One pig farm

Chapter 11 - dried shake

"How did it go?" asked Emma casually an hour later as she fixed herself a glass of water. Troy was just coming in, having waved Alice off at long last. From the red face on him, Emma could tell that her husband had been trying to hold his little stomach in for the last hour.

Troy huffed, relieved to have reached the end of the ordeal. He moved across to the hallway and looked at himself in the mirror for the first time since hastily dressing himself. He flapped his arms at his reflection in the mirror, realising how ridiculous he looked. Then, finding traces of dried gainer shake to the corners of his mouth, he whimpered in despair, licking his thumb and trying to scrub them off. He was so fixated on himself, he didn't even notice Emma slide up behind him until her arms wrapped around his thicker middle from behind.

"There, there piggy..." Emma cooed, hugging Troy's round little paunch. "She's gone now."

"That was so..." Troy began, trying to compose himself.

"...Humiliating?" Emma finished for him with a smirk.

"Yeah," Troy nodded as if traumatised. He still hadn't managed to scrub his face clean, even now.

"Good," Emma smiled, expertly unbuttoning Troy's tight shirt from behind, allowing his fleshy stomach to appear a couple of inches at a time. "It should be humiliating," she stated. "Look at yourself..." she nodded into the mirror whilst grabbing a wedge of side fat, " look absolutely disgusting! What a fatty you're becoming!" she stated, fixating on the flab and urging him to look at it too.

Troy's arousal shone through the tightness of his pants and Emma picked up the tray of donuts she had surreptitiously carried with her. She ripped one and placed it under Troy's nose letting him sniff the sugar, but not eat. Not just yet.

"You want to eat for me pig?" she asked wickedly into the mirror, grabbing back on to the wedge of side fat with her free hand.

Troy whimpered in confirmation and his jaws slid open for Emma to stuff the first donut into his mouth as he was forced to watch himself in the mirror.

Emma pushed more and more in, knowing that speed was everything. She had to capitalise on Troy's arousal and ensure that she filled his stomach up before his body had time to realise how stuffed it was. It made the procedure look cruel and harsh as she pushed the snacks in way beyond Troy's teeth, but he needed to learn how to chew faster!

It didn't take long for things to become too much for Troy. He gasped in pleasure looking at his bloated middle pushing out further and further. Then, as if he was suddenly unable to control himself, he quickly undid his pants and released his manhood with more speed than Emma had ever seen him do anything before. He seemed to just catch it in time as he ejaculated all over the reflection of himself in the mirror.

"What a messy pig!" Emma laughed, tapping her husband on his wide rear in mock disgust.
19 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Muffintopmanor 1 year
Why tf is it one pig farm if some other dude comes in at the end??? Killed the vibe for me, didn't need Justin.
BulkBrit 4 years
Very nice scenario. I’m gay and would love Emma to have a muscle stud foreman to wrangle some gay hogs in to shape too.

Thanks for a great story, well written.
Blakebristol0 4 years
I think a sequel is in order. So good!
Feeder862 4 years
This story is now complete. But if you enjoyed it, please check out my other male weight gain stories.
Feeder862 4 years
Only two chapters left for this story. We will soon be leaving the pig shed.
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
Oh my. It just keeps getting better and better. I love how out of control he’s become. Chapter 15 is great. Ch. 16 makes me wonder, who is Justin?
Feeder862 4 years
Thanks very much. It's harder to find an audience for male gainer stories on here, so I am very glad that you are enjoying it and want it to continue.
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
I envy your writing skills, patiently building tension, then release.

Chapter 12 leaves me screaming for more. But I’m patient too. Take your time. The quality of this tale demands some time.
BeSoft 4 years
I am looking forward to see more.
Aquarius64 4 years
I wait in anticipation for more.
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
I love how you create such a slow buildup in this story.

I envy your patient writing skills. Chapter 5 leaves me wanting more.
Td0057 4 years
Great set up through chapter 3. I hope her fantasies match his.