A deal to remember

chapter 4

The sun woke Caroline. It’s light filtered through the bedroom blinds and filled the room. She groaned as she stirred awake still feeling full, but good. The rest had helped her. She yawned and grimaced as she saw her belly protruding from the bottom of shirt. Once upon a time this shirt had fit perfectly, but now it was straining at the seams. Between her growing tits and her swollen gut it was probably about time to retire it. She smiled in spite of herself. How far she had come!

She attempted to roll over and gasped. Her hand… Both of them… were tied to each bed post. Panic flared in her sleep-addled mind. Panic that was quickly mixed and then replaced with submissive arousal.

Jenny. She wasn’t going to stop until she got exactly what she wanted. The thought both scared and intrigued her. She was shaping her. Molding her.

“I expected you to sleep longer.” Jenny smiled as she stood over the bed. In her hand was a long funnel. “Good morning”.

“Morning. What are you up too?”

“Well piggy. Glad you asked.” Jenny climbed on the bed and rested her hand on Jenny’s belly. “I’ve got to speed things up a bit. Normally, I would just sit your fat ass down at the table and stuff you with a absolutely massive breakfast, but considering I’ve only got a limited amount of time and even a greedy hog like yourself can only chew so much I’m going to have a to try something a bit different. Gotta get my pig’s weight up before I take her to market.” Jenny giggled and gently placed the funnel in Caroline’s mouth. “Don’t you fucking dare spit it out. You hear me?”

Caroline nodded.

Jenny reached down and plucked up a large bottle of liquid from the side of the bed. Uncapping it, she smiled and began to empty it’s contents into the top of the funnel. Caroline watched wide-eyed as the liquid drained through the funnel’s spout, down the tube, and into her mouth. It was a thick, heavy liquid. A few lumps here or there passed over her tongue, and it only took a few seconds for the flavor to register: cake batter. There was no doubt. It was cake batter. Chocolate, too, The calories of an entire cake with none of the fluffy air texture that normally came with it. As her mouth filled, she guzzled the fattening semi-liquid. The thick, chocolate flavor coated her tongue, and she gulped as more and more came.

Jenny chided. “Keep drinking.”

Caroline took quick breaths through her nose whenever she could, the rest of her time was spent gulping... and gulping... and gulping. The flow was relentless. Every time she finished off the contents of the tube, another bottle was poured into the funnel. Three bottles turned into four, then five, then six. She just kept swallowing, kept drinking. Over a gallon of pure cake batter was being forced into her stomach. The last meal hadn’t fully digested yet, and this only piled on top of it. With the liquid entering her so fast, she could ​feel​ herself bloating outward, ​feel ​her stomach grow tighter and tighter with each passing gulp. The soft fat that she’d packed on along her gut stretched as she grew rounder with each swallow, becoming firmer as she swelled.

Seven...eight... She kept swallowing like a machine, just trying to ignore everything else. Her stomach began to feel full, then blew straight past into stuffed. An uncomfortable tightness turned into dull pain as she was packed even tighter. Her gut bulged across her lap, and each additional gulp caused her stomach to cover more of her thickened thighs as it swelled. A pale white balloon that curved outward as it expanded. Dull pain grew into an aching tightness as she forced more down.

Caroline sputtered as the tenth bottle began to flow down her throat. She couldn’t keep drinking. Her stomach felt ready to rupture. A sharp, aching pain resonated throughout her entire midsection, and grew more intense with each gulp. Finally, she swallowed one final time, and found her mouth empty. Immediately Caroline gasped for air through the funnel’s tube, but after the first sharp inhale she winced and let out a loud groan. She was far too full to be taking such deep breaths, the feeling of her expanding lungs against her massively overstuffed stomach caused the sharp pain to multiply.

“Mmph.... Mhhgh....”“

“Aw, I know,” Jenny said, giving a little chuckle as she reached out to pet Caroline’ cheek. “You’re full, aren’t you? Mmmm, I bet you feel like you’re gonna pop.” Caroline gave a weak groan through the tube. A large burp echoed in the funnel. “Aw, don’t you worry,” Jenny said, grinning wide as she brushed a strand of Caroline’s hair out of her face. She took a small rag and wiped it along Caroline’s forehead watching as her eyes fluttered. Jenny slowly removed the funnel from Caroline’s mouth. Another guttural belch made its’ way past Caroline’s lips. A chocolate ring now encircled her mouth and her breaths came in short gasps.

Jenny kissed Caroline’s shallow belly button and gently drifted her fingers down the outer curve of her packed gut. Even the slightest touch caused Caroline to moan. “Shhhhhhh. I know. The piggy’s belly is packed full. Gotta stretch that tummy out a bit more to make room. If you’re going to eat the feast I’ve got planned for you I’ve gotta make sure you’ll be able to get it all in.”

Their lips met as Jenny kissed her. Long. Passionately. And when they parted Caroline could only let out a tiny squeak before another belch forced it’s way out.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Sharkshark 4 years
This is so perfect
Casey88 4 years
Wow what a story! Can’t wait for the next chapter!
Beeboz 4 years

I really appreciate everyone's comments and kind words. They help spur me on.
Beeboz 4 years

You're not missing anything! I purposely started the story a bit later. I find it more interesting being dropped in the middle and learning as you go along. I mostly write for myself...and it just allows me to be a bit more creative. Hope
Karenjenk 4 years
Wow! This is well written and I loved reading it. In regards to whether its a M or F writing a love scene... It's fiction. Just enjoy. I think it's better to encourage than to discourage.
I hope you continue.
Um what was the bet or deal between th
Weyferling 4 years
Is it meant to start on month 4 of the deal? I can't tell if I'm missing stuff
Zurea 4 years
Very lovely start, I would love to read more and finally know what this bet was.
Juicy 4 years
There’s always something that gives away when a man is writing lesbian content. I’m not a believer in that ‘write what you know’ stuff, except for newbies. But still, I guess I’ve come to think men shouldn’t write lesbian content. Sorry if it seems harsh—
Jazzman 4 years
Best story I have seen in ages.Hopefully updates will be frequent
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