Haley's gain

Chapter 3 - Freshman Year

Haley was nervous. It was the very end of the second semester of her freshman year. Finals had completed, and most of the students were preparing to go home for the summer. For the past several weeks, Haley's boyfriend Mark had been acting pretty aloof and standoffish towards her. For some reason, their relationship had been on a downward trend as the semester had gone on. Haley had no idea why, but Mark seemed much less eager to text her back, spend time with her, or (lately) want to have sex.

Today was her last chance to see him before they both went home for the summer. Haley lived on the west coast and Mark on the east. Pretty soon they'd be thousands of miles away from each other for a few months. Haley theorized that Mark had been stressed about studying for finals, and that was why he was less responsive towards her. At least that's what she told herself.

Haley winced in pain as she stood in her dorm room, waiting for Mark to show up. She had gotten out some of her sexiest lingerie and had plans to surprise her boyfriend with her perfect body on display. However, every strap and bit of elastic her undergarments had was painfully pinching and squeezing into her.

This semester, in particular, Haley had noticed that a lot of her clothes were getting tighter and tighter on her. She had complained to the school that they dryers were shrinking all of her clothes, but they just shrugged off her grievance and did nothing. It was frustrating. Of course, Haley knew that she maybe had put on a few (maybe five) pounds her freshman year. She knew everyone put on a little weight their freshman year. As long as she hadn't put on the dreaded freshman fifteen, Haley was okay with just a few pounds. Sure, she could weigh herself and find out, but Haley didn't see the point. Her body had always been slim and perfect. Why would that change?

If Haley had stepped on a scale, she would have seen that she was one of the unlucky few girls to gain the freshman fifty. In her second semester, Haley's thighs exploded with fat. Any time she sat down, her large thighs spread like chunky peanut butter. Every bit of the poor girl from the waist down had noticeably chunked up. Her ass and hips had widened, her little tummy had started to become a softer belly, even her arms were getting a little soft. Her former hourglass figure was drastically shifting towards a pear. With the exception of her upper body and face, Haley looked downright chubby. All of this was due to her eating habits.

As Mark become more reluctant to spend time with his thickening girlfriend, Haley turned to food. Late-night fast food trips were replacing sex on a much more frequent basis. As finals approached, Haley turned to sweets to relieve her stress. She had never had much of a sweet-tooth before, but she quickly found how soothing chocolate could be. Sometimes, Haley would spend hours in the college cafeteria, slowly grazing on plate after plate of food while she tired to read or get homework assignments done.

Early on in the semester, Mark had encouraged Haley to come with him to the gym or order a salad when they went out to eat. It was apparent that Haley didn't care. She still hadn't set foot in the school's gym and hadn't touched a salad all year. It was hard for Mark to express his frustration with what was happening to Haley, so he chose to hope that she would come to her senses. Even Haley's friends were starting to get a little worried, asking her if everything was okay. None, however, confronted her on her gain because Haley still acted just as confident with her body as she did the first day of college.

Just as Haley thought she couldn't endure wearing her tight underwear a second longer, Mark knocked on her door.

"Come in" Haley said in the sultriest voice she could muster.

When Mark entered the room, his eyes went wide. Haley struck a pose and then twirled around. She almost fell over, not yet used to her new center of gravity. When she re-gained her footing, she looked into Mark's eyes "Well, what do you think?"

There was a long pause before Mark responded, "I.. uh.. I"

She felt happy she had made Mark so speechless and didn't need to hear anymore. Closing the gap between the two, Haley reached out and felt Mark's crotch.

She immediately frowned. He was soft. "What's wrong baby? Do you not like my outfit?"

Mark slowly flinched away from Haley's grip on his package. "No.. I mean I do, yea.. sorry it's just.. I wanted to tell you something.."

Haley's gave him puppy dog eyes, hearing the concern in his voice. Seeing how cute she still was made Mark falter on confronting her on something that he had wanted to confront her on for weeks. He chickened out.

"I wanted to tell you I'm... gonna miss you this summer."

Haley's heart melted "Awww, babe. You're so sweet." She leaned in for a kiss, pressing her soft body against his. Mark winced as he kissed her, wishing he could say what was on his mind. Eventually, he did pull away. Haley was clearly ready for sex, and he wasn't.

"Hey Haley, mind if I just use the restroom real quick? I'll be right back."

Haley agreed and patiently waited. Mark had been gone for fifteen minutes before he returned. However, Haley noticed a stiffness in the crotch region of his pants. She confirmed his arousal when she undressed him. The sex they had was intense. Mark lasted for two hours until they finally had to stop because Haley was worn out. She was impressed by her boyfriend's stamina. All of the concerns that had been growing in her about her relationship were quickly fading away as she cuddled him. It was clear that her boyfriend was still totally into her. It just made it that much worse that she wouldn't be able to see him again until she returned for her sophomore year.
104 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 1 year
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Charlie604 1 year
Amazing. But damn you not capitalizing the title makes my OCD run wild.
ConJohn 1 year
I've tried a million times to capitalize it (it shows capitalized when I edit it) but it always shows up like this.. may be a site bug.
Zorro252525 1 year
One of the best authors on here! Keep up the great work brother. Any plans to finish "the secretary's spread"?
ConJohn 1 year
Thank! Yeah, I know how I'm going to end that one and plan on finishing it for sure (3/4 of the story is done). But I just need to put pen to paper
Makeme300 1 year
Love the latest chapters. So hot
ConJohn 1 year
Thank you!
Krollmeister 1 year
many like fat but are too afraid or ashamed of what everyone else think to be open or honest about it & way to go Hailey for standing up for herself and finally seeing Todd for what he really is
ConJohn 1 year
Thanks! I think it was a fitting character choice.
ConJohn 2 years
Can confirm. This was also barely a month since Haley last saw Melisa in the supermarket.
AndiFive 2 years
the story is amazing and seeing Haley go down from the start was really nice. but I really hope Haley doesn't get immobility in the end
AndiFive 2 years
I think it's good that she has become a keg of lard that gets tired with a short walk, but I hope she retains mobility even if it's mobility limited by obesity.
ConJohn 2 years
Yeah, I think I explored that element in another one of my stories. Without giving too much away, I agree with your sentiments.
Scootergirl 2 years
Naturally, I'd be excited to see her make use of a mobility scooter from time to time though.
Delta625 2 years
There's a certain part of me that would love the cosmic justice of hearing Melissa lost control into immobility trying to "win" Todd back though. So mean to poor Haley!
AndiFive 2 years
it would be interesting if there was a spin-off of Alison getting fat after this meeting with Haley
ConJohn 2 years
She deserves it
Mikeboi1994 2 years
After the last story I started reading this one and now i'm at 74. I'm enjoying this so much smiley
ConJohn 2 years
Appreciate you taking the time to read. At this point, I'd imagine that's quite a lot of reading for a newcomer to this story.
Anomal 2 years
Fantastic story. Really wonder where this epic story is going.
ConJohn 2 years
Thanks! I have a ending planned that I'm getting towards. Time will tell
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