
Chapter 5 - impress

Grace could feel her clothes pinching her in odd ways as she tried to clean up her car before picking Kyle up. She had genuinely forgotten the amount of take-out she had ordered this week as she tried to pick it all up, already running a little late. She had had to iron a new, larger blouse after losing the confidence to wear the tight one she had planned on. Her breasts had swollen quite considerably in the last few of weeks, alongside her softer tummy. Add in the fact that her hips had grown a full five inches since she had started all this and she could see why a lot of her wardrobe was becoming so redundant.

Kyle’s jibes about her weight were coming thick and fast, only igniting Grace's appetite even more. Each night this week, she had had to stop for fast food on the way home from Kyle’s apartment; challenging herself to eat increasing amounts each time. What was it about his mean comments that got her off so much?

Helen’s birthday party was much larger than Grace was expecting and it was hard to get around everyone who was there. After a short while, she’d lost track of Kyle and was chatting to some girls about travelling experiences, when she caught sight of Christian and Dianne coming in late yet again. Was that a little bit of tomato sauce around Dianne’s mouth? Had the two of them stopped on the way here to stuff Dianne that little bit more? She certainly looked at least twenty pounds heavier than when Grace saw her last, at the barbecue. Although, like her, Dianne had clearly resisted the urge to wear something tight enough to show it off too much.

Grace began to lose track of her conversation with the girls as her eyes followed the kinky couple around the room. Dianne was definitely carrying more weight on her, Grace’s mind decided. The woman was positively lardy.

Grace’s breath caught in her chest as her arousal returned, just imagining everything Dianne must have eaten and had pushed into her to make all this happen. “Hey guys!” she smiled, catching up with Dianne and Christian by the buffet a few minutes later. “How are you doing?” she asked, trying to be as friendly as possible.

Grace saw Christian spot it first; the searching of his eyes as they headed towards Grace’s slightly thicker middle. Dianne soon did the same as well. But why was Grace so turned on being checked out them both?

“You should try the pie,” she explained quickly to Dianne, reaching across and grabbing a slice without bothering with a plate. “I’ve eaten loads of it,” she lied, unsure why she was so keen to show Dianne what a great appetite she had.

The couple smiled politely and began a short conversation relating to things that they had discussed last time. However, Grace couldn’t take her eyes off the plate of food Christian was gathering for his oversized girlfriend. She could tell that he was expertly choosing the most fattening selection from the table of treats. How did he even manage to fit so much on that modest plate? It drove Grace wild to see a real-life feeder in action.

“That looks good!” Grace marvelled, seeing the plate of food being passed over to Dianne and grabbing a plate herself, trying to load it up just as she had seen Christian do for Dianne. Somehow, she felt that she wanted to impress Christian as well. He really needed to witness her gluttony tonight. Who knew when they might next be in the same room altogether? It could be months!

Together, they found a quiet spot out in the garden where conversation still managed to flow, despite the fact that Grace was trying desperately to keep up with Dianne’s rapid, seemingly effortless consumption.

“Are you all done babe?” Christian asked Dianne as she wiped her mouth with a paper napkin. “Would you like more of the chicken wings?” he asked his now considerably overweight lover.

Dianne nodded her head, still chewing it all. But as Christian stood up to head to the buffet for her, he stopped and saw that Grace had finished as well.

“Would you like me to get you more from the buffet too?” Christian asked Grace, already picking up her empty plate and giving her a cheeky smile.
13 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Joyous Feeder 1 year
Oh this story is sooo erotic and exciting, I'm so hot and bothered I don't know what to do with myself. As I've gobbled up the last 3 chapters I've been melting a quart of ice cream to funnel into me.
Miachu 3 years
This was so good, wish there was a sequel!
Karenjenk 4 years
This is the second time i read this.
her BF is a jerk... i kinda like that he left her.
Pity you stopped
Tablesofacha... 4 years
Fatchance 4 years
NOOOOOO!!! Don't stop NOW!
Batanta 4 years
Just loved this story. So well paced
Mattnagle 4 years
Love this story, wonderfully written, a joy to read , thankyou so much, Fantastic????
Jazzman 4 years
Damn.The best story on here and its over. Loved it. Please do an epilogue.
Feeder862 4 years
And that was the final chapter. I hope you enjoyed it!
Jazzman 4 years
This story is Fabulous.
Juicy 4 years
This is an outstanding story... creative, perfectly paced, and beautifully written. I can’t wait for the next chapter. Congrats!
Karenjenk 4 years
I love this.
her trickery and how her bf is unwilling but she is strong and does what she wants anyway
Jazzman 4 years
One of the best yet!
Mattnagle 4 years
A really great read so far , please keep writing , most enjoyable ,thank you.
Ikr 4 years
This is great. I enjoy the simple style and realistic pacing. I can't wait for Grace to 'outgrow' Kyle.
Sharkshark 4 years
This is so damn good
Jazzman 4 years
Your always wonderful writing style is on full display with this story.
Dutchbbwlover 4 years
Great story!
Td0057 4 years
Really like where this is going. Great writing! Looking forward to more.
Edxl 4 years
Great start smiley
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