A deal to remember

chapter 3

The Homestyle Buffet was nestled in a little shopping center on the edge of town. It'd been there for years. Everyone knew about it and, for a time, the little greasy spoon had become a local hangout. Those days were gone. Now, it stood alone. A bastion against the ever encroaching staple of fast food restaurants and franchise eateries.

Caroline loved their mac n' cheese.

She wasn't surprised when Jenny pulled into the Homestyle's parking lot after promising her a nice romantic evening. Truth be told, she was shocked they hadn't been there already. Jenny had made it her mission to hit seemingly every restaurant in town shortly after their deal had been struck. The plan was always the same. It hadn't take long to pick up on. She'd order Caroline the heaviest portions. Great plates piled to overflowing followed by multiple desserts, then sit back with that feline grin on her face and watch. She might eat a bit, but her undivided attention was clearly on Caroline. When the last bite was finally pushed in (usually by Jenny) and Caroline felt like she was about to explode, she would stand and Jenny would help her to the car. All the while loving every second and whispering sweet words into her ear.

And so it went...

She was conflicted as Jenny turned the car's engine off. Part of her was ecstatic. How could she not be? No limits. All the food just laid out and waiting. She could really embrace and live up to Jenny's fantasy.

However, deep down and growing seemingly fainter with each passing day was the other nagging voice. The more rational, sensible one. You've got to stop. Get yourself back under control. You can't keep doing this much longer or you're really not going to be able to fit through the front door! When was the last time you weighed yourself? She removed the scales for a reason! You're in too deep. Pull out Caroline! Pull ou-

"I've been saving this place for a special occasion. Tonight's the night. How's my pig? You hungry?" Jenny prodded Caroline's belly gently and smiled.

"Yes... starved actually. I should of known there was a reason you went light on me today. I sorta figured maybe after our talk you were..."

"I already told you. I'm not going light. Period. Put it out of your head. This is MY time. You are mine. When I'm done with you tonight you'll be lucky to fit back into this car. Now come on, I know your hungry."

Their booth was situated in the back, not ten feet from the actual buffet. It couldn't of been more perfect if Jenny had planned it. Which she probably had. The Homestyle Buffet was nice enough. Clean, respectable, well maintained with a certain family owned feeling to it. It felt homey. No doubt due to the numerous antiques and paintings hanging from the walls. It was almost tacky, but managed to barely squeak by with just appearing touristy.

Jenny had purposely asked for a booth when they had walked in. She hadn't really thought about it at the time, but when Caroline went to slide in on the red cushioned seat she found it to be a mite small. She fit, no problems, but it instantly made her self-conscious seeing how far her belly now extended towards the edge of the table. This wasn't lost on Jenny who Caroline saw grinning as she took her seat.

Drinks were ordered. Soda for her, of course. Unsweetened tea for Jenny. The waitress looked bored. All routine. Two buffets please.

Once she was gone Jenny looked at her from across the table and smiled. "I have so been looking forward to this. You really have no idea."

"Why? You've been doing this for nearly five months now. You're going to make me stuff myself. It's not a big surprise or anything, right?"

Jenny giggled. "Nope. Not in the slightest."

The waitress returned and placed their drinks on the table. She sighed before asking if they wanted anything else.

Jenny gave her best innocent expression. All wide eyes and dripping sweetness. "Oh yes, there is one more thing. I read about that new conveyor belt system you had installed earlier this year. It sounded so cute. Like those restaurants in Japan where you pick up your food as it goes around the loop. I've always wanted to experience that. Do you still have it?"

The waitress nodded. "Still have it. Cost you a bit extra with the buffet."

"Oh that's fine! What's a little money when it comes to having a new experience, right C?"

Caroline's eyes widened and her belly gave a low deep rumble.

She was in deep trouble.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Gothicckitten 3 months
That was a fantasic read! As are all of your storys
Beeboz 3 months
Thank you Gothic! I appreciate you taking the time to read it smiley
Beeboz 3 years
Thank you! I'm glad everyone is still enjoying this story.
Kexickus 3 years
Verb8m 3 years
this story totally hits the ground running. love it!!
Fatraveler 3 years
How exciting! Best of luck to you!
Karenjenk 3 years
Holy cow!!!
PLEASE, give us the darker ending
this is great
Biddygal 4 years
Oumff!! This was delightful. I wish you would post the darker OG ending. Just for kicks and kinks smiley
Lalalove18 4 years
You finally finished I'm proud u didn't give up it was awesome
Justenjoy 4 years
I was really hoping for a sex scene. Aside from my opinion on that, this was a fantastic read. Thank you.
Wonker 4 years
One of the BEST stories on the site - PERIOD.
Djfex 4 years
great, looking forward to further endeavors
Lalalove18 4 years
Woww can't wait 4 the next chapter
Theswordsman 4 years
I get the feeling Natalie may be an actual feeder with how much she enjoys this
Doughyboy99 4 years
I haven't read a lot of stories in a while but I'm definitely glad I read this one
Beeboz 4 years
@HockeyFan16 - No, this isn't the final chapter. I had to split the stuffing scene in two halves. We have about two maybe three more parts. I appreciate you reading my work!
Verb8m 4 years
love this story!! plays to all my biggest fantasies: rich doms given all the freedom in the world to just the hell to town. love the concept, love the execution, sooo sexy.
Theswordsman 4 years
I can't help but wonder if caroline is going to end up working from home with how fast she's growing
Beeboz 4 years

Not done! I've just been dealing with stuff. I'm glad you enjoyed it enough to leave a comment and ask though! smiley Have a good one!
DnpteCreative 4 years
Hope this isn't done @beeboz
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