Bad plan

chapter 1

Louis gets on the bike of Victor, he puts the helmet that tends the biker before hugging the belly to hang on. It was not the first time, it showed that he used to ride on this vehicle with his driver. Victor folds his helmet and his rolled. Louis loved this situation, the speed and the feeling of the turns ... A feeling of self-sufficiency seizes him but it's already over, on motorcycle we put about 5 minutes from the post office at home. On their way home, since now they were going to live together, Victor went to the fridge to catch some alcohol. Louis is a party animal, and last week there was a party for Killian before he left. And there were several Easter 9 beer, about three. Not to mention that Louis had spent the day cooking and there were still leftovers and dishes that were not eaten. So there were things in this fridge. Victor's disappointment when he noticed that the fridge was empty, he thought of the mushroom cheese bacon quiches, the fried houses and the meat dishes, the little pizzas and the chocolate and cream cakes Louis had made. All that was gone. He turned to his friend, shocked.Victor says, "where are the remnants of the party?"Louis: "'eaten' 'A moment of silence passed. Louis took off his shoes and removed his bomber and it was then that he noticed that Louis's hips were bigger than last week. Louis tucked his bomber in the closet and was in profile. Victor was amazed to see the shape of a belly. He knew that Louis was fat, they went to the beach with their friends and bathed, but Louis, last week lazier less round.Victor: "you have eaten everything."Louis: "Yep, it was going to turn if not"Victor got closer and said, "'all of a sudden' 'Louis: "No, it made me 4 days"Victor jokingly: "'naughty, you could leave me, as usual t took it all'" and patted his friend's belly.Louis: "oh leave it! Must feed him well"They laughed together for a while. Then Victor headed for the exit. Louis turned around with astonishment. Victor was going shopping for his friends. There was nothing left in the fridge and it was up to him to fill it, it was the contract to stay here.

Louis was alone for a moment. He decided in the logic of things to clean. He took the vacuum cleaner and started in the living room, after a few minutes the heat had risen ... The T-shirt is a handicap in this situation, a helping hand and the garment was on the couch. 14 hours the sun does not hit so hard but stays warm. Louis went on vacuuming again, the living room was finished, with the two corridors and the kitchen. Normal after 30 minutes cleaning. Louis's body was a little wet with the time and effort provided. But he had not finished but before he moped, he went to the bathroom to clean himself with a towel. In front of the ice he could notice the damage of the heat. The napkin in his hand he began with the nape of the neck and then slipped towards these fat pecs. Passing the towel the fat followed the movements of the hand. The belly water was much wetter because of the hair. Passing the towel there, and the belly reacted, trembled a little with movements of wave that went down to the lower abdomen and his love handles. Here he did it twice. Although he was not huge, his hips were still bulky. Finished, he took the mop and wet it a little and was going to clean the kitchen. After this task he can finally rest. Dozens of minutes to four legs, with this belly falling, attracted by gravity. Fortunately he was not more than 100 kilos (220 Lds), he thought. He would have mopped with his belly, he laughed at this thought ... Then he heard a bell ring at the door. Louis felt stupid, he had forgotten to pass the double keys to Victor. He ran to the entrance, his little nipples bouncing with his belly. The door opens and Victor saw Louis turned naked and a little wet by the mop. Louis felt a bit silly but quickly moved on to something else. Victor had plenty of bags in his hand, 4 four filled to a crack by chance, and last but not least because he is training, he was strong it was seen with these muscles becoming, contracted to carry everything. It was impressive to see. He opened the fridge to put on; a box of custard with 2 packs of 6 chocolate yogurts and vanilla. Boucés à la crème, he knew that it was Louis's sin, so 4 boxes of 4. It already filled one in three floors. He also released the 4 cheeses and a family bag of Gruyère, accompanied by 8 boxes of bacon, to finish with 2 boxes of mushroom paris. The top floor for him had drinks on the fly. 4 bottles of coke, he had them a promo "one bought the other offered" so he took advantage, then 2 bottles of lemonade and a strawberry syrup. For the fridge it was finished, now the cupboards. So it's easy filled with two bags of cakes, such as Pepitos, Cranolas and Kinders. Not to mention chips. Louis looked at him surprised.Louis: "'they bought you for a whole regiment ...' 'Victor: "'Of course, you have to feed the monster' 'touching Louis's sweaty belly.Louis takes a step back and says: "'Yeah, but that's a lot and it's food that goes with the rest ... Where are the vegetables, starch, cereals?'Victor "'Do not worry there's a 5th bag in the hallway of the building' 'Going to the exit to take this 5th bag, which contained two bags of potatoes and laughs and pasta. But surprise there was also, just behind the bags three pizzas size 3 people.Louis with a smile on his face: "'But you're sick, it must have cost you dear ones.' 'Victor: "'not really, I had my pay and I know someone at the supermarket who owed me a'" wink "and I'm sure your hunger, and I must gat you A little bit, you host me gracefully so I have to make a mark! "Louis took his big friend, because he was tall 1m92 (6''29), in these arms and Victor accepted this hug. And took the opportunity to feel his hips in his hands. Hip juicy for a kid of 85 kilos. But he also felt the belly of Louis sticking on his abs This feeling of being stuck to his fat was nice, too much that it began to limit being existed. He interrupted the hug to quickly put the food inside the apartment.
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