
Chapter 4 - softening

"We haven't done anything with your friends for a while," Grace tried about a few weeks later. "Have we got anything planned soon?"

After considering things, Grace had to admit to herself that Kyle wasn't really the guy for her. Sure, he was pretty good looking, but he was also sulky and quite high maintenance. He also had a tendency to get really drunk when he was out with his friends, which Grace found very tiring. However, she wasn't willing to admit to herself that she was only staying with him so that she could have more opportunities to bump into his kinky friends.

Kyle looked at his cell phone. "It's Helen's birthday in a couple of weeks. She's having a thing at her place."

Grace nodded, pleased. Christian and Dianne were huge pals with Helen; there was no way they wouldn't be there. Her excitement from the barbecue had not abated. She found her mind constantly slipping to imagining what Christian was feeding his girlfriend each meal time, or standing her on the scales to see if her weight had increased.

Despite being in a relationship, Grace had never touched herself so much in her entire life. It was as if her sex drive was on overload since she had met Kyle's kinky friends. Her own arousal was pushing her to indulge herself, wanting to feel that tightness in her stomach once again. She began to fantasise about being in an eating competition with blubbery Dianne; Christian bringing food to them both and admiring their ever swelling stomachs. She felt that she could hardly control her own appetite, as if her own arousal was compelling her to prepare for an eating challenge that would never come.

"You know..." said Kyle, sitting up in bed as Grace had just got up brush her teeth, "...you could do with getting a gym subscription somewhere." His eyes danced around his girlfriend's body: her butt, her legs, stomach, even her breasts. "You're definitely looking a little..." he considered things, trying to be sensitive, "...a little softer than you were when we first got together."

"No I'm not..." Grace laughed, trying to take things in her stride. She didn't want to be one of those women who took offence whenever her weight was mentioned, but if she was to tell the truth, this conversation was already getting her very turned on. She knew that she was putting on weight. She could feel it spreading across her toned body. Every week, the scales announced in bold numbers that an extra pound had been added. She'd even monitored the size of her hips with a tape measure and knew that she was close to adding three inches already. She took herself off to the bathroom and locked the door before she lost herself completely. Taking her hand, she rubbed the new softness that was beginning to encircle her previously flat stomach. She could see herself in the mirror, her fine, enviable figure plumping up and softening; her cheeks carrying a little extra and looking puffier. She slipped her hand further south, looking guiltily back at the locked door. But, she couldn't help herself; it felt like she didn't even have any control over this new side of her; this new persona.

Turning on the bath taps created enough noise as she fished out her vibrator and perched herself on the edge of the tub, still able to see her reflection in the mirror. Pleasuring herself, she admired the roll that formed when she slouched like this and enjoyed the spread of her ass cheeks as she sat. Kyle had always loved her ass. It was the part of her that he had loved the most. Now she was destroying it, deliberately making it softer and wider.

Kyle had noticed; it felt like it was official: she was getting fat!

When the orgasm came, she had to put her free hand over her mouth to mute the groans of pleasure, as Kyle still lay in bed, blissfully unaware of what his girlfriend was up to.
13 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Jazzman 4 years
Absolutely Fantastic! As Usual!
Aquarius64 4 years
Shows promise after 2 chapters
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