One pig farm

Chapter 14 - lucky

Troy's shape altered alarmingly quickly over the coming months. His firm pot belly seemed to ooze out softly, losing some of it shape along the way. His tight pecs had lost the battle against the softening blubber that was invading, his nipples pointing; fat filling the entire area and beginning to seep under his arms. Troy's cheeks had puffed up with fat and his ass was growing just as wide as it was bulbous. Whereas he had started his submission at a muscular 170lbs, Troy had now packed on over 100lbs of fat, surpassing what Emma had achieved, even with her ex.

"What are you doing?" Troy asked, waking up from an impromptu breakfast stuffing in his bed. Emma had had him up in the middle of the night as well, chained and chugging for her. She could have made as much noise as she had wanted without waking him up, until now.

"Clearing out," Emma replied casually, throwing piles of Troy's clothes out of the closet. "You're too fat for these things now." She pulled out a pair of designer underwear; Troy's old favourites. "Remember how sexy you used to look in these?" she reminisced, smiling wickedly before throwing them on to the 'too fat' pile.

"But I'll have nothing to wear!" Troy protested, standing up groggily and finding it difficult to get his balance with such a bloat on him. Eventually, he managed to head over, grunting as he had to bend over to look through the heap of clothes. Some of them were not more than a week old. He held his old lucky underwear in his hands. Some things were not so easy to get rid of.

"Don't worry about it," Emma smiled, waving her hand to present Troy's closet. "There're all new clothes in here to replace them."

She watched as Troy trotted in to the space, pulling out jeans and underwear and unfolding their epic size. "But these are massive!" he noted with shock.

"Yes. They do grow their men pretty big here in Texas, right?" Emma laughed, staring at her husband's blubbery ass as she said it. "Then again..." she considered, patting the fat, hefty rump, "'re not a man - are you?" she asked, sniffing Troy's skin. The smell of the pig shed seemed to seeping into his lardy body. "You're just a pig."

Troy reeled, clearly loving it when Emma was so dismissive of him. He looked down at his old lucky underwear, still in his hands.

"You want to try them on, don't you?" Emma teased, seemingly able to read his mind. "Come on then!" she began, whipping them off him without waiting for a reply and bending down to Troy's feet to get him started.

Troy dutifully lifted his first heavy foot into the hole, then the other, feeling himself getting visibly aroused as Emma pulled the familiar material up his legs. Reaching his thighs their progress slowed as the small shape of them began to protest. Troy took over and grabbed the material harshly at either side, yanking them up as forcefully as he could. He found himself wriggling his wide hips, trying to slip them up, inch by inch.

Emma laughed proudly watching the pathetic sight. Not even half of Troy's crack had been covered by the time he finally gave up. "I bet you've worked up quite an appetite there, haven't you?" she teased, placing one hand on her husband's half naked butt and the other on the furthest point of his distended gut, appreciating how wide he had become.

Troy could hardly speak due to his own arousal. "May I wear these in the pig shed today?" he asked hopefully.
19 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Muffintopmanor 1 year
Why tf is it one pig farm if some other dude comes in at the end??? Killed the vibe for me, didn't need Justin.
BulkBrit 4 years
Very nice scenario. I’m gay and would love Emma to have a muscle stud foreman to wrangle some gay hogs in to shape too.

Thanks for a great story, well written.
Blakebristol0 4 years
I think a sequel is in order. So good!
Feeder862 4 years
This story is now complete. But if you enjoyed it, please check out my other male weight gain stories.
Feeder862 4 years
Only two chapters left for this story. We will soon be leaving the pig shed.
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
Oh my. It just keeps getting better and better. I love how out of control he’s become. Chapter 15 is great. Ch. 16 makes me wonder, who is Justin?
Feeder862 4 years
Thanks very much. It's harder to find an audience for male gainer stories on here, so I am very glad that you are enjoying it and want it to continue.
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
I envy your writing skills, patiently building tension, then release.

Chapter 12 leaves me screaming for more. But I’m patient too. Take your time. The quality of this tale demands some time.
BeSoft 4 years
I am looking forward to see more.
Aquarius64 4 years
I wait in anticipation for more.
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
I love how you create such a slow buildup in this story.

I envy your patient writing skills. Chapter 5 leaves me wanting more.
Td0057 4 years
Great set up through chapter 3. I hope her fantasies match his.