One pig farm

Chapter 7 - after

Emma knew that things were far too safe for Troy. Three times a day, they would spend an hour or so feeding Troy in the pig shed. It was predictable and ran like clockwork, pumping the necessary calories into the handsome man. The results were good too, with Emma able to pack a few pounds onto Troy within a couple of weeks.

"My stomach hurts!" Troy would complain, once they were back inside the house. He would sit there rubbing the distended area, breathing uncomfortably and attempting to burp up any air he had accidentally swallowed whilst trying to gorge himself from his pig trough.

Emma sighed impatiently. "Of course it hurts!" she replied. "The amount of calories you've eaten today is more than..."

She stopped herself, realising that she didn't want Troy to know. Then she grinned wickedly and looked at her husband who appeared keen to find out what he had actually consumed today. "How much?" he asked her, willing her to continue.

"That's none of your business!" Emma laughed, before walking over to him and patting his bloat. "Needless to say though, you're going to find your body going through some rapid changes soon," she noted, sliding her hand proudly around the packed stomach. "Massively overdosed on calories every day..." she thought aloud, "'re going to be quite the porker!"

The pitiful man sighed contentedly at the reply, his face washing over with relief. He was going to be a porker! The thought seemed to comfort him as he continued to try burping out the gas, so that he could get to sleep soon.

Troy's stature, although a little bloated, looked no less impressive. His body took on the appearance of a handsome man on a bulk. His muscles popped even more than usual and, even though his six pack was still there, it appeared less defined and his middle was surely thicker.

"Look at me!" Troy smiled, marvelling at himself in the mirror. "I'm getting fat!"

Emma looked across, unimpressed. Troy's hand was sliding over the slight curve to his stomach as if it were the most amazing thing in the world and the culmination of everything they had been working for.

This is nothing yet, Emma thought. She needed to push Troy's more. She needed him to see exactly what she was really going to do to him. The fat was going to spread and cover everywhere, including that stubbornly tight ass of his.

Troy's body was on the road to ruin.
19 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Muffintopmanor 1 year
Why tf is it one pig farm if some other dude comes in at the end??? Killed the vibe for me, didn't need Justin.
BulkBrit 4 years
Very nice scenario. I’m gay and would love Emma to have a muscle stud foreman to wrangle some gay hogs in to shape too.

Thanks for a great story, well written.
Blakebristol0 4 years
I think a sequel is in order. So good!
Feeder862 4 years
This story is now complete. But if you enjoyed it, please check out my other male weight gain stories.
Feeder862 4 years
Only two chapters left for this story. We will soon be leaving the pig shed.
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
Oh my. It just keeps getting better and better. I love how out of control he’s become. Chapter 15 is great. Ch. 16 makes me wonder, who is Justin?
Feeder862 4 years
Thanks very much. It's harder to find an audience for male gainer stories on here, so I am very glad that you are enjoying it and want it to continue.
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
I envy your writing skills, patiently building tension, then release.

Chapter 12 leaves me screaming for more. But I’m patient too. Take your time. The quality of this tale demands some time.
BeSoft 4 years
I am looking forward to see more.
Aquarius64 4 years
I wait in anticipation for more.
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
I love how you create such a slow buildup in this story.

I envy your patient writing skills. Chapter 5 leaves me wanting more.
Td0057 4 years
Great set up through chapter 3. I hope her fantasies match his.