One pig farm

Chapter 9 - the visitor

Over the following weeks, Emma was true to her word. Troy really wasn't safe from being fed, no matter what the time of day. The pig shed was where Emma did her regular and expected damage each day, but nothing ever stopped her from pushing bags of donuts, or cookies into her husband's mouth on a mere whim. The funnel became a regular bed companion, but Emma was certain to never stick to a regular pattern, trying to ensure that Troy was always a step behind. She started to freeze huge batches of fattening shake mix and defrost it when she needed it, but she also mixed things up with new recipes as well as tasty Texan cuisine that had fattened-up men here for generations.

Troy's flat stomach soon puffed into a tight, hard paunch underneath his built pecs. Love handles sprouted and his rear took on a new, solid thickness to it. "I'm fat!" Troy noted, looking at himself in the mirror Emma had placed in the pig shed, his hand sliding over the curve of his permanently bloated middle. "What's happening to my ass?" he asked, sounding almost a little fearful of how quickly he had lost his athletic shape back there.

"This is nothing..." Emma stated firmly, almost irritated by how enamoured Troy was by looking only 45lbs heavier. She slipped her fingers under the mass of Troy's glute and began to bounce the newly plumped cheek, making Troy's eyes roll back into his head. The pig loved the sensation of feeling the fresh fat on himself. "Hungry?" Emma asked, knowing that there wasn't really a choice for Troy, even if he wasn't.

Troy dutifully nodded his head; his manhood already throbbing.

Emma pushed Troy's broad back down before lowering his face back into the trough of pig slop. Then she stood back to admire the disgraceful sight. From this position, she could see the fat collecting at the back of Troy's muscular arms, and building in his chest, already starting to mask his previous definition. She poked his side and felt the first softness in his love handles, widening Troy out and finally taking away his enviously narrow waist.

"I've arranged a meeting for you with Alice Barton this afternoon," Emma stated factually as Troy was coming to the end of his lunchtime feed; his paunch looking heavier and rounder than ever as he continued to gorge over the trough. "She's coming to the house and will be here in..." he looked at his watch, knowing full well what the time was, "...two minutes."

Alice Barton was the head of an advertising company where Troy was the second largest shareholder. Since retiring to Texas, he hadn't met with anyone in weeks for anything work-related and his eyes bulged at the news. Still on all-fours in the pig shed, he suddenly stood up in a panic without anything covering his overfed body; thick, sticky slop oozing down his mouth as Troy had surrendered himself to his kinks for the last hour. "You arranged a meeting?" he said, panicking. "But I'm naked!" he gasped, suddenly very aware of himself.

Emma heard a car pull up the drive and she grinned deviously. "Too late to get to the house to get changed now," she laughed, peeking a look out of the shutter. "She's blocking your way to the front door!"
19 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Muffintopmanor 1 year
Why tf is it one pig farm if some other dude comes in at the end??? Killed the vibe for me, didn't need Justin.
BulkBrit 4 years
Very nice scenario. I’m gay and would love Emma to have a muscle stud foreman to wrangle some gay hogs in to shape too.

Thanks for a great story, well written.
Blakebristol0 4 years
I think a sequel is in order. So good!
Feeder862 4 years
This story is now complete. But if you enjoyed it, please check out my other male weight gain stories.
Feeder862 4 years
Only two chapters left for this story. We will soon be leaving the pig shed.
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
Oh my. It just keeps getting better and better. I love how out of control he’s become. Chapter 15 is great. Ch. 16 makes me wonder, who is Justin?
Feeder862 4 years
Thanks very much. It's harder to find an audience for male gainer stories on here, so I am very glad that you are enjoying it and want it to continue.
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
I envy your writing skills, patiently building tension, then release.

Chapter 12 leaves me screaming for more. But I’m patient too. Take your time. The quality of this tale demands some time.
BeSoft 4 years
I am looking forward to see more.
Aquarius64 4 years
I wait in anticipation for more.
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
I love how you create such a slow buildup in this story.

I envy your patient writing skills. Chapter 5 leaves me wanting more.
Td0057 4 years
Great set up through chapter 3. I hope her fantasies match his.