A deal to remember

Chapter 7 - continued...

As Caroline scraped the remnants of turkey and gravy into her waiting mouth she was beginning to get a bit worried. She was shocked by how much her capacity had increased. Long ago, she would have eaten one plate and been stuffed to the gills, but now...now it was nothing. She had just finished three FULL plates of food and she was just comfortably full. Jenny wasn't kidding, she really was turning into a full fledged pig. And from the looks of it...a pot-bellied pig. She hiccuped and looked down at her full belly. It was packed and round easily resting itself on her thighs now. She rubbed it and sighed. She could feel her jeans cutting into her. That was only going to get worse.

"Good piggy! That's 3 down." Jenny took Caroline's empty plate and placed it on the conveyor where it was whisked from sight. She grinned and pushed a plate of fried chicken and sides into its' spot. "How are you feeling?"

"Good! I can't believe we've never come here. This place is fantastic." Caroline began to eat.

"I agree. I can tell you're enjoying yourself." Jenny pulled a plate of lasagna off the conveyor and set it to the side.

"I haven't picked another plate yet! Who said you could pick one. I might be full."

Jenny chuckled and her tone changed. "It's my game and I'll do what I please and whatever I pick off this conveyor WILL be going into you one way or another, so it's best if you don't question me. Got it?"

< br>"Good pig. Now eat for me."

And so Caroline ate. Her paced remained steady through the chicken, but she slowed halfway through the lasagna. She was quickly running out of space. This was a lot of food. Four full plates. Her jeans were absolutely cutting her in two. Her pale, round belly indenting so hard it was practically splitting into two halves against her waistband. Glancing quickly around, she moved to rectify the problem. Her fingers found the button quick enough, but stopped short when Jenny's hand slammed into the tabletop causing the dishes to shake.

"No. Don't you fucking dare. Don't you even think about undoing those jeans. You're mine, fatty. I tell you when to undress and the only way those pants are coming off you is if your belly is big enough to pop them off."
"Jenny...they are really tight."

"Then eat." Jenny placed a large forkful of lasagna in Caroline's mouth. "Eat Pig."

She swallowed obediently.

Caroline brought her hands back on top of the table and began to work on the half plate of lasagna. Each bite was becoming harder now, but somehow so much more satisfying. The mingling of flavors on her tongue made her wiggle her hips happily, lost in pleasure as she ate, added to by the growing fullness of her belly. Was this right? She was turned on. Ever since Jenny entered her life it had been a roller coaster of food and sex and now after these last few months the two were becoming seemingly intertwined. This only spurred Caroline's gluttony.

Once the plate of lasagna was down for the count another replaced it. Chicken Alfredo. Caroline looked up just in time to see Jenny making another tick mark on her napkin. She let out a small burp and dug in.

Halfway through the chicken Alfredo Caroline's jeans began to give out the first signs of failure. Her belly was so full at this point she must of looked pregnant, yet the jeans had done all they could do to contain her globular gut. The button was fighting a losing battle perched at the apex of her gut. It was practically quivering with strain and with each bite of food Caroline could hear seams beginning to pop. She was in pain now, constrained by the resistant jeans, and stuffed so damn full. Her only hope to keep going. She crammed another bite into her mouth and swallowed even as she gave out a small hiccup. Her pacing had slowed to a near crawl.

Jenny moved into the booth next to her. She lifted Caroline's face with one hand until their eyes met. "Eat. Don't you dare fucking stop." Her hand lifted Caroline's gut slightly before letting it fall. Seams popped. She shoved another bite of Alfredo past her lips. Then another...

And another...

And another..

Caroline lost count. But by the final bite of Alfredo, when the plate was all but clean, she gasped as she felt a sudden release. The "POP" was loud. It hung in the air, but the clatter of her button on the wood paneled floor seemed even louder. Her pants sighed as the flaps parted and her engorged gut forced the zipper to slowly wind down. Her belly was gorgeous. Perfectly round now. It stuck out like she was pregnant. An angry red line ran along it's circumference,

"There we go, piggy. My God, you are such a greedy fucking girl." Jenny slapped the side of Caroline's gut causing her to whimper. "Had enough at the trough yet? Or do you still have more room?" Her hands began to slowly massage her belly even as she reach over Jenny to pick up a desert from the conveyor belt. A nice sundae with whipped cream.
With her belly free to expand, Caroline suddenly felt like she had a bit more room. She began to take every bite Jenny offered. Heaping spoonfuls of ice cream and chocolate sauce. Whatever her mouth missed fell on her tits. She would get it later. She was an absolute pig. Something about having her stomach stretched by massive amounts of food was getting Caroline going, the only thing stopping her from rubbing her thighs together in lust was how she needed to spread them to make room for her growing gut.

She took a few more bites of cheesecake. Wait. Had she finished the sundae? When had Jenny gotten cheesecake? It was all turning into a blur. Her stomach began to feel more compressed than usual. Ignoring it, she greedily ate her way through the rest before she felt a slight pain. Caroline looked down, and her eyes widened as she realized her engorged gut was now rubbing against the edge of the table.

Jenny prodded above Caroline's belly button with a finger and giggled as a loud burp made it's way out in response. "There we go. No more room. I'd say this little sow is packed full. What'd you say, C?"

Caroline could only moan in response. Her belly wedged her firmly between the table and seat.


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17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Gothicckitten 3 months
That was a fantasic read! As are all of your storys
Beeboz 3 months
Thank you Gothic! I appreciate you taking the time to read it smiley
Beeboz 3 years
Thank you! I'm glad everyone is still enjoying this story.
Kexickus 3 years
Verb8m 3 years
this story totally hits the ground running. love it!!
Fatraveler 3 years
How exciting! Best of luck to you!
Karenjenk 3 years
Holy cow!!!
PLEASE, give us the darker ending
this is great
Biddygal 4 years
Oumff!! This was delightful. I wish you would post the darker OG ending. Just for kicks and kinks smiley
Lalalove18 4 years
You finally finished I'm proud u didn't give up it was awesome
Justenjoy 4 years
I was really hoping for a sex scene. Aside from my opinion on that, this was a fantastic read. Thank you.
Wonker 4 years
One of the BEST stories on the site - PERIOD.
Djfex 4 years
great, looking forward to further endeavors
Lalalove18 4 years
Woww can't wait 4 the next chapter
Theswordsman 4 years
I get the feeling Natalie may be an actual feeder with how much she enjoys this
Doughyboy99 4 years
I haven't read a lot of stories in a while but I'm definitely glad I read this one
Beeboz 4 years
@HockeyFan16 - No, this isn't the final chapter. I had to split the stuffing scene in two halves. We have about two maybe three more parts. I appreciate you reading my work!
Verb8m 4 years
love this story!! plays to all my biggest fantasies: rich doms given all the freedom in the world to just the hell to town. love the concept, love the execution, sooo sexy.
Theswordsman 4 years
I can't help but wonder if caroline is going to end up working from home with how fast she's growing
Beeboz 4 years

Not done! I've just been dealing with stuff. I'm glad you enjoyed it enough to leave a comment and ask though! smiley Have a good one!
DnpteCreative 4 years
Hope this isn't done @beeboz
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