A deal to remember

Chapter 9 - continued...

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Caroline sat in the car's passenger seat, pale thighs together supporting a very round and heavy belly. Her gut was nearly fully exposed now. Her blouse having worked its' way up to just belong her very ample breasts. Each bump and jostle caused Caroline to groan as she tried to massage the sides of her overfed food baby. She was a gorgeous sight and Jenny was clearly having issues keeping the car on the road.

I've gotta say...I can't believe I managed to get all that in you.Jenny reached over and poked the side of Caroline's belly. The skin was pliant, but pulled tight. There was barely any give. A few angry red stretch marks were already making their presence known around her shallow belly button. Shallow? It had always been much deeper, hadn't it? Of course, with so many pounds of fattening food stuffed in her. Fuck, she was going to be huge..

They hit a particularly big bump and Caroline belched loudly. She shimmied in her seat trying to get more comfortable, but found herself beginning to hiccup.

They arrived home fifteen minutes later. Caroline was nearly asleep.

"Come on, piggy. Let's get you inside. A few more things to do and then you can sleep." Jenny took Caroline's hands and helped her up. Once standing her bulging belly fell forwards, so round and full she could easily be mistaken for pregnant. Jenny saw she walked with a pronounced waddle now. Her belly bouncing slightly with each step as it hung out past her open pants.

They made their way upstairs. Each step was a chore. Caroline's belly sloshed and gurgled desperately trying to handle the massive amount of food. She cradled it with both hands.

"Let's take a good look at you, pig." Jenny stripped Caroline's shirt off followed by her bra. She smiled as she fondled Caroline. Squeezing and lifting each of her breasts. "My, my you really have grown."
Jenny slowly worked Caroline's pants down over her chubby ass. "Just look at you! Those panties are so tight I don't even know how you have haven't ripped them yet. God, you are such a fucking sow. I could tell you were really getting into it at the buffet. Getting turned on as I fed you more and more. You don't want to admit it, but somewhere inside you is one happy pig." Jenny slapped Caroline's glutted middle and laughed.

Caroline burped. "Please...I just want to get some sleep."

"Not yet, you aren't. I want to see how much you've grown." Jenny circled behind Caroline wrapping a tape measure around her prodigious middle. Each click of the tape seemed to hit Catherine harder. Each tick another step towards obesity, towards her being FAT. She couldn't deny she was turned on, but deep down she hated herself for it.

"46 inches. Mmmm. You are coming along so nicely. Plumping my girl right up, aren't we?" Jenny lifted Caroline's belly up and let it fall. "I'm not going to weight you just yet. I'm going to get you to two hundred first."

Caroline's eyes widened, "No..."

"Yes. You aren't there yet though. I can tell. However, a few more meals like tonight ought to get you much closer. "I'd say you're about 190 or so, but you're also holding a good six or seven pounds of food here." Jenny groped Caroline's belly and grinned. " I just need a few more dinners with you and I'll have you right where I want you. Fat, happy, and stuffed like the fucking pig you are."

Jenny kissed Caroline. Her eyes staring straight into hers. "Now, you've eaten. It's my turn to have some fun..."
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Gothicckitten 4 months
That was a fantasic read! As are all of your storys
Beeboz 4 months
Thank you Gothic! I appreciate you taking the time to read it smiley
Beeboz 3 years
Thank you! I'm glad everyone is still enjoying this story.
Kexickus 3 years
Verb8m 3 years
this story totally hits the ground running. love it!!
Fatraveler 3 years
How exciting! Best of luck to you!
Karenjenk 3 years
Holy cow!!!
PLEASE, give us the darker ending
this is great
Biddygal 4 years
Oumff!! This was delightful. I wish you would post the darker OG ending. Just for kicks and kinks smiley
Lalalove18 4 years
You finally finished I'm proud u didn't give up it was awesome
Justenjoy 4 years
I was really hoping for a sex scene. Aside from my opinion on that, this was a fantastic read. Thank you.
Wonker 4 years
One of the BEST stories on the site - PERIOD.
Djfex 4 years
great, looking forward to further endeavors
Lalalove18 4 years
Woww can't wait 4 the next chapter
Theswordsman 4 years
I get the feeling Natalie may be an actual feeder with how much she enjoys this
Doughyboy99 4 years
I haven't read a lot of stories in a while but I'm definitely glad I read this one
Beeboz 4 years
@HockeyFan16 - No, this isn't the final chapter. I had to split the stuffing scene in two halves. We have about two maybe three more parts. I appreciate you reading my work!
Verb8m 4 years
love this story!! plays to all my biggest fantasies: rich doms given all the freedom in the world to just the hell to town. love the concept, love the execution, sooo sexy.
Theswordsman 4 years
I can't help but wonder if caroline is going to end up working from home with how fast she's growing
Beeboz 4 years

Not done! I've just been dealing with stuff. I'm glad you enjoyed it enough to leave a comment and ask though! smiley Have a good one!
DnpteCreative 4 years
Hope this isn't done @beeboz
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