A deal to remember

Chapter 8 - continued...

"Fuck! Look at you. Such a fat hog. Can you even move?" One hand gently caressed her lover's engorged belly as she brushed a strand of Caroline's hair out of her face. "No way around it now. You've got a true gut. You're absolutely ballooning." Jenny's eyes were fixated on Caroline's belly as it heaved with each shallow breath.

Firm and round, Caroline's middle positively bulged outwards. Stuffed full of fattening food as it was it flowed across a significant portion of her thighs, covering a good amount of her lap beneath its' fattened bulk. Her once cute blouse had slowly crept upwards over the course of the meal, sliding up the vast curve of her expanding tummy. Now it set right above her belly button. The entire bottom half of her fattened gut exposed. Love handles had formed and poured over the sides of her unbuttoned jeans. Every movement coaxed a slight groan from her stomach.

"Mmm. Just look at you..."

Caroline moaned and lowered her head backwards to rest on the back of the booth.

Jenny kissed her exposed neck. "Stuffed so full. A true hog. And you won't be fitting in those jeans any time soon. I can promise you that, C."

Caroline whimpered as she lifted her head. Her movements slow and measured, breaths coming in small pants as if anything larger might cause her to burst like an overfilled balloon. Both of her hands cradled her tightly packed belly as Jenny traced the long abundant outer curve of her gut.

Caroline burped and attempted to wiggle backwards in her seat, but found there was no more room behind her. For the briefest of seconds she felt a rising sense of panic, she was stuck. She'd eaten too much. This had gone too far. She placed both hands on the edge of the table and pushed in an effort to give her belly more room. The table didn't budge. She hiccuped and grunted as she felt Jenny pat the exposed part of her paunch.

"Baby, there isn't any room behind you left to go. You're growing ass took care of that and these tables are nailed to the ground. It looks like my piggy ate herself into quite the pickle."

"This isn't...urp...funny. I can barely move. Let me up." Caroline attempted to stand, but the table dug into the peak of her belly. Stuffed as she was, the sudden movement seemed to exhaust her and she whimpered as she sat back down

"We'll just have to slide you out, my little piglet. Come on..." Jenny giggled and stood. She took Caroline's hand and slowly guided her to slide out of the booth.

Caroline grimaced as she slid her chubby ass out. The table edge digging into the mountain her belly had become, each small slide forward seemed to put more pressure on her straining gut. It groaned so loudly at one point Caroline thought for sure she was about to blow.

Just when she thought she wouldn't be able to take anymore Jenny took both of Caroline's hands in hers and pulled her up and out of the booth. She practically gasped as her belly bulged further forward. With the table no longer confining it, her belly gave a slight wheeze as it grew to its former size and beyond. Perfectly round now, it pushed her blouse further up. The bottommost button having already popped somewhere between desserts.

She could barely keep her eyes open. So much food. She struggled to stand until Jenny helped steady her.

"How many desserts...uurrpp?"

Jenny kissed her again. "I was hoping to get four in you, but you maxed out at three. You're full to the brim, piggy. No give anywhere. No doubt, you'll have some stretch marks from this one and I can't wait to see them." Jenny punctuated the end of her sentence with a hard slap to Caroline's glutted gut causing her jump and let out a monstrous burp.

"Mmm. Looks like I spoke too soon. That should make a bit more space." Jenny picked a stray leftover dinner roll from the table. She dunked it in the liquid remains of the devoured sundae letting it soak up the all melted ice cream.

"Jenny ...I've had.."

"Shhhh...." Jenny cooed as she brought the dripping roll to Caroline's mouth. "The only reason you should be opening your mouth right now is for me to shove more food in. Now eat it, you gluttonous pig."

Caroline's eyes were glazed over. A few crumbs and food stains decorated her face and front. She hesitated only a second before opening her mouth. Whimpered as Jenny pushed the entire roll in.

"Good girl. Now let's get you home. I'm not quite done with you."

They slowly made their way to the car.


Let me know how I'm doing. Every kind word helps!
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Beeboz 4 years

Thank you! Really glad you enjoy it. More chapters on the way.
Beautybelly 4 years
i love the story!! please more chapters!! smiley
Beeboz 4 years
Can I say, I’m honored my story is your favorite? Don’t worry, Casey! I haven’t forgotten about it. I’ve been working on the next installment and mulling the ending and how dark I want to take it. Next installment soon.
Casey88 4 years
This is my favorite story. Please keep it going 🙏🏻
Beeboz 4 years

I’m always open to ideas. I’m honored you liked my work enough to give it some thought. Lay your ideas on me.
Lalalove18 4 years
Do you need any ideas for the next chapter
Td0057 4 years
Very well written and erotic. And you've got so many ways you can take the story from here. Looking forward to the next chapters.
Supergirl 4 years
Wonderfully written story, and it is great that you started it right in the middle of the action. The turn taken at Chapter 10 has me intruiged... Great work!
DoctorHarleenQ 4 years
I love this story so much!!
Beeboz 4 years

I haven't forgotten about it! Life has just been kicking my ass right now. I appreciate the kind words. They really help. I've got a few more chapters in mind, some partially written.
Xandercroft 4 years
Theswordsman 4 years
I doubt Jenny's going to stop feeding her after six months
Beeboz 4 years

Patience. All in due time. You wouldn't begrudge a poor writer if he kept a few mysteries up his sleeve, would you?
Beeboz 4 years
@ HockeyFan16

Thank you. I really appreciate it!

@ Raul177

Thank you!
Theswordsman 4 years
What was Jenny's end of the deal?
Raul177 4 years
Suena muy bien todo
Espero más capítulos
Beeboz 4 years

Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying it. Please continue to let me know what you think.
Bradypig 4 years
This story is incredible! I can't wait for more.
Wisconfa 4 years
Loved the story! Curious about the beginning. You could have given more details about the "deal".
Please continue
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
You’ve been here 10 years and this is your 1st story!!?

Amazing writing! I’ve also written lesbian weight gain stories. In fact, my most popular story on here is that genre. This is fantasy. Fiction.

And it’s exquisite.
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