The dancer's conflict

Chapter 2 - rachel's chance

It's a Tuesday night and Rachel's in class early as always. She's practicing away pounding the floor with her feet. Her heart is pounding, her breath heaving, muscles tiring and sweat dripping. Still it isn't enough, not by her standards and not by her teacher's standards; "Keep your feet turned out Rachel. Let's do that again' she says. Rachel nods in agreement despite her panting and nausea. "It's only 90 more seconds" Rachel tells herself. The music begins and she takes her position. She makes every step, every leap, every turn, every beat count. It's as perfect as it could be and she knows it. "Good, Rachel. Get a drink" is all her teacher gives her. She nods and walks out to her bag with her hands on her hips.

It doesn't take her long to realise that there's a new guy in her school. A tall (taller than Rachel) tattooed dude with a fairly muscular physique and luscious, shoulder length red hair, Rachel had never even met a guy with noticeable tattoos before; a skull on his left shoulder like a typical "badass" bro-dude, a generic quote on his right forearm plus a few other bits and pieces around his body (that she could see). Rachel was somewhat disinterested since his demeanor gave her the impression that he wasn't as... invested in dancing as she was but she still gave him the courtesy of introducing herself.

"Hi, I'm Rachel."

"Cool. I'm John, although people call me Jack. Nice to meet you Rachel."

The pair exchange the usual pleasantries whereupon Rachel learns that Jack had recently transferred from another school in their region and had been dancing for only 5 years (he was 21) but since he was in Rachel's class he had to have been half good at least.

"So are you competing this weekend?" Rachel asked him.

"Nah. I'm not much of a competitive person. I might come and watch though."

"Oh. That's cool." Rachel replies.

Later in their night of training Rachel analyzes Jack's dancing technique. It turns out there's a reason why he doesn't see himself as a competitive person. He wasn't BAD per se but he was nowhere near Rachel's level. She kept her criticisms to herself for the moment. The rest of training was uneventful for the pair of them.

Rachel's belly began growling during the car ride home, training had actually gone on longer than usual since the National Championship was next week so naturally everyone was pushed harder which meant Rachel was practically begging for food; starving. When she got home her mother made her dinner: a basic Caesar salad. Not exactly filling but it was enough to satisfy her. For a while at least.

The weekend came and Rachel hadn't seen the new guy all week save for Tuesday. Whatever. Not her concern. She was at the competition getting prepped and practicing. She had arrived at 10 but her first dance wasn't till 12, so she had plenty of time. Suddenly she saw Jack (or at least his skull tattoo) which was a surprise since she didn't think he was serious when he said he'd be there. He sees her and gets her attention.

Again, they exchange pleasantries. Basic chit chat, which interested Rachel since very few people had made an effort to talk to her before. They continued chatting until Rachel was due onstage. Her first dance goes off wthout a hitch; damn near picture perfect. She comes and sits back down next to Jack, who congratulates her on her performance and she thanks him. They spend the next hour watching Rachel's competition dance, analyzing and occasionally quietly berating them. They laugh and giggle for most of the afternoon, interspersed by Rachel's dancing. Her first two dances go perfectly but during her final dance she slipped and nearly fell which, while innocent could be enough to lose first place, the adjudicators don't like any messes like that.

Rachel came off stage with tears in her eyes and rage everywhere else. Jack tried to comfort her but she blew him off. When results time came both of their hearts were pounding through their chests as names were announced and places were getting higher and higher.


"In third place, number 85, Rachel McKendry of the Paul O'Dwyer School!"

Everyone applauded and cheered but Rachel. She still had the same tearful pissed off look she had after her last dance, although she faked a smile on the award stage.

After the proceedings she sat down and packed up all her stuff without saying a word. Jack decided this was the perfect time to make his move.

"Hey Rach, I know today's been a long and disappointing day, so why don't I take you out to dinner tonight."

Rachel nearly snapped. She looked up at him with complete surprise as to how he could think she wanted to even speak right now.

"NO", she said sternly. She zipped up her bag and left without another word.

Rachel's mother could tell she was upset, so made a once in a lifetime offer;

"Hey Rach, do you want some Mcdonalds or KFC for dinner?"

Her stomach growls in anticipation.

"No. Thank you." Rachel says, barely hiding the cracks in her voice from trying to stop herself from crying.

They get home and Rachel heads straight to bed, no food, no nothing. She tries to sleep but between her crying and her belly constantly rumbling it was nearly impossible.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Jack-Elray 4 years
So far so good.
Interested to see where you take this.