
Beeboz 4 years
@HockeyFan16 - No, this isn't the final chapter. I had to split the stuffing scene in two halves. We have about two maybe three more parts. I appreciate you reading my work!
Verb8m 4 years
love this story!! plays to all my biggest fantasies: rich doms given all the freedom in the world to just the hell to town. love the concept, love the execution, sooo sexy.
Theswordsman 4 years
I can't help but wonder if caroline is going to end up working from home with how fast she's growing
Beeboz 4 years

Not done! I've just been dealing with stuff. I'm glad you enjoyed it enough to leave a comment and ask though! smiley Have a good one!
DnpteCreative 4 years
Hope this isn't done @beeboz
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