Haley's gain

Chapter 2 - Freshman Year

With a full semester under her belt, Haley couldn't be happier to get back to campus after a too long winter break. Sure, it had been nice seeing old friends and family over the holidays.. but Haley's new life was at college. As soon as Haley returned to campus, she headed straight for the dining hall. The overwhelming amount of choices her school's cafeteria provided made this part of campus Haley's absolute favorite place to spend time. With a healthy portion of breakfast food, Haley reminisced on all the fun she had had since coming to college.

After much persistence, a junior boy named Mark had finally asked her out, and Haley had said yes. He was tall, built like an adonis, and was very sweet to her. Even though Haley had wanted to play the field for a while, Mark was a very hard suitor to say no to. For Haley, it was honestly refreshing to have a boyfriend and to not have to worry so much about who her next random hook up was going to be. She felt like she could relax and cut loose even more now that she was dating him. Mark made her feel very comfortable and content with life. The sex was pretty terrific as well. He had a wealth of experience in bed that none of her old high school boyfriends even came close to. Overall, she liked him.

The partying had not died down at all for Haley. Not having been much of a drinker in high school (due to sports), Haley found herself binge drinking beers and getting well beyond tipsy several nights a week. All the drinking games that demanded chugging were a little intimidating at first, but by the end of her first semester, Haley was starting to become a pro at it.

On the few occasions that her boyfriend was too drunk or too busy to take home and get frisky with, Haley discovered a new secret lover. Fast food. Before Haley had come to college, fast food had never crossed her lips. However, since fast food places were the only types of food open late at night, it was a good way for Haley to cap things off before stumbling home drunk with her friends.

On top of the beer and just about weekly fast food trips, Haley practically lived in the school's dining hall. Students that lived on campus were required to get an unlimited pass to this eatery. Inside were pizzas, burgers, mac and cheese, ice cream, cookies, cakes, and all sorts of other comfort foods. Without skipping a beat, Haley spent her time hanging out or doing homework between classes in the school's dining hall. After a semester of this, it was kind of starting to show.

Gone was the toned athletic body Haley arrived at campus with. In its place, was a body that was much softer and curvier. Unbeknownst to Haley, all of the countless plates of food she was eating seemed to stick mostly to her thighs, hips, and butt. Her midriff was even starting to soften just a little bit, pooching out ever so slightly. All that said, Haley was still incredibly hot. In fact, the added weight to her lower half was even starting to turn more heads. No one could say she didn't wear it well.

Haley stood up after her third helping of breakfast and walked over to the baked good section of the cafeteria. There she found an appetizing looking maple glazed doughnut. Picking it up, Haley smiled to herself as she headed to her first class, taking a bite of the delicious treat. This was going to be another good semester.
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Fondyfa 4 years
This is amazing story, well done!!! I love the idea that Erin continue to loose weight while Haley keeps gaining. I also can’t weight to see the fit mom reaction to her now obese daughter. I look so forward to the updates
Jimbo021289 4 years
There was a line in this story something like "Erin's wasn't done with her yet" I wonder what the meaning behind that was. I'd love to see a continuing contrast weight wise between Erin and Hailey. I hope to also see Hailey bursting out of Erin's 342lb cl
Roguseco 4 years
This is the best story I've read here in a long time.
ConJohn 4 years

Where do people see the story going?
Jazzman 4 years
Such a great story.Marvelous.
ConJohn 4 years
Jazzman - Thank you! Yes, aggreed. leaving her weight unupdated was deliberate. We'll check back in on that number as the story continues to progress
Jazzman 4 years
Fabulous pacing and weaving of the character. And denying the reader the numbers all but occasionally builds a good tension. It let's us imagine how far she has gone..Can't wait for more
ConJohn 4 years
Thanks for the feedback! It's incredibly motivating!
Jazzman 4 years
Getting better with each chapter.
Jimbo021289 4 years
Please continue this story is great!!
ConJohn 4 years
wow!! Thank you smiley I hope you continue to enjoy the story as it progresses
Jazzman 4 years
You're a wonderful writer. Really enjoyed the two new chapters
ConJohn 4 years
Thanks for the feedback and kind words!

Jazzman - noted! I won’t prolong that trope too much longer. Agreed that you can really push plausible denial so far.

Contemplating - I’ll be touching a bit on that in the next two chapters
Jazzman 4 years
Good writing and character development. I would Steer clear of the worn out cliche's of this genre like "clothes shrunk" and extreme naivety. I mean is there really anyone who gains 50 and thinks its 5 or 10.The viagra angle was new and creative.
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