6 steps to heaven

chapter 3

"Eat this if you love having all your responsibilities taken care of." A little sensation of fullness started to set in as the true realisation of how easy I had made her life hit her like a tonne of bricks. /I do have such a laid back, stress-free lifestyle... all because of him!/ She ate the 3rd out of my hand with more enthusiasm accordingly. 'BUUUUURP, oh excuse me.' In the past she would have never contently belched like that, it was always under her breath or behind her hand ladylike... further signs of her fall from grace. "That's my Molly, don't be silly let it out..." She gathered herself and leaned back now cradling her ever growing belly. 'Uhhhh I'm starting to get full, I'm not sure I ca-' "ALL the things I do for you and you won't eat some bloody cupcakes?!" She needed reigning in, what was to come would be an important step in her indoctrination. 'Urp- yes, yes, sorry of course' She smiled, satisfied in the knowledge that this was a fair trade-off for how well taken care of she was day-to-day... /Now to ramp it up some/ I told myself, picking up the 4th tasty pastry. "Eat this if you love every single one of the 200lbs you've so easily packed on over the last few years we've been together" Her eyes went wide as she almost gasped at this request... Was it a step too far? 'Wait, erm, what does THAT mean? I've put on a bit I know bu- "DON'T try to play games with me sweety, you have your tantrums every now and then when you outgrow your wardrobe and have a little strop when you realise the stairs aren't quite as easy as they used to be, but deep down... you love all this extra chub." I squeezed each inch as I went along her swollen body. "The flabby bingo wings, the thunder thighs, the double chin... you KNOW you love it. Show me you love your obese body."

As I teased the reward in front of her her mind scrambled for some sense of normality. /I was just complaining about all this new weight 5 minutes ago and now he wants me to say I like it! I know I've let myself go a bit, and he's just been enabling my bad habits.... but they do say you should be happy in your own skin. And I always fall back into the trap of binge eating and the food he makes is SO good I just can't resist... I know he likes to be a bit of a feeder, but it just scares me if I ever lose control one day.../ Somewhat reluctantly this time she nibbled away taking her time until it was gone. I cheered mentally, the damage had mostly been done by now. I was so close, just a couple more home truths and she was mine... to fatten.... forever. I gave her another, longer kiss whilst fondling her love handles. She felt reassured that her man loved her no matter what shape she was. Breathing a sigh of both relief and of fullness, Molly groaned again. "Nearly there now..." Picking up the penultimate cupcake I delved further into my sadistic plans for her "Eat this if you actually want to keep on gaining MORE weight." She was teetering on the edge, this trully was judgement day for our relationship. Getting hot and flustered she tried to blurt out a relevant response 'erm wait, what?! More? You... you want me to get even BIGGER than how huge I am already?' "I wasn't born yesterday, you were a miserable 150lb mess when I met you. So wrapped up in your hectic studies and other duties that barlet left you to have any proper YOU time. I gave you the opportunity for a happier, cosier life. I know you better than anyone else and you are a total food addict, you are at your happiest when you're stuffing your face. I see that look on your face every meal when you push yourself over the edge as your eyes roll back and you slip blissfully into a food coma. I can tell you prefer me fucking your brains out on a full stomach. Your favourite pass time is to lay in bed together watching Netflix as I hand feed you snacks and rub your belly whilst you purr like a kitten."

Deep in thought her head was racing /Everything he's saying makes complete sense... but it goes against the moral fabric of a society I've been brought up in. A culture of fat = bad... do I have to abide by it though? Do I want to? These past few years have been the best of my life and I haven't been out doing 'normal' things most people enjoy, I've been in this house mostly... maybe this is right... maybe he's right.../ I gently cupped the bottom of her stretchmark laden gut. "All of this babe, is our love. And as you grow, so does our love." We passionately made out for a good minute as everything began to fall into place in her mind... /Oh god I don't think I've ever been this horny... I never used to get as turned on as this when I was thin and depressed/ she mused to herself. I pulled back and reintroduced the cupcake. "Eat it if you want to grow our love even stronger by continuing to pile on the blubber baby." After a slight hesitation she bit the bullet and went all in. Desperately grabbed it right out of my hand to my shock and amazement and greedily scoffed it down in no time. 'Oh god what's come over me... why did I do that... mmm it's so good though' "Hehe I know hun, they're delightful aren't they? Don't you worry they'll be PLENTY more of those to come in the future..."
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GrowingLoveH... 3 years
Excellent perverse erotica!