The dancer's conflict

Chapter 4 - rachel sets the standard (and the mood)

Rachel and Jack are strolling out of the auditorium with Rachel's trophy in hand.

"I'm so fucking happy, you have no idea dude!" Rachel exclaimed.

"Oh, I think I have some idea, Rach"

"Jack, don't even. I've wanted to be a world champion since I was little. And now I finally have the chance!"

"Ok, guess I didn't have an idea" Jack laughs.

"Now, where are we going?" Rachel inquires while they're walking towards the carpark.

"I was thinking Indian food, or a few kebabs, or maybe pizza - and I mean real restaurant pizza, not Dominos"

"I wouldn't know the difference"

"Wow, really? Damn"

"But I like it! I like the idea! I like all of them actually."

"Cool. Let's get some Indian."

"Let's get some Indian *FIRST*"

"Seriously? Who are you and what have you done with Rachel?"

"***. I told you I'm starving."

"Well yeah, but -"

"Give me your hand"

Rachel grabs Jack's hand and places it on her belly. Jack gives her a confused and slightly threatened look until he feels something momentarily. He keeps his hand on her stomach and then he feels a large vibration that lasts about 5 seconds. He could just hear the rumble that accompanied it, too.

"Do you believe me now?" Rachel asks with a charming, almost lustful look in her eye, with Jack's cold hand still pressed against her growling stomach.

"...Yes." Jack softly answered.

His heart was pounding even harder than it had been in the auditorium.

"Was this really happening?" he thought.

"I mean Rachel is... beautiful, and that's not even taking her incredible body into account. Her eyes are a bright, almost gleaming blue, her smile is absolutely captivating, her pale skin has an adorable arrangement of freckles and it's... so soft. Well, her belly is. And her mind is just intri-"

"Jaaaack. Jaaaack. Come away from the light, Jack." Rachel gives him two light taps on his cheek to get his attention.

Jack came out of his imagination in shock, Rachel had actually scared him. He jumped back as a result and Rachel giggled.

"You know your left your hand there for a good 20 seconds or so, right?" Rachel says with the biggest shit-eating grin on her face.

Jack tries his best to save face and act cool.

"Ah, wh- e- d- uhhhh... yes."

Rachel crosses her arms, still grinning.

"Did you like it?" she says, raising an eyebrow.

Jack couldn't dance around his feelings anymore. He was infatuated.


Rachel says nothing, STILL grinning. She motions to him to come, and he does. They continue towards Jack's car.

"Do... do you want to talk about it? Do you have anything to say? Do you-"

Rachel presses her middle and index fingers against his lips and shushes him, pausing a moment to look straight into his eyes, then at his lips, then down the rest of his body and back up again. I know I said Jack was infatuated, but seriously, he is one smitten kitten.

"Yes. Tonight. Tonight will be perfect. Tonight I'm going to try as much as I can. Within reason, of course." Rachel thought to herself.

They continue to walk towards the car in smitten and lustful silence until...


"M mmm... I'm so hungry." moaned Rachel

"Does it hurt? Do you want me to rub it?"

"Do you want to rub it?"


Rachel grabbed his arm, wrapped it around her waist and pressed his hand on her barely covered belly. His hand feels every vibration her little tummy makes and he begins to rub anticlockwise.

"No, no, clockwise. Clockwise feels better." And so Jack starts rubbing the other way.

Rachel lets out a large sigh and rests her head on his shoulder. By now it would be obvious to anyone that Rachel is at least a little turned on. Everyone aside from Jack.

"It'd be pretty hot if he'd give my belly a little tap. Actually it'd be pretty hot if he gave anything of mine a tap." Rachel thinks to herself.

She tries to coerce this out of Jack by dragging his hand towards her round, plump ass, but once he gets there he hesitates and stops her.

"Uhhh, Rachel? What are you doing?"

"UUGGHHH. Come on, Jack, I want you to touch me."

"Oh. Ok." Jack immediately goes for her tits.

"NO. Not in public. You can grab my ass and belly, since that's your thing, in public."

"And in private?"

"We'll see."


By this point they were (finally) at Jack's car. Rachel put her dance bag and trophy on the back seat.

"Ok, so we never decided what to get."

"I told you, I want to try everything."

"Ok, give me a minute."
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Jack-Elray 4 years
So far so good.
Interested to see where you take this.